McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.

Hillary getting put in her place over her stupid “deplorables” comment didn’t teach the mindless left their lesson.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.

Hillary getting put in her place over her stupid “deplorables” comment didn’t teach the mindless left their lesson.

I hear ya, comrade. Who knew "deplorables" were so delicate?
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.

Hillary getting put in her place over her stupid “deplorables” comment didn’t teach the mindless left their lesson.
The worse thing, the absolutely worse thing about H. Clinton's "deplorables" comment is how very right she was.
Palin said it. I posted the video above.

link it
This is what she said.

This is where the left gets their news 1:25

She should have said, "I can spot a vodka bottle from a mile away."

I bet my post is off-topic.

Just dumb.

She was great.

The Palin's are a bunch of drunks. It wasn't noticeable as long as they stayed in Alaska.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.

Hillary getting put in her place over her stupid “deplorables” comment didn’t teach the mindless left their lesson.

I hear ya, comrade. Who knew "deplorables" were so delicate?
Actually, that's not at all surprising.

The distance between Wales, Alaska and Nauken, Russia is 54.12 miles.

So, one can see Russia from Alaska.

Depends on your eyesight

I can see Mars from my house
Doesn’t make me an astronaut

Your response makes you an idiot.
Plains response made her an idiot

you believing Palin said it, instead of Fey, makes you an idiot.

Prove it isn’t Palin

We all saw her say it
Oh, no, Hillary called me a deplorable. Now I'm going to have to vote for an ignorant, orange lying buffoon. I'll show her!
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

It's when Trumplodytes decided talking the talk was more important than walking the walk.

Hillary getting put in her place over her stupid “deplorables” comment didn’t teach the mindless left their lesson.
The worse thing, the absolutely worse thing about H. Clinton's "deplorables" comment is how very right she was.
They've become empowered since those days of running her out of town, too. Now they're forming gun sanctuary counties.
The distance between Wales, Alaska and Nauken, Russia is 54.12 miles.

So, one can see Russia from Alaska.

Depends on your eyesight

I can see Mars from my house
Doesn’t make me an astronaut

Your response makes you an idiot.
Plains response made her an idiot

you believing Palin said it, instead of Fey, makes you an idiot.

Prove it isn’t Palin

We all saw her say it

No one saw her say it.

however, they DID see Tina Fey say it.

(shame you're incapable of telling the difference)
Palin said it. I posted the video above.

link it
Already did. This is on you and your ilk.

Missed it.

link to a video, or link to your post showing it.

(I seriously doubt you have one showing Palin stating she can see Russia from her house)

It has been posted numerous times. Undeniable video evidence that Palin said she can see Russia from her house

Are you claiming that Palin lied and really can’t see Russia?
Depends on your eyesight

I can see Mars from my house
Doesn’t make me an astronaut

Your response makes you an idiot.
Plains response made her an idiot

you believing Palin said it, instead of Fey, makes you an idiot.

Prove it isn’t Palin

We all saw her say it

No one saw her say it.

however, they DID see Tina Fey say it.

(shame you're incapable of telling the difference)
Stop diverting the thread

This thread is about Palin not Tina Fey

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