McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Because if he looks up some of the things mentioned and did some research he would discover that his own facts and opinions are based on talking points and fluff. His opponent in this discussion is giving insight into actual facts and data that goes against those talking points and fluff. That does not mean one opinion is wrong or right, valid or not, it just means one participant is better informed. Rather than do the research and come back with a rational response, it seems easier to just go negative on the opposing side. No facts needed. We have deflection for these situations.
Seeing that the Progressives and Neo-cons have allied with Al Qaeda in Syria, I wouldn't' expect any different a response.

This seems like a fairly dishonest statement. We aren't helping Al Qaeda, nor are we planning on doing so in Syria. Nor does intervention necessarily help Al Qaeda. In fact, it could do the exact opposite by supporting the FSA which is in contention with Al Nusra and the ISI(S).

The burden of proof is on you, war-monger (and these links are only the mainstream media sources)

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda |
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The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

Good thing McCain wasn’t elected president in 2008.
Seeing that the Progressives and Neo-cons have allied with Al Qaeda in Syria, I wouldn't' expect any different a response.

This seems like a fairly dishonest statement. We aren't helping Al Qaeda, nor are we planning on doing so in Syria. Nor does intervention necessarily help Al Qaeda. In fact, it could do the exact opposite by supporting the FSA which is in contention with Al Nusra and the ISI(S).

The burden of proof is on you, war-monger (and these links are only the mainstream media sources)

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda |

Video: Syrian rebel cuts out soldier's heart, eats it -

USA Today: Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Do you ever bother to actually read the stories you post, or only the headlines?

The lack of critical thinking is the biggest problem that we as a culture face.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

I absolutely agree, but I was asked for "credentials" as it were. Not sure what was expected of me. I'm certainly not going to post ID's on the internet. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt, but I also tend to scrutinize sources regardless of an individual's background. That is also why though I accompanied my background with a link to the Institute for the Study of War. That way, you don't have to take my word for it.
Seeing that the Progressives and Neo-cons have allied with Al Qaeda in Syria, I wouldn't' expect any different a response.

This seems like a fairly dishonest statement. We aren't helping Al Qaeda, nor are we planning on doing so in Syria. Nor does intervention necessarily help Al Qaeda. In fact, it could do the exact opposite by supporting the FSA which is in contention with Al Nusra and the ISI(S).

The burden of proof is on you, war-monger (and these links are only the mainstream media sources)

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda |

Video: Syrian rebel cuts out soldier's heart, eats it -

USA Today: Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty

I already posted a link on Al Qaeda in Syria from a military think tank. Also, none of your links contradict what I have said. finally, haven't we already gone over those exact links on in another thread? Why carry them over to a new thread when they have already been discussed and found to not support what it is you are trying to assert?
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

Why would you criticize for him answering the question? Someone asked him and he answered.
It's not criticism dumbass, it's just the facts of the matter.

Now go see if you can find someone else's boots to lick.

its criticism. Of that I have no doubt. No one really cares if you believe his credentials or not.
And this is what the Republicans put up against Obama in 2008.

On the advice of the shameful democrats. AND you're advising they do it again, in 2016.

Sometimes I suspect that you leftists don't really have the Republicans best interests at heart.....
And this is what the Republicans put up against Obama in 2008.

On the advice of the shameful democrats. AND you're advising they do it again, in 2016.

Sometimes I suspect that you leftists don't really have the Republicans best interests at heart.....

Waaaaaah! The Democrats picked our Republican candidate! Waaah! We are such victims! Waaaaaah!

"Allahu Akbar" is as generic as and exasperated person yelling "Jesus Christ!"

For as long as I worked with Muslims, I don't ever remember one yelling "Allahu Akbar". Definately not as much as I remember Christians and non-Christians yelling "Jesus Christ".

The only time I have heard "Allah Akbar" used is by those who have just killed or was getting ready to kill other humans they disagreed with ... Such as the Terrorists on 9-11, the Fort Hood shootings, the beheading of Daniel Pearl, the beheading of the soldier in London, etc.

Perhaps one of you who agree with McCain can source some linked articles supporting your position?

Why do Muslims say, "God is great?" - Slate Magazine

Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar is Abused
The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

And this is what the Republicans put up against Obama in 2008.

McCain is what the RNC gave everyone in 2008. Much like the RNC gave everyone with Romney in 2012.

McCain is correct...he is a moron, but he is correct.

Not in this case. It is the invocation of Takbir in Islam, it has a specific meaning in the context of battle, denoting that the Muslim god Allah will grant victory to the Muslim to kill his enemy.
The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

And this is what the Republicans put up against Obama in 2008.

McCain is what the RNC gave everyone in 2008. Much like the RNC gave everyone with Romney in 2012.

Uncensored seems to think the Democrats controlled all that....mind control or some voodoo, maybe. :D
McCain is correct...he is a moron, but he is correct.

Not in this case. It is the invocation of Takbir in Islam, it has a specific meaning in the context of battle, denoting that the Muslim god Allah will grant victory to the Muslim to kill his enemy.

It's use isn't limited to battle, or acts of aggression, so I'm not sure why you brought up Takbir?

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