McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Of course there is, it is a part of regional common vernacular as I have already stated and given analogies to within our own society.

False, as I've shown. Takbir has a specific meaning and is formal in a combat setting. IF a Muslim were to so invoke during combat, and in a casual sense, that would be blasphemy.

I can only conclude that you intend to deceive.

Uh, you haven't shown that at all.

Perhaps you can tell me why it is often used in prayer, or why it is used during times of distress as well (far from any battlefield)?
The two phrases are very similar to liberals. Muslims shout allahu Akbar before they behead someone. Liberals shout Thank God when they abort babies.
In a Wahhabi society, a shout of Allahu Akbar in the above situation would see you stoned for blasphemy.

That's ridiculous and completely untrue.

Of course....

{Rebels fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said.}

Syrian rebels 'execute teenager' in Aleppo - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie
McCain has lost his mind. He should be retired to his backyard grill in arizona
In a Wahhabi society, a shout of Allahu Akbar in the above situation would see you stoned for blasphemy.

That's ridiculous and completely untrue.

Of course....

{Rebels fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said.}

Syrian rebels 'execute teenager' in Aleppo - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie

I'm still waiting for you to support your statement that uttering Allahu Akbar in Saudi Arabia for something like that will get you stoned. Do you even have one case study?
muslims, jews, & christians are all monotheists (believe in the same god) tinyd so McCain is right.
muslims, jews, & christians are all monotheists (believe in the same god) tinyd so McCain is right.

No, he is not. Muslims believe that their God (allah) is superior to all other Gods and that Islam is superior to all other religions, and that all other religions are to be destroyed.

You are wrong, and McCain was wrong.
That's ridiculous and completely untrue.

Of course....

{Rebels fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said.}

Syrian rebels 'execute teenager' in Aleppo - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie

I'm still waiting for you to support your statement that uttering Allahu Akbar in Saudi Arabia for something like that will get you stoned. Do you even have one case study?

Sure you are....

Businessman, wife accused of blasphemy
By Asad Kharal
Published: December 11, 2011
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A businessman and his wife were remanded in judicial custody on Saturday following an FIR accusing them of blasphemy.

Complainant Hafiz Ghulam Hasan, the prayer leader at Jasmia Masjid Chiragh Din, Hundal village, has accused Amjad alias Haji Toka and his wife Samreena in a complaint filed at the Saddar police station of blaspheming about the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Hasan stated in the complaint that the couple allegedly visited the mosque at 6:30am and uttered disrespectful remarks for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said the two also cussed at him and broke the lock on his hujra when he stopped them from disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

Saddar police station house officer, Inspector Hameedullah, told The Express Tribune the suspects were sent to a prison on a judicial remand to avoid an untoward incident that could have occurred had they been held at the police station.

He said an investigation into the incident had revealed that the complainant and several other villagers had obtained loans from the suspects and defaulted on repayment. He said Hafiz Hasan had recently leased a motorcycle from Amjad’s business.

He said Amjad was earlier accused by the same prayer leader of reciting takbeer for prayers two minutes earlier than the appointed time.}

Businessman, wife accused of blasphemy ? The Express Tribune

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie
Of course....

{Rebels fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said.}

Syrian rebels 'execute teenager' in Aleppo - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie

I'm still waiting for you to support your statement that uttering Allahu Akbar in Saudi Arabia for something like that will get you stoned. Do you even have one case study?

Sure you are....

Businessman, wife accused of blasphemy
By Asad Kharal
Published: December 11, 2011
Share this article Print this page Email

A businessman and his wife were remanded in judicial custody on Saturday following an FIR accusing them of blasphemy.

Complainant Hafiz Ghulam Hasan, the prayer leader at Jasmia Masjid Chiragh Din, Hundal village, has accused Amjad alias Haji Toka and his wife Samreena in a complaint filed at the Saddar police station of blaspheming about the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Hasan stated in the complaint that the couple allegedly visited the mosque at 6:30am and uttered disrespectful remarks for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said the two also cussed at him and broke the lock on his hujra when he stopped them from disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

Saddar police station house officer, Inspector Hameedullah, told The Express Tribune the suspects were sent to a prison on a judicial remand to avoid an untoward incident that could have occurred had they been held at the police station.

He said an investigation into the incident had revealed that the complainant and several other villagers had obtained loans from the suspects and defaulted on repayment. He said Hafiz Hasan had recently leased a motorcycle from Amjad’s business.

He said Amjad was earlier accused by the same prayer leader of reciting takbeer for prayers two minutes earlier than the appointed time.}

Businessman, wife accused of blasphemy ? The Express Tribune

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie

They were being charged for this:

Hasan stated in the complaint that the couple allegedly visited the mosque at 6:30am and uttered disrespectful remarks for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said the two also cussed at him and broke the lock on his hujra when he stopped them from disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

There was no legal action taken against them concerning Takbir. It is also worth noting that he was released which you decided not to copy and paste for some reason and not stoned to death as you insisted someone like him must be in Saudi Arabia. Try again.

Your article also proves you wrong in that it shows that Takbir is also used during prayer as I said and not simply on the battlefield as a war cry.
They were being charged for this:

Hasan stated in the complaint that the couple allegedly visited the mosque at 6:30am and uttered disrespectful remarks for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said the two also cussed at him and broke the lock on his hujra when he stopped them from disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

There was no legal action taken against them concerning Takbir. It is also worth noting that he was released which you decided not to copy and paste for some reason and not stoned to death as you insisted someone like him must be in Saudi Arabia. Try again.

Your article also proves you wrong in that it shows that Takbir is also used during prayer as I said and not simply on the battlefield as a war cry.


accused by the same prayer leader of reciting takbeer for prayers two minutes earlier than the appointed time.

Wait, I think I have a clarification to this...

Yes, here it is;

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie
They were being charged for this:

Hasan stated in the complaint that the couple allegedly visited the mosque at 6:30am and uttered disrespectful remarks for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said the two also cussed at him and broke the lock on his hujra when he stopped them from disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

There was no legal action taken against them concerning Takbir. It is also worth noting that he was released which you decided not to copy and paste for some reason and not stoned to death as you insisted someone like him must be in Saudi Arabia. Try again.

Your article also proves you wrong in that it shows that Takbir is also used during prayer as I said and not simply on the battlefield as a war cry.


accused by the same prayer leader of reciting takbeer for prayers two minutes earlier than the appointed time.

Wait, I think I have a clarification to this...

Yes, here it is;

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ? Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie

They were not tried for anything relating to Takbir, nor were they stoned. He was released. Hell the argument wasn't even primarily about Takbir during prayer. Did you even read your own article?

Also, you trying to defend yourself by suggesting that I am some sort of secret Muslim is pathetic. Don't blame others for your own inability to support your own argument with evidence.

You made a silly claim, got called out on it, and weren't able to support it. Deal with it and move on.
They were not tried for anything relating to Takbir, nor were they stoned. He was released. Hell the argument wasn't even primarily about Takbir during prayer. Did you even read your own article?

Also, you trying to defend yourself by suggesting that I am some sort of secret Muslim is pathetic. Don't blame others for your own inability to support your own argument with evidence.

You made a silly claim, got called out on it, and weren't able to support it. Deal with it and move on.

Didn't look like much of a secret.

You are an apologist for radical Islam - that is fact. What your motives are, I cannot say. The most likely would be that you are a Muslim - but you could be Nazi, the Stormfront groups defend Islam in every case, due to the shared hatred of JOOOOZZZZ.

Regardless, your proof was given, but still you dance - as you will regardless of the level of proof. You have an agenda to defend radical Islam, not to engage in rational and honest discussion.
They were not tried for anything relating to Takbir, nor were they stoned. He was released. Hell the argument wasn't even primarily about Takbir during prayer. Did you even read your own article?

Also, you trying to defend yourself by suggesting that I am some sort of secret Muslim is pathetic. Don't blame others for your own inability to support your own argument with evidence.

You made a silly claim, got called out on it, and weren't able to support it. Deal with it and move on.

Didn't look like much of a secret.

You are an apologist for radical Islam - that is fact. What your motives are, I cannot say. The most likely would be that you are a Muslim - but you could be Nazi, the Stormfront groups defend Islam in every case, due to the shared hatred of JOOOOZZZZ.

Regardless, your proof was given, but still you dance - as you will regardless of the level of proof. You have an agenda to defend radical Islam, not to engage in rational and honest discussion.


Let me know when you actually feel like talking about the topic and can support one of your arguments.

Let me know when you actually feel like talking about the topic and can support one of your arguments.


Yeah, one of use supports, with cites, our arguments...

You, not so much....

Nothing you posted supported your claim that people are stoned to death for using Takbir outside of a war cry. In fact, your own article that you used as "evidence" proved your own argument wrong.

Like I said, let me know when you actually have a leg to stand on there sport. ;)

You made a silly claim, got called out on it, and weren't able to back it up. Deal with it and move on.
muslims, jews, & christians are all monotheists (believe in the same god) tinyd so McCain is right.

^Proof that McCain is the lefts best bud

Well no..he took a hard right turn around what 07?
Sometimes he says things like this, but mostly he says hard right shit these days.

Of course I bet you where going to vote for him in 08 like most of your ilk.
muslims, jews, & christians are all monotheists (believe in the same god) tinyd so McCain is right.

No, he is not. Muslims believe that their God (allah) is superior to all other Gods and that Islam is superior to all other religions, and that all other religions are to be destroyed.

You are wrong, and McCain was wrong.
All. Religions think they are the best...same cloth.
There are maniacs in Washington running the country. Truly insane men. You can't make this shit up. :lol:

And for anyone who doesn't like my Brietbart source, go to Fox then and see for yourself or fox off.

On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit government offices demonstrated Islamist influence among the opposition.

“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said.

McCain responded: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’”

He added, “That’s what they’re saying. Come on!

Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.”

Aye carumba! Oh of course McCain, every Baptist, Mormon, Anglican or Catholic screams "Praise the Lord and Thank God" as we are blowing up buildings or cutting someone's head off.

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket John.

McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Praying while committing an act of violence has never happened in the history of religion and violence :doubt:

Or....Try this....Christian prayers are good because they are Christian prayers which are good because...

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