McCain tells Biden to run for president, regrets picking Palin, doesn't want Trump at his funeral

Fuck McCain. In the asshole. With a cactus. Unlubed, as if I had to tell ya! I now truly believe the cancerous tumor in his shit-for-brain has more intelligence than he does.
As Chuck said, "Thinking about John McCain fate..........reminds me when at a Town Meeting someone said something Derogatory against Obama.

McCain stopped the man and took a moment to stand up for Obama stating he was a fine man.

That quality is what Trump is Lacking............ Character !"
Sarah Palin was the only chance McCain had in '08. (polls prove this), and despite all the viscous leaks & hideousness from McCain's awful daughter, Palin has been unfailingly loyal to him. McCain kicking Palin on the way out is him again using "honor" to shield cruelty.
And she could see Russia from her house
Says Tina Fey you ignorant moron
I saw Palin say it
I heard Palin say those words, yes
We can expect lots of goofy comments from McCain during his remaining time. They already cut out his frontal lobe.
Sarah Palin was the only chance McCain had in '08. (polls prove this), and despite all the viscous leaks & hideousness from McCain's awful daughter, Palin has been unfailingly loyal to him. McCain kicking Palin on the way out is him again using "honor" to shield cruelty.
And she could see Russia from her house
Says Tina Fey you ignorant moron
I saw Palin say it
I heard Palin say those words, yes
Most of America heard her say it
Biden/Hillary 2020!!

Jake had his "I'm seeing 2020 for Hillary" lawn sign out since Nov 7 2016
Palin probably got the McShitstain RINO a couple or three million more votes than he would have got.
That was the ONLY reason I voted for them. I despised the fraud McCain back then. Palin was great. I had hoped she would be a good influence on the fraud "maverick"

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