McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Indeed, we are killing them and labeling them Insurgents/Al Quada in Afghanistan then arming them, making them our allies and labeling them rebels in Syria :rofl:

We aren't arming either Al Nusra or the ISI(S) in Syria.

What credentials do you hold that allow you to say that with any certainty ?

I believe he/she simply expects you to buy what they're saying because, well, they think they're all smart and shit, and you're not.
Let's face it.

McCain best years are over!!!!!!!!!

And I'm not only talking about body.......... his mind is gone too!:cuckoo:
I live a house over from a Muslim. You should ask the ones you work with. They may not say it around you because it might be misinterpreted.

Allahu Akbar (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you have a linked article supporting your position that the phrase is used as often as Westerners use the term "Jesus Christ" which is McCain's position.

No but I have 2 personal sources. I used it all the time as a child. One of my neighbors is Muslim and he says it all the time.

Even if I took your two sources as gospel, I have many, many more linkable sources where it was used immediatley before, during, and after acts of terrorism, murder, and multilation.

I don't think you will find many sources where large groups of Westerners yelled "Jesus Christ" as they were blowing up buildings, beheading captives, chopping off limbs, mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism.
Even if I took your two sources as gospel, I have many, many more linkable sources where it was used immediatley before, during, and after acts of terrorism, murder, and multilation.

I don't think you will find many sources where large groups of Westerners yelled "Jesus Christ" as they were blowing up buildings, beheading captives, chopping off limbs, mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism.

Charles Taylor did all of that and he was a Baptist Deacon.

The Bosnian / former Yugoslavia Genocide also comes to mind.
Do you have a linked article supporting your position that the phrase is used as often as Westerners use the term "Jesus Christ" which is McCain's position.

No but I have 2 personal sources. I used it all the time as a child. One of my neighbors is Muslim and he says it all the time.

Even if I took your two sources as gospel, I have many, many more linkable sources where it was used immediatley before, during, and after acts of terrorism, murder, and multilation.

I don't think you will find many sources where large groups of Westerners yelled "Jesus Christ" as they were blowing up buildings, beheading captives, chopping off limbs, mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism.

I dont get your point. How can you infer someone is a terrorist because you heard some terrorists say it? I have heard of plenty of incidents where people yelled "praise God" as they were burning people at the stake or hanging a slave from a tree. I have heard plenty of incidents where people shout Jesus Christ in a moment of passion, awe, or angry. You cant make the world conform to your expectations of how to talk. Not only are the words different but how it is articulated can be different. I forgot to add do you want a cookie for having linkable sources?
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Do you have a linked article supporting your position that the phrase is used as often as Westerners use the term "Jesus Christ" which is McCain's position.

No but I have 2 personal sources. I used it all the time as a child. One of my neighbors is Muslim and he says it all the time.

Even if I took your two sources as gospel, I have many, many more linkable sources where it was used immediatley before, during, and after acts of terrorism, murder, and multilation.

I don't think you will find many sources where large groups of Westerners yelled "Jesus Christ" as they were blowing up buildings, beheading captives, chopping off limbs, mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism.

No westerners yell "Jesus Christ" when they hit their thumb with a hammer. My mom did say "thank god" when OBL was killed so I guess by your book that makes her an extremist.
No westerners yell "Jesus Christ" when they hit their thumb with a hammer. My mom did say "thank god" when OBL was killed so I guess by your book that makes her an extremist.

As someone who has worked in construction, I'd have to disagree with that assertion. Expressions like "God Dammit" and "Jesus" were common, among more colorful language of course. Not great evidence seeing as how it is just a personal example but it does demonstrate that it actually happens.
McCain was the best Republican Soros's money could buy.

Best thing he ever did was to elevate Sarah Pain onto the national stage, had he listened to her he'd be President
We aren't arming either Al Nusra or the ISI(S) in Syria.

What credentials do you hold that allow you to say that with any certainty ?

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism, for two, both groups are on our list of terrorist organizations which would make it illegal for us to support them by say arming them. We simply can't do it, so our "aid" programs simply can't target them. Plus There is, once again, the Institute for the Study of War which has covered Syria quite extensively including their battle lines and international armed group divisions. I highly recommend it.

Make no mistake about it, we are handing over the keys to Al Quaeda in Syria
We aren't arming either Al Nusra or the ISI(S) in Syria.

What credentials do you hold that allow you to say that with any certainty ?

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism, for two, both groups are on our list of terrorist organizations which would make it illegal for us to support them by say arming them. We simply can't do it, so our "aid" programs simply can't target them. Plus There is, once again, the Institute for the Study of War which has covered Syria quite extensively including their battle lines and international armed group divisions. I highly recommend it.

OMG---and we're supposed to buy the fact that black ops follow the law ??? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Got to be frustrating when being interviewed on national TV the interviewer's don't have a grasp of the fact that a 1400 year war between Shite and Sunni is about whose side God is on or what a prhase might mean. Many of these people are living with culture and history from the middle ages. You know, like when Crusader's were invading the ME killing every muslim in sight and lopping off heads in the name of God, the Christian one.
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Make no mistake about it, we are handing over the keys to Al Quaeda in Syria

I don't have a problem with people taking this position, nor do I think it a stupid one. I'm on the fence about intervention myself. Traditionally I prefer not to. My issue with Syria though is that Al Qaeda affiliates already have international backing courtesy of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, this is one reason why when they first appeared they were spoken of as some of the best armed rebel units on the field.

If Assad falls, the conflict won't end there. It will turn into the ISI(S) vs. Al Nusra, vs the FSA, vs the Kurds, vs insert who knows here.

Without support the FSA can't hope to be as well armed and so that gives Al Qaeda an advantage on the battlefield in a Post Assad Syria. They've already started carving out an emirate in northeastern Syria and have started killing FSA leaders who venture into it. In a post-Assad Syria I'd rather see the FSA in control than the ISI(S). The FSA have the numbers and the support of the populace unlike the ISI(s), but to help make their victory a reality they need guns too.
What credentials do you hold that allow you to say that with any certainty ?

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism, for two, both groups are on our list of terrorist organizations which would make it illegal for us to support them by say arming them. We simply can't do it, so our "aid" programs simply can't target them. Plus There is, once again, the Institute for the Study of War which has covered Syria quite extensively including their battle lines and international armed group divisions. I highly recommend it.

OMG---and we're supposed to buy the fact that black ops follow the law ??? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Our rebel aid program isn't black ops.

But if you think about it, the assertion you are making doesn't even make sense really. We have no motivation to support the ISI(S). Why would we? Especially when we have a non-Al Qaeda affiliate organization to act through: the FSA?
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As someone who has worked in construction,

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism,
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from being a member of PETA to cloning mink for pelt harvesting.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?
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If Assad falls, the conflict won't end there. It will turn into the ISI(S) vs. Al Nusra, vs the FSA, vs the Kurds, vs insert who knows here.

And thus the reason why they're hollering ALLAH AKBAR, they're all militant muslims.

Let them kill each other.
Actually, it's more like "Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammunition (or suicide vest)".
As someone who has worked in construction,

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism,
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from flipping burgers at McDonalds to being a fighter jet pilot.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

Why would such a work history be hard to believe? I've also worked in journalism, at a steel plant, in freight flow, and on a manufacturing line. I was born into a pretty poor family and had to work quite hard to put myself through school and get to where I am today.
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