McCain: Romney wants US to stay at war in Iraq, Afghanistan indefinitely

Aug 7, 2012
McCain: Romney wants US to stay at war in Iraq, Afghanistan indefinitely

Here’s Romney surrogate, John McCain, explaining to the Today Show how, if Romney had been president instead of Obama, we’d never be leaving Iraq and Afghanistan. Here’s the transcript, video is below:

LAUER: But in his speech he said things like we need to be bold and decisive. He said what you said, that we’re leading from behind, but that’s pretty standard material for a speech like this. Did he offer specifics? Did he tell voters why he is going to be a game-changer when it comes to foreign policy?

MCCAIN: I’m confident that he did, because, again, America’s role in the world has been one of retreat and disarray.

LAUER: But can you give me an example?

MCCAIN: Sure, sure, Iraq, Iraq. We should have left a residual force there, and it’s now Al Qaeda is back returning and resurgence is there. In Afghanistan, Mitt Romney would have listened to the advice of our military leaders. Instead, [President Obama] decided on his own to withdraw early and often, and we are now in a serious situation there


McCain Touts Romney Plan for Indefinite Troop Presence in Iraq, Afghanistan - YouTube
Iraq has been such a terrible debacle. Look at their constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

An Iraqi threw shoes at our president and people there built him a "shoe monument". The women are in Burkas. Gays have been murdered (Republicans probably like that). The clergy is taking over. The Christian population has been decimated.

And Republicans think they "won"??????

Like "trickle down".

Like "the earth being thousands of years old".

Like "climate change being a conspiracy".

Like "they hate us for our freedom".

Like "new voter laws are about fairness".

Republicans are delusional. Their delusions are a kind of sickness.

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