Mayor Bloomberg NOT Politically Correct????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Oh, man....I never thought I'd see this......Little Miquelito kicked the bee hive!

He used facts and logic to make his's gonna get it!

1. "Mayor Bloomberg on stop-and-frisk: It can be argued ‘We disproportionately stop whites too much. And minorities too little’

2. ...comments touched off a firestorm — some mayoral candidates called the statements ‘outrageous and out of touch’ and ‘unworthy.’

3 .Speaking on his weekly radio show, Bloomberg sought to rebut critics who cite the high percentage of blacks and Hispanics stopped by the police as proof that stop-and-frisk has unfairly singled out minorities.

4. ....they just keep saying, ‘Oh, it’s a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group.’ That may be. But it’s not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the murders,” Bloomberg said.

5. “In that case, incidentally, I think, we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,” the mayor said. “It’s exactly the reverse of what they’re saying. I don’t know where they went to school, but they certainly didn’t take a math course, or a logic course.”

6. “His comments weren't worthy of any elected official, much less the mayor of the city of New York,” said Democrat Bill Thompson, the only black candidate in the race.

7. ....Bill de Blasio, urged followers on Twitter to retweet if they agreed that "Bloomberg's statement today that minorities are stopped and frisked ‘too little’ is outrageous and out of touch.”

8. To buttress the mayor’s remarks, his office released a set of statistics. The numbers showed that 87% of the people stopped under stop-and-frisk in 2012 were black or Latino, and that 9% were white. That same year, more than 90% of those identified as murder suspects were blacks or Latino; just 7% were white.

9. Critics of stop-and-frisk charge that such numbers are irrelevant.

10. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said that she “strongly” disagreed with Bloomberg’s comments."
Mayor Bloomberg on stop-and-frisk: It can be argued ?We disproportionately stop whites too much. And minorities too little?* - NY Daily News

Another Liberal quarrel where facts just get in the way!

Call out the circular firing squad!!!

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