McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

who doesn't want Biden to run for president?! Crazy Uncle Joe is very likable!
At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends

McCain is nothing more than a stalking horse for the Left in this country. He had no intention of winning the Presidency in 2008 and actively undermined Sarah Palin when it appeared that she was becoming more popular than he was. He should have retired from the Senate years ago, but his only concern is about being remembered as a Republican version of Teddy Kennedy.
Ah...this is the new revised history, I see.

It's the post-truth version.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

Snopes is fake news, haven’t you heard it

Palin said it on Saturday Night Live

No, she didn't.

and stop the derailing attempt
I saw her

Stop covering for Palin

stop lying.

Saw the video

The distance between Wales, Alaska and Nauken, Russia is 54.12 miles.

So, one can see Russia from Alaska.

Depends on your eyesight

I can see Mars from my house
Doesn’t make me an astronaut

Your response makes you an idiot.
Plains response made her an idiot

you believing Palin said it, instead of Fey, makes you an idiot.
No you didn't. Even Snopes agrees with me on this.

Snopes is fake news, haven’t you heard it

Palin said it on Saturday Night Live

No, she didn't.

and stop the derailing attempt
I saw her

Stop covering for Palin

stop lying.

Saw the video

see your optometrist
who doesn't want Biden to run for president?! Crazy Uncle Joe is very likable!
At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends
I guess John McCain was always a Democrat at heart.
This is why he gave a thumbs-down to repealing Obamacare.

McCain never drew a breath when he wasn't covered by government-provided healthcare or insurance. Maybe he thought taking insurance coverage from millions of Americans was a rotten idea.
Many conservatives never forgave McCain for saying Obama was "a decent family man". His refusal to sign on to their hateful insanity was a deal-breaker.

(I was not referring to Trump when I said "deal-breaker", but I understand why you'd think that.)
I will never understand why McCain picked that ignorant piece of trash for his running mate. Just because she's a dumb fundie who barely made it through college?

You want to compare resumes with her?

I wouldn't mind. I've got enough credentials to blow her out of the water in a heartbeat.
I'm betting you aren't a quitter either.

I’m betting he’s never been a governor.
"There is a painful irony in McCain’s having served, by the insult done to him at that Iowa candidates’ forum, as one of the pivot points on which the national narrative has turned. He showed that Trump could mock self-sacrifice, could demean honor, and blithely get away with it, even among those who should most have found it unforgivable."
That's when all the Deplorables came out....and turned into trumpanzees.

The leftist losers never learn.

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