McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

Biden is white Obama.
Then he’d be the most popular President in American history
Sarah Palin was the only chance McCain had in '08. (polls prove this), and despite all the viscous leaks & hideousness from McCain's awful daughter, Palin has been unfailingly loyal to him. McCain kicking Palin on the way out is him again using "honor" to shield cruelty.
And she could see Russia from her house
Says Tina Fey you ignorant moron
McCain was going to lose in 2008 regardless of his VP pick

It is just that his VP pick made him look like a moron
You are the queen, my dear. Did you see Limousine Liberal in that mud bath that almost a blood bath??!! Wow! I thought after all the trouble of loading the final ride at the end of the starting gate, some horse or jockey was going to get hurt or worse. I love the horses. My grandpa and my dad would take me with to Santa Anita when I was a tyke. The would drink beer, and I would eat hot dogs and drink root beer. I idolized them.

I worry about that big of a field too. 20 horses all heading for the rail after the break is scary. And you are right. That is a long time for horses to wait in the gate for all 20 to load up. Santa Anita, how fun!
His administration was why we elected Trump.


He's winking at us for all that uranium Hillary sold him....along with the American ground it is coming from....for a small contribution to her Clinton slush fund....that she forgot to mention...

And for all that laundered money Obama kept flying to Putin's friends in Iran.
He is thanking you for the Obama administration.
But it was OK when a Canadian company owned it.

I don’t think Canada would bomb the USA, they aren’t our enemy, but Russia is a supper power and could use one day use the uranium on America .

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His administration was why we elected Trump.


He's winking at us for all that uranium Hillary sold him....along with the American ground it is coming from....for a small contribution to her Clinton slush fund....that she forgot to mention...

And for all that laundered money Obama kept flying to Putin's friends in Iran.
He is thanking you for the Obama administration.
But it was OK when a Canadian company owned it.

I don’t think Canada would bomb the USA, they aren’t our enemy, but Russia is a supper power and could use one day use the uranium on America .

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The company is not licensed to export any type of uranium..
  • The Ruskies are using more uranium than they can mine in their own country, why, it's buried under Siberian frozen tundra, where Nanook rubs it.
And the Ruskies can't seem to finger out extraction methods in the frozen waste lands...
His administration was why we elected Trump.


He's winking at us for all that uranium Hillary sold him....along with the American ground it is coming from....for a small contribution to her Clinton slush fund....that she forgot to mention...

And for all that laundered money Obama kept flying to Putin's friends in Iran.
He is thanking you for the Obama administration.
But it was OK when a Canadian company owned it.

I don’t think Canada would bomb the USA, they aren’t our enemy, but Russia is a supper power and could use one day use the uranium on America .

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How, since the U.S. makes sure that none of that uranium is allowed to leave the country?
who doesn't want Biden to run for president?! Crazy Uncle Joe is very likable!
At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends

The only reason McCain got as many votes as he did was because he had Sarah Palin on the ticket.... no one wanted to vote for him since he was always an asshole toward conservatives. The conservatives were the one group that really wanted to like the guy because of his military record, and he took every opportunity to shit on them every chance he got..... so when he decided to run, he wasn't going to get a lot of support, until he picked Sarah Palin....that gave him a boost....

I voted for Sarah Palin, I didn't vote for Mccain....
His administration was why we elected Trump.


He's winking at us for all that uranium Hillary sold him....along with the American ground it is coming from....for a small contribution to her Clinton slush fund....that she forgot to mention...

And for all that laundered money Obama kept flying to Putin's friends in Iran.
He is thanking you for the Obama administration.
But it was OK when a Canadian company owned it.

I don’t think Canada would bomb the USA, they aren’t our enemy, but Russia is a supper power and could use one day use the uranium on America .

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How, since the U.S. makes sure that none of that uranium is allowed to leave the country?

It did leave the country, didn't think that putin would bribe hilary with 145 million dollars and not take possession of his uranium, did you?

Yet NRC memos reviewed by The Hill show that it did approve the shipment of yellowcake uranium — the raw material used to make nuclear fuel and weapons — from the Russian-owned mines in the United States to Canada in 2012 through a third party. Later, the Obama administration approved some of that uranium going all the way to Europe, government documents show.

Rather than give Rosatom a direct export license — which would have raised red flags inside a Congress already suspicious of the deal — the NRC in 2012 authorized an amendment to an existing export license for a Paducah, Ky.-based trucking firm called RSB Logistics Services Inc. to simply add Uranium One to the list of clients whose uranium it could move to Canada.

The license, reviewed by The Hill, is dated March 16, 2012, and it increased the amount of uranium ore concentrate that RSB Logistics could ship to the Cameco Corp. plant in Ontario from 7,500,000 kilograms to 12,000,000 kilograms and added Uranium One to the “other parties to Export.”

The move escaped notice in Congress.

Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show
I will never understand why McCain picked that ignorant piece of trash for his running mate. Just because she's a dumb fundie who barely made it through college?

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