McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
Why should those people find it more unforgivable than their opposition?
McCain was at one time an honorable and principled man, but in the winter of his political life, he abandoned those virtues.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."

McCain is an asshole who made fun of and attacked the very people who wanted to vote for him. That is why Trump attacking him didn't bother anyone.....he made a career out of attacking conservatives and getting patted on the head by the democrat media for doing it.....
McCain was at one time an honorable and principled man, but in the winter of his political life, he abandoned those virtues.

He made fun of and attacked conservatives who honored his service...he was an asshole....
Seems McCain is going the way of all who attack Trump.

His behavior has backfired. Only the hardcore leftists respect his latest antics. He has reminded the rest of us why we don't respect him in his last days

That said, my father died of brain cancer. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
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Seems McCain is going the way of all who attack Trump.

His behavior has backfired. Only the hardcore leftists respect his latest antics. He has reminded the rest of us why we don't respect him in his last days

That said, my father died of brain cancer. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Trumplodytes turn on anyone who criticizes Dishonest Don, the Blamethrower.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."

^ Spit on McCain at the airport when he returned home from Vietnam in uniform
Biden is white Obama.
Then he’d be the most popular President in American history

Obama said that the last election was going to be a reflection on him. He was right. It was. His administration was why we elected Trump.
And Hillary was right when she said if Trump gets elected we'll all fry. The investigations are just beginning, and the level of corruption is going to be epic.
Indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
who doesn't want Biden to run for president?! Crazy Uncle Joe is very likable!
At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends

McCain is nothing more than a stalking horse for the Left in this country. He had no intention of winning the Presidency in 2008 and actively undermined Sarah Palin when it appeared that she was becoming more popular than he was. He should have retired from the Senate years ago, but his only concern is about being remembered as a Republican version of Teddy Kennedy.
Ah...this is the new revised history, I see.
What are the chances that the graveyard will make a special spot so we can all piss on Open Borders McCain's grave? They really should. :thup:
And this, ladies and what trumpism has done to people who used to be Americans...and now they are just trumpanzees.
who doesn't want Biden to run for president?! Crazy Uncle Joe is very likable!
At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends

The only reason McCain got as many votes as he did was because he had Sarah Palin on the ticket.... no one wanted to vote for him since he was always an asshole toward conservatives. The conservatives were the one group that really wanted to like the guy because of his military record, and he took every opportunity to shit on them every chance he got..... so when he decided to run, he wasn't going to get a lot of support, until he picked Sarah Palin....that gave him a boost....

I voted for Sarah Palin, I didn't vote for Mccain....
He's a maverick! :71:

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