McCain Requested Obama To Give Eulogy??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Senator McCain Requested That Obama Deliver Eulogy At Funeral - Essence

So there is no longer no doubt that McCain was an operative of the Deep State -- to ask a racist terrorist Kenyan to give the eulogy at your funeral will definitely be the final nail in McCain's casket. What is wrong with this picture, the current president is not asked to come to the funeral, but a failed treasonous president is asked to give the eulogy??

I am being sarcastic obviously, but all of the attacks I am seeing from the right on McCain are adorable.I have seen him accused of being a war criminal who killed over 100 of his own US sailors, I have seen people claim that Nixon issued a secret pardon to save McCain from being court-martialed for treason, etc etc.

I opposed McCain on his neo-con war-mongering and tired GOP policies, but I don't celebrate his death -- but if what Trump lovers are saying is true about McCain -- doesn't that mean that the republican party nominated a known war-criminal traitor to be president??
Oh my the "deep state". You guys are crazy. Everyone but Trump loyalists are part of the 'deep state". Are you scared of your shadows as well?
And the right is upset at McCain because he wasn't unhinged and racist enough.

As for the 2008 campaign, he won my respect when he checked that racist old hag right on the spot -- that took courage.

Also for the 2008 campaign, Trump lovers should be falling to their knees and praising McCain because he brought you Sarah Palin -- thus opening the door to the prospect of Trump being president.
Oh my the "deep state". You guys are crazy. Everyone but Trump loyalists are part of the 'deep state". Are you scared of your shadows as well?
I guess you don't recall the "Great Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"....selective condemnation is why your side is losing the people....
Senator McCain Requested That Obama Deliver Eulogy At Funeral - Essence

So there is no longer no doubt that McCain was an operative of the Deep State -- to ask a racist terrorist Kenyan to give the eulogy at your funeral will definitely be the final nail in McCain's casket. What is wrong with this picture, the current president is not asked to come to the funeral, but a failed treasonous president is asked to give the eulogy??

I am being sarcastic obviously, but all of the attacks I am seeing from the right on McCain are adorable.I have seen him accused of being a war criminal who killed over 100 of his own US sailors, I have seen people claim that Nixon issued a secret pardon to save McCain from being court-martialed for treason, etc etc.

I opposed McCain on his neo-con war-mongering and tired GOP policies, but I don't celebrate his death -- but if what Trump lovers are saying is true about McCain -- doesn't that mean that the republican party nominated a known war-criminal traitor to be president??

You got it half wrong. Maybe try and be honest next time?

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral
Senator McCain Requested That Obama Deliver Eulogy At Funeral - Essence

So there is no longer no doubt that McCain was an operative of the Deep State -- to ask a racist terrorist Kenyan to give the eulogy at your funeral will definitely be the final nail in McCain's casket. What is wrong with this picture, the current president is not asked to come to the funeral, but a failed treasonous president is asked to give the eulogy??

I am being sarcastic obviously, but all of the attacks I am seeing from the right on McCain are adorable.I have seen him accused of being a war criminal who killed over 100 of his own US sailors, I have seen people claim that Nixon issued a secret pardon to save McCain from being court-martialed for treason, etc etc.

I opposed McCain on his neo-con war-mongering and tired GOP policies, but I don't celebrate his death -- but if what Trump lovers are saying is true about McCain -- doesn't that mean that the republican party nominated a known war-criminal traitor to be president??
That's what makes all of this so funny.

Republicans are engaged in essentially the proverbial dog fighting its tail.

They went from claiming he was the best thing since slice bread, to the worst thing since Satan fell from heaven, in a mere few years.

Mc Cain had placed all his chips on "Jeb!" winning the nomination and then the presidency, and then watched "Jeb!" get torn to pieces by Trump on live TV. It must have been devastating. Yes, this is all part of deep state swamp revenge.
Senator McCain Requested That Obama Deliver Eulogy At Funeral - Essence

So there is no longer no doubt that McCain was an operative of the Deep State -- to ask a racist terrorist Kenyan to give the eulogy at your funeral will definitely be the final nail in McCain's casket. What is wrong with this picture, the current president is not asked to come to the funeral, but a failed treasonous president is asked to give the eulogy??

I am being sarcastic obviously, but all of the attacks I am seeing from the right on McCain are adorable.I have seen him accused of being a war criminal who killed over 100 of his own US sailors, I have seen people claim that Nixon issued a secret pardon to save McCain from being court-martialed for treason, etc etc.

I opposed McCain on his neo-con war-mongering and tired GOP policies, but I don't celebrate his death -- but if what Trump lovers are saying is true about McCain -- doesn't that mean that the republican party nominated a known war-criminal traitor to be president??

You got it half wrong. Maybe try and be honest next time?

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral
I purposely left George Bush off this thread because I felt it was bad enough to highlight how republicans turned against one of their own republican candidates -- but since you want to bring up Bush, fine

Not only did republicans turn against McCain and call him a war criminal and a traitor -- republicans turned against their own president and call him the same thing, if not worse -- ironically, both families didn't or don't want Trump at their family services....damn you Obama!!!
Senator McCain Requested That Obama Deliver Eulogy At Funeral - Essence

So there is no longer no doubt that McCain was an operative of the Deep State -- to ask a racist terrorist Kenyan to give the eulogy at your funeral will definitely be the final nail in McCain's casket. What is wrong with this picture, the current president is not asked to come to the funeral, but a failed treasonous president is asked to give the eulogy??

I am being sarcastic obviously, but all of the attacks I am seeing from the right on McCain are adorable.I have seen him accused of being a war criminal who killed over 100 of his own US sailors, I have seen people claim that Nixon issued a secret pardon to save McCain from being court-martialed for treason, etc etc.

I opposed McCain on his neo-con war-mongering and tired GOP policies, but I don't celebrate his death -- but if what Trump lovers are saying is true about McCain -- doesn't that mean that the republican party nominated a known war-criminal traitor to be president??

You got it half wrong. Maybe try and be honest next time?

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral

McCain requested Obama and George W. Bush deliver eulogies at funeral
I purposely left George Bush off this thread because I felt it was bad enough to highlight how republicans turned against one of their own republican candidates -- but since you want to bring up Bush, fine

Not only did republicans turn against McCain and call him a war criminal and a traitor -- republicans turned against their own president and call him the same thing, if not worse -- ironically, both families didn't or don't want Trump at their family services....damn you Obama!!!

Cannot blame folk for not wanting some azzhole around
Oh my the "deep state". You guys are crazy. Everyone but Trump loyalists are part of the 'deep state". Are you scared of your shadows as well?
I guess you don't recall the "Great Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"....selective condemnation is why your side is losing the people....

No we are not losing people, the great
Oh was he a serial adulterer and a female abuser as well? That might make him equal to trump

WE are talking McCain here. You Cons keep bringing up Bill, Hillary or Obama when talking about Trump. Seems you are embarrassed to talk about trump.
And the right is upset at McCain because he wasn't unhinged and racist enough.

As for the 2008 campaign, he won my respect when he checked that racist old hag right on the spot -- that took courage.

Also for the 2008 campaign, Trump lovers should be falling to their knees and praising McCain because he brought you Sarah Palin -- thus opening the door to the prospect of Trump being president.
McCains finest hour

Conservatives never forgave him for defending Obama
WE are talking McCain here. You Cons keep bringing up Bill, Hillary or Obama when talking about Trump. Seems you are embarrassed to talk about trump.
No, not at all embarrassed about Trump.
YOUR double standard/hypocrisy is, however.
McCains finest hour

Conservatives never forgave him for defending Obama
He defended Obama?.....he voted to keep Obama care to slap Trump in the backfired on him...he left office in disgrace....he died with a stain on his record....

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