McCain's campaign manager has been receiving money from Freddie Mac for 2 years.

OK, people, put away yur notebooks and pull out a #2 pencil.

1. How much money did Obama recieve from Fannie and Freddie each year on average?

2. How much money did McCain recieve from Fannie and Freddie each year on average?

3. Which presidential contender sought to strengthen oversight of the troubled gov't insititutions?

4. Which presidential contender sued lenders under Equal Housing Opportunity laws?

5. Which contender has career-long links to ACORN, the fraud-ridden community organizers that the dems want to give 20% of any bailout payback to?

If you want to get into true ethics then why not bring up the Keating 5. Mccain was definitely involved in a saving and loan scandel but Barack Obama was not definitely involved in Fannie and Freddie's demise.
If you want to get into true ethics then why not bring up the Keating 5. Mccain was definitely involved in a saving and loan scandel but Barack Obama was not definitely involved in Fannie and Freddie's demise.
uh, McCain was completely cleared in the Keating 5
which is why he is not ready to be CinC

Well I am a believer than experience is overrated. I see it in the real world all the time. You give people with new ideas and concepts a chance and they can thrive. I know most dont agree with this but being in corporate america for my entire working life I have seen many examples and it and it also branches out into other aspects of life besides business.
Well I am a believer than experience is overrated. I see it in the real world all the time. You give people with new ideas and concepts a chance and they can thrive. I know most dont agree with this but being in corporate america for my entire working life I have seen many examples and it and it also branches out into other aspects of life besides business.
Appeasement and socialism are not new...they have already been tried...repeatedly...with annoyingly predictable results.

BTW - The dem prosecutor for the Keating 5 said the accusations aginst McCain were baseless.

What's the next talking point from the Obam-o-fax?
If you want to get into true ethics then why not bring up the Keating 5. Mccain was definitely involved in a saving and loan scandel but Barack Obama was not definitely involved in Fannie and Freddie's demise.
This class is known as deflection.

And McCain was cleared, thank-you.
OK, people, put away yur notebooks and pull out a #2 pencil.

1. How much money did Obama recieve from Fannie and Freddie each year on average?

he received the donations within the last year and a half, fannie/freddie were in trouble long before handm thus no qid pro quo

2. How much money did McCain recieve from Fannie and Freddie each year on average?

doesn't matter, but his right hand man took alot from fannie...

3. Which presidential contender sought to strengthen oversight of the troubled gov't insititutions?

he didn't seek hard enough, at least the dems in the house got the legislation passed

4. Which presidential contender sued lenders under Equal Housing Opportunity laws?

sued them for what? an injustice? hope they won the case, if it was determined an injustice! ;)

5. Which contender has career-long links to ACORN, the fraud-ridden community organizers that the dems want to give 20% of any bailout payback to?

Acorn has many arms, housing is an important part of them, and not illegal....

their voting drive arm is not illegal either, though they have had some illegal doings...

If we tried to pass weak-assed alibis like that y'all would freak.

Your no quid pro quo answer is astounding unless you're claiming Obama took his gonzo bucks after Fannie blew-up.

Yet, you cry Davis took money even though McCain made and others made efforts to shore up oversight. More than your candidate has...he won't even admit to the dead babies he did push for.

And what legislation? The one sponsored by 1 dem and 2 GOPers?

If we tried to pass weak-assed alibis like that y'all would freak.

Your no quid pro quo answer is astounding unless you're claiming Obama took his gonzo bucks after Fannie blew-up.

Yet, you cry Davis took money even though McCain made and others made efforts to shore up oversight. More than your candidate has...he won't even admit to the dead babies he did push for.

And what legislation? The one sponsored by 1 dem and 2 GOPers?

He didnt get elected to the Senate until 2004, what did you expect him to do. Also this notion that Mccain wanted action in late 2005 is a joke. The damage was done, we needed action in 2001 not 2005. I'm not going to crown him for being Captain Obvious. Also you call 126k "Gonzo bucks", thats ridiculous. If I were looking to vote for a politician that didnt take money or wasnt involved with large corporations then I would never vote because there isnt such a candidate.
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He didnt get elected to the Senate until 2004, what did you expect him to do. Also this notion that Mccain wanted action in late 2005 is a joke. The damage was done, we needed action in 2001 not 2005. I'm not going to crown him for being Captain Obvious. Also you call 126k "Gonzo bucks", thats ridiculous. If I were looking to vote for a politician that didnt take money or wasnt involved with large corporations then I would never vote because there isnt such a candidate.
tiny correction, obama did not get elected until nov 2006 in to the usa senate...

If we tried to pass weak-assed alibis like that y'all would freak.

Your no quid pro quo answer is astounding unless you're claiming Obama took his gonzo bucks after Fannie blew-up.

Yet, you cry Davis took money even though McCain made and others made efforts to shore up oversight. More than your candidate has...he won't even admit to the dead babies he did push for.

And what legislation? The one sponsored by 1 dem and 2 GOPers?

it passed in the house a year ago, it has had 2 readings on the floor in the senate, up for a vote now...

5/22/2007--Passed House amended.
Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007 -
Title I - Reform of Regulation of Enterprises and Federal Home Loan Banks
Subtitle A - Improvement of Safety and Soundness
Section 101 -
Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Act) to establish, in place of the present Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, a Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), headed by a Director (Director) possessing general supervisory and regulatory authority over the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the federal home loan banks ("the regulated entities").
Section 102 -
Requires the Director to establish standards for each regulated entity, especially standards relating to: (1) adequacy of internal controls and information systems; (2) independence and adequacy of internal audit systems; (3) management of credit and counterparty risk; (4) management of any asset and investment portfolio; (5) investments and acquisitions; and (6) overall risk management processes, particularly adequacy of oversight by senior management and the board of directors, and of processes and policies to identify and control material risks, including reputational risks.
Section 103 -
Establishes the Federal Housing Enterprise Board to advise the Director.
Section 104 -
Instructs the Director to require a regulated entity to: (1) submit a timely report upon its discovery that it has purchased or sold a fraudulent loan or financial instrument, or if it suspects a possible fraud relating to a purchase or sale of any loan or financial instrument; (2) establish and maintain procedures designed to discover such transactions; and (3) report annually the total value of charitable contributions made to nonprofit organizations.
Section 106 -
Instructs the Director to establish and collect from the regulated entities annual assessments to provide for FHFA costs and expenses.
Section 107 -
Authorizes the Director to appoint accountants, economists, specialists in financial markets or information technology, and examiners with respect to supervision and regulation of the regulated entities.
Amends the Federal Home Loan Bank Act to subject federal home loan banks to examinations by the Director.
Section 108 -
Specifies factors the Director may consider when determining (as under present law) whether to prohibit the regulated entities from providing compensation to any executive officer of an entity that is not reasonable and comparable with compensation for employment in other similar businesses involving similar duties and responsibilities.
Authorizes the Director to consider any relevant factors, including any wrongdoing on the officer's part.
Authorizes the Director to require a regulated entity to withhold any payment, transfer, or disbursement of compensation to an executive officer, or to place such compensation in an escrow account, during the review of the compensation's reasonableness and comparability. is really long!

H.R. 1427 - Summary: Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007 (
wrong, he was elected in the fall of 2004 and took office in 2005

do you know who he ran against?

my bad!!! i thought he had just a guest speach at the 2004 convention amd didn't run till 2 years ago....

no, don't know who he ran against....never really followed his career?
lots of repubs as sponsors....bipartisan...

Sponsor: Rep. Barney Frank [D-MA]hide cosponsors
Cosponsors [as of 2008-09-27]
Rep. Richard Baker [R-LA]
Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY]
Rep. Gary Miller [R-CA]
Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE]
Rep. Melvin Watt [D-NC]
i know it takes 2 reading before they can vote on something...other than that, i'm as clueless as you on this???

Far be it for ME to sound cynical *cough* but as Mr Frank was saying everything was OK just last week I'm skeptical. After all he is even in that video saying he sees nothing in the regulator's report showing Fannie Mae as being in crisis.

I would also want to contrast it to the 2003 and 2006 efforts and see if this is a deathbed epiphany.

I read SCOTUS opinions on the comity clause for fun, I might be able to chew through this...but not tonight.

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