McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'

I'm pretty sure you have to be uninformed if you dont get that in this instance McCain is right. What was the guy supposed to say? Right on or hell yeah? Its a common phrase used in joy and in sorrow. The phrase is not restricted to use by terrorists.

No one said it was limited to terrorists. This specific conversation was about the rebels using the phrase.
I don't think that any amount of time spent on this forum will in any way make race relevant to your previous post.

In fact, you're not thinking at all. Whatever land of lolipops and rainbows you think this board is, you're grossly mistaken.

Wise up, dingbat.

This forum doesn't need to be a land of rainbows and lollipops in order for one to find bigotry distasteful there sport. ;)
And you're liberal elitism stinks as well there chief.
Nice to see somebody here that actually knows about what reality is. I've long believed that a major American propagand campaign has been to convince American's that so called affiliates of al Qaeda are the same as al Qaeda so they can go after the Jihadist in general. The American public supports going after al Qaeda, but might not support going after groups with different goals and only a very loose connection to al Qaeda.

Well thanks. :)

US intelligence agencies have reported on the specific groups and differences among them very extensively. The real problem is simply the way that media tends to reduce things in order to cram material into short news presentations. I do journalistic writing myself and I have to operate within a word limit. Such limits can make it difficult to construct reports on complex issues like say Syria, Al Qaeda and its "affiliates", or say conflict in the DR Congo.

It is really more of the fault of how we tend to present information since few actually utilize more primary sources (which is understandable).
I don't know, maybe it's being blown way out of proportion. Then again, maybe not.

Tell me this, how many "Christians" or anyone for that matter said "Thank God" when they heard Bin Laden had been killed? Then, how many people started dancing in the streets acting like fools as was seen on tv that night?
"Allahu Akbar" is as generic as and exasperated person yelling "Jesus Christ!"

For as long as I worked with Muslims, I don't ever remember one yelling "Allahu Akbar". Definately not as much as I remember Christians and non-Christians yelling "Jesus Christ".

The only time I have heard "Allah Akbar" used is by those who have just killed or was getting ready to kill other humans they disagreed with ... Such as the Terrorists on 9-11, the Fort Hood shootings, the beheading of Daniel Pearl, the beheading of the soldier in London, etc.

Perhaps one of you who agree with McCain can source some linked articles supporting your position?

I live a house over from a Muslim. You should ask the ones you work with. They may not say it around you because it might be misinterpreted.

Allahu Akbar (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you have a linked article supporting your position that the phrase is used as often as Westerners use the term "Jesus Christ" which is McCain's position.
In fact, you're not thinking at all. Whatever land of lolipops and rainbows you think this board is, you're grossly mistaken.

Wise up, dingbat.

This forum doesn't need to be a land of rainbows and lollipops in order for one to find bigotry distasteful there sport. ;)
And you're liberal elitism stinks as well there chief.

How is not appreciating bigotry a characteristic of a liberal elite? Are you suggesting that all conservative are bigots? :confused: That's pretty unfair and inappropriate.
More like... "radical islam and America's racist asshole blacks like you are pretty much the same."

Right. Because bringing skin color into this makes sense. . . :doubt:

Radical right wing nutcases love to show off their racism and hate at every corner.

You set the bar height here for racism, jerk off.

Now take some of your own medicine and quit whining ya little bitch.
The FSA has some Islamist factions, but are largely secular in their overarching political ideology.

Al Nusra and the ISI(S), the two Al Qaeda linked groups also aren't part of the "rebel"s that we would be supporting.

Painting intervention in Syria as supporting Al Qaeda is dishonest, and completely ignores very real divides among Syrian opposition groups.

This isn't a two faction conflict.

Do you have a roster that you can pass out to us since you seem to know who all the players are here ?

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda Joins the Syrian Rebellion

Sure, I'd point to the Institute for the Study of War and to West Point's Combating Terrorism Center.

This has never been a two faction conflict and it is silly for us to treat it as one.

No one says it's only two factions---the claim is the some of the rebels are Islamic militants and Al Qaeda members. You are denying that ?
I'm pretty sure you have to be uninformed if you dont get that in this instance McCain is right. What was the guy supposed to say? Right on or hell yeah? Its a common phrase used in joy and in sorrow. The phrase is not restricted to use by terrorists.

No one said it was limited to terrorists. This specific conversation was about the rebels using the phrase.

Whats wrong with them using the phrase? It means God or Allah is the greatest.
Seeing that the Progressives and Neo-cons have allied with Al Qaeda in Syria, I wouldn't' expect any different a response.

This seems like a fairly dishonest statement. We aren't helping Al Qaeda, nor are we planning on doing so in Syria. Nor does intervention necessarily help Al Qaeda. In fact, it could do the exact opposite by supporting the FSA which is in contention with Al Nusra and the ISI(S).

If you are against bombing or intervening in Syria that is perfectly fine, but there is no need to be intellectually dishonest about other stances outside of yours. If your rationale is credible enough you shouldn't have to resort to such tactics.

There's nothing dishonest about it. We are absolutely enabling militant Islamists overthrow Assad.
Indeed, we are killing them and labeling them Insurgents/Al Quada in Afghanistan then arming them, making them our allies and labeling them rebels in Syria :rofl:
No one says it's only two factions---the claim is the some of the rebels are Islamic militants and Al Qaeda members. You are denying that ?

:confused: I specifically said there were and even named the groups (the only one in this thread to do so by the way). That has nothing to do with the argument that I have been making.
This forum doesn't need to be a land of rainbows and lollipops in order for one to find bigotry distasteful there sport. ;)
And you're liberal elitism stinks as well there chief.

How is not appreciating bigotry a characteristic of a liberal elite? Are you suggesting that all conservative are bigots? :confused: That's pretty unfair and inappropriate.

Thinking you're elite when you're not is the liberal trait, boy, and you got in spades.

No suggestion needed, just facts.
And you're liberal elitism stinks as well there chief.

How is not appreciating bigotry a characteristic of a liberal elite? Are you suggesting that all conservative are bigots? :confused: That's pretty unfair and inappropriate.

Thinking you're elite when you're not is the liberal trait, boy, and you got in spades.

No suggestion needed, just facts.

So just to clarify, not being a bigot makes one an "elite" and thus a "liberal" :confused:

That doesn't make any sense there dear.
For as long as I worked with Muslims, I don't ever remember one yelling "Allahu Akbar". Definately not as much as I remember Christians and non-Christians yelling "Jesus Christ".

The only time I have heard "Allah Akbar" used is by those who have just killed or was getting ready to kill other humans they disagreed with ... Such as the Terrorists on 9-11, the Fort Hood shootings, the beheading of Daniel Pearl, the beheading of the soldier in London, etc.

Perhaps one of you who agree with McCain can source some linked articles supporting your position?

I live a house over from a Muslim. You should ask the ones you work with. They may not say it around you because it might be misinterpreted.

Allahu Akbar (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you have a linked article supporting your position that the phrase is used as often as Westerners use the term "Jesus Christ" which is McCain's position.

No but I have 2 personal sources. I used it all the time as a child. One of my neighbors is Muslim and he says it all the time.
How is not appreciating bigotry a characteristic of a liberal elite? Are you suggesting that all conservative are bigots? :confused: That's pretty unfair and inappropriate.

Thinking you're elite when you're not is the liberal trait, boy, and you got in spades.

No suggestion needed, just facts.

So just to clarify, not being a bigot makes one an "elite" and thus a "liberal" :confused:

That doesn't make any sense there dear.

So you like to obfuscate as well aye? You don't think that those of us who've been here forever haven't seen your sassy little condescending type come and go by the thousands?

You're not fooling anyone skippy, and I don't have to point it out any further. Everyone can see it by the way you've been posting, jerk off.

You're dismissed.
Indeed, we are killing them and labeling them Insurgents/Al Quada in Afghanistan then arming them, making them our allies and labeling them rebels in Syria :rofl:

We aren't arming either Al Nusra or the ISI(S) in Syria.

What credentials do you hold that allow you to say that with any certainty ?

Well for one, I used to work in counter terrorism, for two, both groups are on our list of terrorist organizations which would make it illegal for us to support them by say arming them. We simply can't do it, so our "aid" programs simply can't target them. Plus There is, once again, the Institute for the Study of War which has covered Syria quite extensively including their battle lines and international armed group divisions. I highly recommend it.

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