McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Waaaaaah! The Democrats picked our Republican candidate! Waaah! We are such victims! Waaaaaah!


The Republicans are stupid beyond belief, but they have bought into the idea that only left of center candidates can win. They ran them in both of the last two campaigns and got smeared.
Right, except there is no supporting argument to go along with it. Any particular reason WHY you feel this is the case?

Libya, Egypt...

I dunno, something about a track record with this administration.

So in other words you don't really have a solid argument concerning the situation in Syria?

I do---they're flat out lying.

though the White House has insisted it is not seeking "regime change."

Yahoo! News Canada - Latest News & Headlines

It's ALL about regime change
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It's use isn't limited to battle, or acts of aggression, so I'm not sure why you brought up Takbir?

I brought it up because the context of use in the discussion is the invocation of Takbir. It is not casual, as some in this thread claimed, and it has a specific meaning, in the context and formality of usage.

People play games in defending Islam, I counter the bullshit with facts.
Libya, Egypt...

I dunno, something about a track record with this administration.

So in other words you don't really have a solid argument concerning the situation in Syria?

I do---they're flat out lying.

though the White House has insisted it is not seeking "regime change."

Yahoo! News Canada - Latest News & Headlines

It's ALL about regime change

That doesn't present any argument for the US handing the reigns over to Al Qaeda. In fact in your other thread you just posted that should serious weapons fall into the hands of Al Nusra we would consider that grounds for putting boots on the ground.
It's use isn't limited to battle, or acts of aggression, so I'm not sure why you brought up Takbir?

I brought it up because the context of use in the discussion is the invocation of Takbir. It is not casual, as some in this thread claimed, and it has a specific meaning, in the context and formality of usage.

People play games in defending Islam, I counter the bullshit with facts.

Except that it is used casually all of the time along other phrases such as Inshallah. It is often used in prayer as well.
It's use isn't limited to battle, or acts of aggression, so I'm not sure why you brought up Takbir?

I brought it up because the context of use in the discussion is the invocation of Takbir. It is not casual, as some in this thread claimed, and it has a specific meaning, in the context and formality of usage.

People play games in defending Islam, I counter the bullshit with facts.

It's random people cheering a building being blown to bits. Read into it what you want, but that phrase is very rarely deemed significant in intelligence reports because it's so commonly used in a casual manner.
Except that it is used casually all of the time along other phrases such as Inshallah. It is often used in prayer as well.

And let the games begin.

In the context of this thread, and this instance, is there any chance at all that the use was casual?

You know full well there is not.
Except that it is used casually all of the time along other phrases such as Inshallah. It is often used in prayer as well.

And let the games begin.

In the context of this thread, and this instance, is there any chance at all that the use was casual?

You know full well there is not.

Of course there is, it is a part of regional common vernacular as I have already stated and given analogies to within our own society.
It's hard to believe that republicans were ready to turn the country over to McCain a few short years ago.
Except that it is used casually all of the time along other phrases such as Inshallah. It is often used in prayer as well.

And let the games begin.

In the context of this thread, and this instance, is there any chance at all that the use was casual?

You know full well there is not.

When an ammo dump was blown up across the street from me in Dahok, Iraq I shouted, "Jesus Christ! That's fucking awesome!"

Do you really think I was praying?
There's nothing dishonest about it. We are absolutely enabling militant Islamists overthrow Assad.

The FSA has some Islamist factions, but are largely secular in their overarching political ideology.

Al Nusra and the ISI(S), the two Al Qaeda linked groups also aren't part of the "rebel"s that we would be supporting.

Painting intervention in Syria as supporting Al Qaeda is dishonest, and completely ignores very real divides among Syrian opposition groups.

This isn't a two faction conflict.

Would the rebels we would be supporting be fighting against or along side of Al Nusra and the ISI(S)?

and.. Allahu Akbar - WikiIslam
There's nothing dishonest about it. We are absolutely enabling militant Islamists overthrow Assad.

The FSA has some Islamist factions, but are largely secular in their overarching political ideology.

Al Nusra and the ISI(S), the two Al Qaeda linked groups also aren't part of the "rebel"s that we would be supporting.

Painting intervention in Syria as supporting Al Qaeda is dishonest, and completely ignores very real divides among Syrian opposition groups.

This isn't a two faction conflict.

Would the rebels we would be supporting be fighting against or along side of Al Nusra and the ISI(S)?

and.. Allahu Akbar - WikiIslam
Both, but primarily against now. the ISI(S) beheaded an FSA leader not too long ago and Al Nusra assassinated another one who ventured too near the Turkish border. They are hardly on friendly terms. The ISI(S) isn't interested in sharing power with the FSA, or even with Al Nusra for that matter.
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They are praising god........not really that much of a stretch...untwist your rotten panties...

Oh I get it. Your enema didn't take this morning did it?

Read the whole quote. Ah let me help you oh constipated one. They are discussing blowing up buildings and then shouting allahu akhbar.

If you can't see that, you are a FUBAR'D as McCain.

"On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit government offices demonstrated Islamist influence among the opposition.

“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said.

McCain responded: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’”

McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

yeah there is really no difference.
John McCain and ‘Allahu Akbar’

September 4, 2013 By Robert Spencer


Tuesday morning, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) got a bit hot under the collar when Brian Kilmeade of Fox News noted that the Syrian rebels whom Barack Obama and McCain want to aid militarily were shouting “Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!” as rockets hit Syrian government offices. McCain’s response to Kilmeade demonstrated not only his ignorance of Islam, but his abysmal misjudgment of what is happening in Syria. And on the basis of that ignorance, he is aiding Obama’s rush to yet another war.

“I have a problem,” Kilmeade said, “helping those people screaming that after a hit.” That incensed McCain, who shot back: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’ That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.”

Wrong on all counts. In the first place, it does not mean “thank God,” as McCain seems to have affirmed when he said, “That’s what they’re saying.” Allahu akbar means “Allah is greater” – not, as it is often translated, “God is great.” The significance of this is enormous, as it is essentially a proclamation of superiority and supremacism. Allah is greater – than any of the gods of the infidels, and Islam is superior to all other religions.


McCain’s appalling ignorance and Obama’s ongoing enthusiasm for all things Muslim Brotherhood, including the Syrian opposition, are leading the U.S. into disaster. McCain, as a leader of the Republican Party, ought to be articulating a coherent and rational alternative to Obama’s potentially catastrophic adventurism and rush to intervene in Syria despite lacking a clear goal and genuine allies on the ground within the country. Instead, he and John Boehner and the rest of the Republican establishment are falling over themselves to see who can say “Me too” to Barack Obama fast enough.

What America needs most in these dark days of fantasy-based policymaking is a loyal opposition. But that is the one thing we do not have. Not in any effective sense, as our warships wait in the Mediterranean for the signal to start firing on Syria, with enthusiastic bipartisan support.

John McCain and ?Allahu Akbar? | FrontPage Magazine
Of course there is, it is a part of regional common vernacular as I have already stated and given analogies to within our own society.

False, as I've shown. Takbir has a specific meaning and is formal in a combat setting. IF a Muslim were to so invoke during combat, and in a casual sense, that would be blasphemy.

I can only conclude that you intend to deceive.
When an ammo dump was blown up across the street from me in Dahok, Iraq I shouted, "Jesus Christ! That's fucking awesome!"

Do you really think I was praying?

That's the point - there is no equivalence between such an outburst and Takbir - none at all.

Those who claim there is, are either ignorant, or are lying.

In a Wahhabi society, a shout of Allahu Akbar in the above situation would see you stoned for blasphemy.

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