Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns

I have never heard such a stupid statement made in public before.

He is the same idiot that said we should give the indians some more frontier justice.

Which is what I want for democrats.

See I am being fair..............
I think Americans should go on strike until cops give up their steroids and military gear and release the 4th Amendment.
LMAO Guess NYC and the rest of the country will be without police protection for quite some time.

Hope all the citizens have their guns handy.
Bloomberg is nuts. Will someone please explain how he was ever elected in the first place. The lights are on and nobody is home.
This is the problem with the gun debate: Extremists on both ends.

Bloomberg vs. NRA. Sanity lies somewhere in-between their extremist views.
This is great news!
We need to see more liberals, and or Democrats start speaking out about gun control!
Lets get pro-gun people even more riled up, so none of them will stay home in November.
So please Democrats, please get out there and speak up, don't try to hide your true feelings.
Don't be fooled by Bloomberg. He's a good little statist foot-soldier. Barack Obama would dearly like to change the political subject right about now from how he let the socialist cat out of the bag in Roanoke, VA last week to something less personally indicting like gun control. I doubt that Bloomberg's will be the last provocative statement we see this week.
Every time I read a quote from Bloomberg these days I imagine I hear Rod Serling whispering in my ear.

You're traveling through another frightening dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of a crazy mind; a journey into a terrifying land. Your next stop...the Bloomberg Zone.

:lol: The mayor's a bona fide lunatic at this point.
Occupy Wall Street could not be happier than with a police strike.

"What? You mean we can peaceably assemble and not get pepper sprayed? DAMMIT!!!"

Hmmmm. Wait a second! If you run over a herd of OWS occupiers blocking the Brooklyn Bridge, it's FREE!!!

Woo hoo!

Meanwhile, on the trading desks on Wall Street: "Who's going on strike? The police? There are police in this city? Since when?"

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If the cops go on strike, then I think I might need my guns a whole lot more. In fact, from my Saiga to my Springfield to my Kimber I think I would have them all loaded and ready.

I mean, does Bloomberg think the criminals will take a break if the police do?

So if my houses gets broken into and I call 9-1-1 and they say, "Sorry can't send anyone, the cops are on strike!" That will give me incentive to give up my guns! Heck I will be glad as hell that my Saiga has a 20 shell barrel!

Bloomberg never met a freedom he didn't want to take away.

He's both a left and right-wing totalitarian.

He's the worst of both worlds.

And how did he get elected in the first place?

It was because 9/11 had just happened (the primary was actually supposed to have been held ON 9/11), and NYC was looking for someone to get it back on it's feet financially.

He definitely did that, which I give him props for. But other than that, he's a Fascist.

Of course, his predecessor was a fascist too, so it wasn't that big of a change.
That guy uses a typical tyrants tool threaten the people what a loser he is. He's the most Marxist guy ever to call himself an independent it's hysterical how labels fit so well.
If the citizens want protection they can hire their own security force, after all, that's what HE did.
I'd like to see what he said in context before I jump to conclusions. Call me anal, but I do like to be clear about what I'm getting 'outraged' about.

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