McCain Eye's 2016 Run?


I've given up on trying to explain facts to the Palin haters. No matter how often I point at the polls showing that McCain was ahead of Obama BECAUSE Palin energized the base until our economy went south, the left will still pretend that Palin is the reason McCain lost. I also tend to roll my eyes at the idea of people calling Palin stupid while supporting Obama who has Joe Biden as vice president. Talk about irony. I feel sorry for any woman, latino or black conservative who runs for office. They will always be trashed by a corrupt and biased press.

The problem with those polls is that they were taken around the time of the GOP convention, and the party ALWAYS gets a "convention" bump.

Even McCain's own people think Palin was a disaster when people realized just how stupid she was.

Palin was savaged because she wasn't ready to play the game at that level. Same reason Rick Perry was.

Has nothing to do with her gender.

Obviously the poll numbers didn't remain in McCain's favor since he lost the election. McCain lost because the economy went south and McCain floundered in his handling of it. It turns out that McCain's idea to stop campaigning because of the financial crises was just stupid.
Yes, McCain's own people pointed at Palin for their man loosing. According to McCain's people, everybody was responsible for McCain loosing except them. I suspect the attacks on Palin by McCain's people were a bit self serving.
The not so masked sexism against Palin was obvious. Liberal commentators even asked why she would run if she had children at home. Hell, some of the sexism was even splashed on Hillary Clinton as she ran against Obama.
I do agree that Palin had said some stupid things (not unlike Obama) but her comments certainly pale in comparison with Biden's racist and inane statements.
Finally, another thing you can disagree with me about, their is a certain type of jeer blacks get when they are republicans. The Uncle Tom rhetoric always explodes from the left ( you have engaged in it yourself). Likewise, when a woman is a republican, there is a certain type of attack the left will engage in. Usually the attacks consist of words like "bitch" and "whore".
In summation, the revisionism of Palin is self serving, sexist and devoid of fact.
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McCain is a great American and was a great Senator

When he leaves politics, he will be missed
McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

I've given up on trying to explain facts to the Palin haters. No matter how often I point at the polls showing that McCain was ahead of Obama BECAUSE Palin energized the base until our economy went south, the left will still pretend that Palin is the reason McCain lost. I also tend to roll my eyes at the idea of people calling Palin stupid while supporting Obama who has Joe Biden as vice president. Talk about irony. I feel sorry for any woman, latino or black conservative who runs for office. They will always be trashed by a corrupt and biased press.

But not for any woman, latino, or black liberal who runs for office, eh?

They don't need my sympathy because they are part of the establishment with a fully entrenched press protecting them.
McCain is a great American and was a great Senator

When he leaves politics, he will be missed

McCain is the perfect example of why we need term limits and an age limit for congressmen and senators.

He should be cooking ribs on his BBQ in AZ.

McCain had to run for the Senate every six years when his term was up
The voters of Arizona overwhelmingly voted for subsequent terms

Why do you want to deny the voters of the candidate of their choice?
McCain is a great American and was a great Senator

When he leaves politics, he will be missed

McCain is the perfect example of why we need term limits and an age limit for congressmen and senators.

He should be cooking ribs on his BBQ in AZ.

McCain had to run for the Senate every six years when his term was up
The voters of Arizona overwhelmingly voted for subsequent terms

Why do you want to deny the voters of the candidate of their choice?

nice spin attempt. But thats not the issue. Being in congress should not be a lifetime lucrative career. It should be a short term sacrifice for your country as the founders envisioned.

Long term senators and congressmen have too much power via lobbying and legalized bribery. Reid came into the senate with a few thousand in the bank, now he is a multi millionaire and he is just one of many. That is just wrong.
McCain is the perfect example of why we need term limits and an age limit for congressmen and senators.

He should be cooking ribs on his BBQ in AZ.

McCain had to run for the Senate every six years when his term was up
The voters of Arizona overwhelmingly voted for subsequent terms

Why do you want to deny the voters of the candidate of their choice?

nice spin attempt. But thats not the issue. Being in congress should not be a lifetime lucrative career. It should be a short term sacrifice for your country as the founders envisioned.

Long term senators and congressmen have too much power via lobbying and legalized bribery. Reid came into the senate with a few thousand in the bank, now he is a multi millionaire and he is just one of many. That is just wrong.

Being in Congress is not a lifetime career

You have to start from scratch every time your term runs out. You have to convince voters that you are the best person for the job

Many, many Congressmen and Senators have had one and done careers

If there is bribery and excessive lobbying influence, their opponent will be sure to bring it up in the next election and let the voters decide

Do you think voters are stupid and need the right to vote in support of their existing representative taken away?
McCain had to run for the Senate every six years when his term was up
The voters of Arizona overwhelmingly voted for subsequent terms

Why do you want to deny the voters of the candidate of their choice?

nice spin attempt. But thats not the issue. Being in congress should not be a lifetime lucrative career. It should be a short term sacrifice for your country as the founders envisioned.

Long term senators and congressmen have too much power via lobbying and legalized bribery. Reid came into the senate with a few thousand in the bank, now he is a multi millionaire and he is just one of many. That is just wrong.

Being in Congress is not a lifetime career

You have to start from scratch every time your term runs out. You have to convince voters that you are the best person for the job

Many, many Congressmen and Senators have had one and done careers

If there is bribery and excessive lobbying influence, their opponent will be sure to bring it up in the next election and let the voters decide

Do you think voters are stupid and need the right to vote in support of their existing representative taken away?

when half of the country votes for a living, its hard to remove the representative that sends them the pork (and cheese, food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medicaid, section 8 housing, etc)

the incumbent almost always has a financial advantage because of all the favors owed to him or her.

two 6 year terms in the senate, four 2 year terms in the house, then back home into the real world.

and 75% of americans support term limits.
nice spin attempt. But thats not the issue. Being in congress should not be a lifetime lucrative career. It should be a short term sacrifice for your country as the founders envisioned.

Long term senators and congressmen have too much power via lobbying and legalized bribery. Reid came into the senate with a few thousand in the bank, now he is a multi millionaire and he is just one of many. That is just wrong.

Being in Congress is not a lifetime career

You have to start from scratch every time your term runs out. You have to convince voters that you are the best person for the job

Many, many Congressmen and Senators have had one and done careers

If there is bribery and excessive lobbying influence, their opponent will be sure to bring it up in the next election and let the voters decide

Do you think voters are stupid and need the right to vote in support of their existing representative taken away?

when half of the country votes for a living, its hard to remove the representative that sends them the pork (and cheese, food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medicaid, section 8 housing, etc)

the incumbent almost always has a financial advantage because of all the favors owed to him or her.

two 6 year terms in the senate, four 2 year terms in the house, then back home into the real world.

and 75% of americans support term limits.


If 75% of Americans supported term limits they would vote that way
The only people who support term limits are those who cannot win elections otherwise
McCain is a great American and was a great Senator

When he leaves politics, he will be missed

I don't know about "missed". Perhaps fondly remembered. He's past his prime. If he continues to hang on, he will be neither missed or fondly remembered. He needs to retire and enjoy the years he has left. And he can take Lindsey Graham with him.
Obama is not a neocon. Not even close.

In what way? Do you know what a neocon is? Most Democrats don't.


Nobody wants to be called a Neocon. I really don't care what your description is of a Neocon, Obama isn't it. Please find some other poster interested in discussing this failed faction of the Republican party. The Teaparty will soon be be going the way of Neocons.

I like how one liberal after another says Obama is not a neocon, and none of you can give an example of how he is not a neocon. If he's not, it would be easy. Well, if he's not and you know what a neocon is, which you probably don't.

Be honest, you think Rush is a neocon, don't you? He isn't. It's obvious why. And it has nothing to do with his military views. Liberals like the way words sound, they don't bother to learn what they actually mean.

Gore would have cleaned up if he'd used B and H in 2000...

And we could have missed the biggest Pub catastrophe EVER, which is really saying

Before the grand jury, Clinton had three options. The first was tell the truth, the second was lie, the third was tell them nothing. He mad a bad choice.

Gore would have lost. He was an idiot and still is. He is better off with not being President, he has conned so many with the global warming BS that he is rich beyond even his imagination. We are all better off than having Gore as President.
Being in Congress is not a lifetime career

You have to start from scratch every time your term runs out. You have to convince voters that you are the best person for the job

Many, many Congressmen and Senators have had one and done careers

If there is bribery and excessive lobbying influence, their opponent will be sure to bring it up in the next election and let the voters decide

Do you think voters are stupid and need the right to vote in support of their existing representative taken away?

when half of the country votes for a living, its hard to remove the representative that sends them the pork (and cheese, food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medicaid, section 8 housing, etc)

the incumbent almost always has a financial advantage because of all the favors owed to him or her.

two 6 year terms in the senate, four 2 year terms in the house, then back home into the real world.

and 75% of americans support term limits.


If 75% of Americans supported term limits they would vote that way
The only people who support term limits are those who cannot win elections otherwise

you are wrong again, RW. From CNN:

Poll: Three-quarters support term limits ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
McCain is the perfect example of why we need term limits and an age limit for congressmen and senators.

He should be cooking ribs on his BBQ in AZ.

McCain had to run for the Senate every six years when his term was up
The voters of Arizona overwhelmingly voted for subsequent terms

Why do you want to deny the voters of the candidate of their choice?

nice spin attempt. But thats not the issue. Being in congress should not be a lifetime lucrative career. It should be a short term sacrifice for your country as the founders envisioned.

Long term senators and congressmen have too much power via lobbying and legalized bribery. Reid came into the senate with a few thousand in the bank, now he is a multi millionaire and he is just one of many. That is just wrong.

:clap2: Bravo!!

These Congresspeople and Senators use apathy to become rich. It's just so damned easy to walk into the voting booth, look for your rich guys name, and pull the lever; then walk out and tell yourself that you have done your "civic" duty.
McCain was betrayed by the reactionary far right is all.

What they think is unimportant.

McCain won't run again.

McCain was/is the betrayer. He is not a "maverick" at all.

I hope he does not run, he needs to get out of the way, he is a problem. He may as well be a democrat

Pixie Stix, he won't run. Candidates to the right of Christie can be assured they won't be nominated unless it is quality conservative like Huntsman. The days of the TPM and the socials are over.
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I like how one liberal after another says Obama is not a neocon, and none of you can give an example of how he is not a neocon. If he's not, it would be easy. Well, if he's not and you know what a neocon is, which you probably don't.

A neocon is basically someone who thinks military force is the first option of foreign policy, and that the USA is morally superior to other nations by definition. An obsession with the middle east and killing muslims also marks neocons.

Economics has little to do with it, since neoconservatism is mostly about foreign policy. But where it does come in, neocons are free market religionists. Neoconservatism has essentially nothing to do with any social issues.

President Obama doesn't display those qualities, hence he's not a neocon.
I like how one liberal after another says Obama is not a neocon, and none of you can give an example of how he is not a neocon. If he's not, it would be easy. Well, if he's not and you know what a neocon is, which you probably don't.

A neocon is basically someone who thinks military force is the first option of foreign policy, and that the USA is morally superior to other nations by definition. An obsession with the middle east and killing muslims also marks neocons.

Economics has little to do with it, since neoconservatism is mostly about foreign policy. But where it does come in, neocons are free market religionists. Neoconservatism has essentially nothing to do with any social issues.

President Obama doesn't display those qualities, hence he's not a neocon.

Another mindless, hyper-partisan hack heard from... :rolleyes:
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