McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

Apologies if there has been a thread started on this already mods. I did a search of McCain's name and didn't see a thread about it.

According to sources, Senator McCain has conveyed wishes that President Trump not be welcomed at his memorial services.

McCain does not want Trump at his funeral: reports

I have mixed feelings on this matter.

On one hand, I wouldn't want that pervert anywhere near my family under any circumstances. On the other hand, as a public official who has repeatedly asked that we find common ground, what type of message does this send? I think the wishes of the dead/dying take prominence. I do wish the two men could have come to an understanding so such requests be unnecessary. I would wager that Bush 41 has issued similar orders to those organizing his memorial but he is too much of a gentleman to let it become public knowledge.
My link went right to it just now, so your computer is blocking it for some reason.
My link went right to it just now, so your computer is blocking it for some reason.

Ah, but your computer, Jammie-boi, has the magic "I Love Hillary" app in the start-up file. It was truly kind of some adult to have loaded it for you.
One more reason to insist a wooden stake be driven through McTraitor's heart before the slam the lid.
McCain undoubtedly is the more hateful heart in this entire episode, and that's sad really. The problem with Trump is that the establishment hates the outsider for whom can't be controlled by them, and they saw him as a loose cannon.

You attack a bull you get the horns, and a bull could care less about how it gores you with those horns. Yeah Trump gored ole McCain good, but undoubtedly McCain hadn't ever attacked anyone like the ole bull before.

McCain had an opportunity to be the bigger man, but his hate caused him to miss that opportunity. He could have sent out a letter forgiving Trump, and it could have said "Trump", now I know you don't mean anything by what you say in the heat of a battle, so I'm forgiving you because I can't live with hate in my heart... I over came that during my captivity long ago, now let's get some work done for the American people.

Trump I feel would have responded in kind, because Trump isn't a hate filled man, and he would be the man to accept that McCain had forgiven him, and would have probably became best friends at that point with McCain.
Apologies if there has been a thread started on this already mods. I did a search of McCain's name and didn't see a thread about it.

According to sources, Senator McCain has conveyed wishes that President Trump not be welcomed at his memorial services.

McCain does not want Trump at his funeral: reports

I have mixed feelings on this matter.

On one hand, I wouldn't want that pervert anywhere near my family under any circumstances. On the other hand, as a public official who has repeatedly asked that we find common ground, what type of message does this send? I think the wishes of the dead/dying take prominence. I do wish the two men could have come to an understanding so such requests be unnecessary. I would wager that Bush 41 has issued similar orders to those organizing his memorial but he is too much of a gentleman to let it become public knowledge.

Found 2 other threads by searching for 'funeral' over the last 3 days.

The left knowing how Trump is, keeps poking him, and they keep trying to get him to destroy his credibility before the world.. It has become a very dangerous thing.

Pushing Trump to explain himself in every foriegn policy decision, has caused Trump to explain himself to those who then sadly uses the explanation to attempt to make a fool out of him in front of the world leaders in which he is dealing with.

Undermining this Presidents foriegn policy activity in an attempt to embarrass him before the world should be a crime. It's traitorous at best, and it needs to stop before the left gets us in a war out there.

I said it before, that the left would burn this nation to the ground in order to get conservatism out of that White House. They would do this to get back on track with the agenda they had going for decades now. If not Trump, they would be doing the same against anyone else who would be espousing conservative values and standards from a power position.

People best wake up and fast.
Apologies if there has been a thread started on this already mods. I did a search of McCain's name and didn't see a thread about it.

According to sources, Senator McCain has conveyed wishes that President Trump not be welcomed at his memorial services.

McCain does not want Trump at his funeral: reports

I have mixed feelings on this matter.

On one hand, I wouldn't want that pervert anywhere near my family under any circumstances. On the other hand, as a public official who has repeatedly asked that we find common ground, what type of message does this send? I think the wishes of the dead/dying take prominence. I do wish the two men could have come to an understanding so such requests be unnecessary. I would wager that Bush 41 has issued similar orders to those organizing his memorial but he is too much of a gentleman to let it become public knowledge.

Found 2 other threads by searching for 'funeral' over the last 3 days.


Thanks...I apologize.

I figured it was too hot button to go unnoticed
Apologies if there has been a thread started on this already mods. I did a search of McCain's name and didn't see a thread about it.

According to sources, Senator McCain has conveyed wishes that President Trump not be welcomed at his memorial services.

McCain does not want Trump at his funeral: reports

I have mixed feelings on this matter.

On one hand, I wouldn't want that pervert anywhere near my family under any circumstances. On the other hand, as a public official who has repeatedly asked that we find common ground, what type of message does this send? I think the wishes of the dead/dying take prominence. I do wish the two men could have come to an understanding so such requests be unnecessary. I would wager that Bush 41 has issued similar orders to those organizing his memorial but he is too much of a gentleman to let it become public knowledge.

Found 2 other threads by searching for 'funeral' over the last 3 days.


Thanks...I apologize.

I figured it was too hot button to go unnoticed

No problem.

It's why I get the big bucks

His administration was why we elected Trump.


He's winking at us for all that uranium Hillary sold him....along with the American ground it is coming from....for a small contribution to her Clinton slush fund....that she forgot to mention...

And for all that laundered money Obama kept flying to Putin's friends in Iran.
He is thanking you for the Obama administration.
Yeah the uranium that Russia has not received an ounce of :laugh:

How much money do you think Trump will give North Korea? Is it worth ending their nuclear weapons program?

Fucking hack


The uranium was tracked back to Russian interests in the middle east..over 2000 tons of it...

He spoke the truth.

American nuclear officials, too, seemed eager to assuage fears. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission wrote to Mr. Barrasso assuring him that American uranium would be preserved for domestic use, regardless of who owned it.

“In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the export of uranium for use as reactor fuel,” the letter said.
More cons agree Trump is not a friend.

McCain’s Friends Have Started Preparing for His Funeral—and Trump Isn’t Invited

Sen. John McCain’s closest friends and advisers are already getting ready for the inevitable.
Although no one is explicitly saying goodbye to the longtime Arizona senator who is battling brain cancer quite yet, he is receiving a stream of visitors at his home and their conversations often turn to reminiscing and “taking care of unfinished business,” the New York Times reports. Part of that involves planning for his funeral and his inner circle has let the White House know that as of now Vice President Mike Pence should be planning to attend the service that will be held in the National Cathedral in Washington rather than President Donald Trump.

The decision isn’t too surprising considering Trump and McCain have clashed more than once. But it does come shortly after Trump didn’t attend former first lady Barbara Bush’s funeral. Trump said he wanted to avoid disrupting the service but it was an open secret that the Bush family didn’t quite want the commander in chief there.

I wouldn't want the Pervert Trump anywhere near my family.
Well there are obviously two points not being expressed here.

One is that when McCain let his personal feelings take precedence over what was good for the country he lost all claim to being a statesman, a graybeard, a man of stature. His thumb down move in casting the final vote for Obamacare repeal was strictly a vindictive act of hubris filled grandstanding. He became a petty man at that moment.

Secondly, probably one of the most class acts of the trump presidency was for Donald to send Melania to Barbara Bush’s funeral and for him to remain in the background. He will do the same for McCain, who fancies himself someone grander than he really is. While McCain obsesses over this, trump doesn’t give it a second thought. Trump will get no credit for ha doing both of this events with class and tact.

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