McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

Got to be frustrating when being interviewed on national TV the interviewer's don't have a grasp of the fact that a 1400 year war between Shite and Sunni is about whose side God is on or what a prhase might mean. Many of these people are living with culture and history from the middle ages. You know, like when Crusader's were invading the ME killing every muslim in sight and lopping off heads in the name of God, the Christian one.

Actually, the Muslims were the invaders.

The 1st Crusade was in response to the invasion of Constantinople.

The 2nd Crusade was in response to the invasion of Edessa.

In the 3rd Crusade, King Richard "The Lion Hearted", managed to recapture part of Jerusalem from the Turks who had captured it. He was able to broker a deal allowing Jews and Christians free access to the City.

The 4th Crusade effectively ended the Byzantine Empire.

In fact, some of the Crusaders killed Jews as readily as they killed Muslems, calling them "Christ Killers".
Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism, for two, both groups are on our list of terrorist organizations which would make it illegal for us to support them by say arming them. We simply can't do it, so our "aid" programs simply can't target them. Plus There is, once again, the Institute for the Study of War which has covered Syria quite extensively including their battle lines and international armed group divisions. I highly recommend it.

OMG---and we're supposed to buy the fact that black ops follow the law ??? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Our rebel aid program isn't black ops.

But if you think about it, the assertion you are making doesn't even make sense really. We have no motivation to support the ISI(S). Why would we? Especially when we have a non-Al Qaeda affiliate organization to act through: the FSA?

Motivation ? Oil --pipelines---make Turkey and Saudi Arabia happy. Shit we wanna win this thing and obviously we will do whatever it takes.
OMG---and we're supposed to buy the fact that black ops follow the law ??? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Our rebel aid program isn't black ops.

But if you think about it, the assertion you are making doesn't even make sense really. We have no motivation to support the ISI(S). Why would we? Especially when we have a non-Al Qaeda affiliate organization to act through: the FSA?

Motivation ? Oil --pipelines---make Turkey and Saudi Arabia happy. Shit we wanna win this thing and obviously we will do whatever it takes.

And that would require us to work through Al Qaeda why?
As someone who has worked in construction,

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism,
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from flipping burgers at McDonalds to being a fighter jet pilot.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

Why would such a work history be hard to believe? I've also worked in journalism, at a steel plant, in freight flow, and on a manufacturing line. I was born into a pretty poor family and had to work quite hard to put myself through school and get to where I am today.
Well... see... anyone can say anything that they please on the internet. Hell you could claim you're an astronaut too, or claim you're Charlie Sheen for that matter, but how are we to ever verify it? We can't. Think about it. All we can do is ascertain for ourselves if you're a liar or telling the truth, and right now, as far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out.
If it had not been for stupid Sarah Palin...

Damn her.

He would have made a great President.
Our rebel aid program isn't black ops.

But if you think about it, the assertion you are making doesn't even make sense really. We have no motivation to support the ISI(S). Why would we? Especially when we have a non-Al Qaeda affiliate organization to act through: the FSA?

Motivation ? Oil --pipelines---make Turkey and Saudi Arabia happy. Shit we wanna win this thing and obviously we will do whatever it takes.

And that would require us to work through Al Qaeda why?

The stupid act----c'mon. It doesn't require it yet it is exactly what we are doing while trying very hard to look innocent. Like Israel is trying really hardtop look like they have nothing to do with any of this......
As someone who has worked in construction,

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism,
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from being a member of PETA to cloning mink for pelt harvesting.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep. Slaughtered our own beef, chicken, and pigs and harvested honey from my Uncle's hives. He had over 1,000 of them.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
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Motivation ? Oil --pipelines---make Turkey and Saudi Arabia happy. Shit we wanna win this thing and obviously we will do whatever it takes.

And that would require us to work through Al Qaeda why?

The stupid act----c'mon. It doesn't require it yet it is exactly what we are doing while trying very hard to look innocent. Like Israel is trying really hardtop look like they have nothing to do with any of this......

If it wasn't for OIL, then we wouldn't give a RATS ASS what goes on over there. We'd have to be FORCED into doing something, and then it wouldn't be until there was a multi national coalition.

This is about OIL.
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from flipping burgers at McDonalds to being a fighter jet pilot.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

Why would such a work history be hard to believe? I've also worked in journalism, at a steel plant, in freight flow, and on a manufacturing line. I was born into a pretty poor family and had to work quite hard to put myself through school and get to where I am today.
Well... see... anyone can say anything that they please on the internet. Hell you could claim you're an astronaut too, or claim you're Charlie Sheen for that matter, but how are we to ever verify it? We can't. Think about it. All we can do is ascertain for ourselves if you're a liar or telling the truth, and right now, as far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out.

If he starts with the "Tiger Blood and Winning" meme, then he really might be Charlie Sheen!
The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

And this is what the Republicans put up against Obama in 2008.
As someone who has worked in construction,

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism,
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from being a member of PETA to cloning mink for pelt harvesting.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?
The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

He and his butt buddy Lindsay have gone completely ape shit moron in the last few years. I guarantee you neither will have a job after 2014. In that past few days they've been bent over kissing obama's ass more than the leftist radicals in his own party. They're a pair of worthless buffoons, and need to go bye, bye.

McCain isn't up for reelection until 2016, you know.
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from being a member of PETA to cloning mink for pelt harvesting.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

Why would you criticize for him answering the question? Someone asked him and he answered.
I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

Why would you criticize for him answering the question? Someone asked him and he answered.
It's not criticism dumbass, it's just the facts of the matter.

Now go see if you can find someone else's boots to lick.
So... you worked construction... but then, you worked in counter terrorism.

OK... that's like going from being a member of PETA to cloning mink for pelt harvesting.

Is now a good time for us to put our hips boots on or what?

I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

That is why I object so strongly when someone calls me a Liar. All anyone has on a board is their word that what they are posting is the truth.

I may often be wrong... but I never lie.

If some one claims they have done something in their lives, I will accept that at face value until they have given me a reason NOT to be able to accept their claims as being truthful.

I am still one of those that will give someone a chance to prove that they are liar and not just assume that they are.
The more John McCain opens his mouth the more I'd like to slap the shit out of him. This man is truly a clueless idiot. He may have served his country and was a prisoner of war but it doesn't excuse what a complete idiot he is.

I often wonder how one man can be so stupid and be in the position he's in, but then I realize he's a politician and that explains everything.

He and his butt buddy Lindsay have gone completely ape shit moron in the last few years. I guarantee you neither will have a job after 2014. In that past few days they've been bent over kissing obama's ass more than the leftist radicals in his own party. They're a pair of worthless buffoons, and need to go bye, bye.

McCain isn't up for reelection until 2016, you know.
Whenever... he's history, and so is Graham.
I don't think it is uncommon for a person to have had many different and widely varied jobs in their life.

I grew up on a working farm, showed horses, goats, and sheep.

I worked in a radio and television with a 1st class FCC license my Senior year in High School.

I've been a classified courier, worked on the F-15 (A,B,C, and D Models), worked as a Scout Leader with both U.S. and German troops.

I've run hotels, video stores, convience stores and a Krispy Kreme. I can do circuit board level repair and was a factory trained tech by Hitiachi and RCA.

I've done web site design and used to code in both Colbol and Fortran.
You missed the point. How is anyone to know what anyone, even you, is saying on here about themselves is the TRUTH? We don't, period, there's no way to verify anything.

So go ahead, be who you want, say what you want, who will ever know?

Get it now?

That is why I object so strongly when someone calls me a Liar. All anyone has on a board is their word that what they are posting is the truth.

I may often be wrong... but I never lie.

If some one claims they have done something in their lives, I will accept that at face value until they have given me a reason NOT to be able to accept their claims as being truthful.

I am still one of those that will give someone a chance to prove that they are liar and not just assume that they are.
So that's the way you play it, so what?

Makes no difference about the facts of the matter as I explained them.
Motivation ? Oil --pipelines---make Turkey and Saudi Arabia happy. Shit we wanna win this thing and obviously we will do whatever it takes.

And that would require us to work through Al Qaeda why?

The stupid act----c'mon. It doesn't require it yet it is exactly what we are doing while trying very hard to look innocent. Like Israel is trying really hardtop look like they have nothing to do with any of this......

Do you think that everyone who works within our country's bureaucracy is stupid? The entire DoD? All of the CIA? Our government isn't all political appointees.
And that would require us to work through Al Qaeda why?

The stupid act----c'mon. It doesn't require it yet it is exactly what we are doing while trying very hard to look innocent. Like Israel is trying really hardtop look like they have nothing to do with any of this......

If it wasn't for OIL, then we wouldn't give a RATS ASS what goes on over there. We'd have to be FORCED into doing something, and then it wouldn't be until there was a multi national coalition.

This is about OIL.

Syria's a pretty poor target if we are interested in oil. If you want big and easily exploitable oil now-a-days forget the Middle East, go to Sub-Saharan Africa.

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