McCain's campaign manager has been receiving money from Freddie Mac for 2 years.

No shit-stain. Cleared, as in: no basis for charges.

The investigator said there was no reason to keep investigating him...the same attorney that later defended B J Clinton.

Guilty, but not charged.

McCain's family flew to the Carribean on Keating's private jet numerous times for vacations with his close friend Charles Keating. Then McCain along with several other Senators, met with regulators and tried to put pressure on them to lay off Keating's Saving and Loan. All the while Keating was stealing 20,000 pensioners life savings.
Guilty because some paranoid internet troll says so?

Thank God you're an impotent little retarded monkey because if people like you had real power...

...well, actually I think you're too stupid to doing anything threatening.

On to more important things:

Guilty because some paranoid internet troll says so?

Thank God you're an impotent little retarded monkey because if people like you had real power...

...well, actually I think you're too stupid to doing anything threatening.

On to more important things:


McCain is going to nominate her after he drops Palin.

Do I think the Obama campaign wants to hide these connections? Yes of course, the simple fact is that the campaign did seek Raines's opinion on economic and housing policies. Here's another example of them trying to hide a former CEO of Fannie.

Gateway Pundit: Former Fannie Mae Chairman Johnson Still Advising Obama
Ben Smith at Politico reported:

Former Fannie Mae chairman Jim Johnson was dumped from Obama's vice presidential search team, but he's still playing a behind-the-scenes role on the campaign.

Former Senator Tom Daschle, a top Obama backer, emailed a select list this afternoon that he and Johnson would be leading a briefing intended largely for Clinton's campaign brain trust next month.

"Jim Johnson and I have scheduled another informal breakfast discussion and update on the campaign early next month," he wrote to a list including Senator John Kerry, James Carville, and Richard Holbrooke, as well as Clinton's former top campaign aides, including Howard Wolfson, Geoff Garin, and Harold Ickes.

Johnson's involvement comes at a moment when political association with the failed mortgage giants is particularly toxic. He was already the subject of a McCain ad attacking Obama.
Don Surber: "Here is the architect of the self-destruction of Fannie Mae constructing the Obama presidency."

Glenn Reynolds has more.

Obama has received $105,849 from troubled mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae:
After having served less than 4 years in the US Senate and spending most of that time campaigning, Barack Obama was still able to collect $105,849 from mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
It's hard to part with such generous friends.
Guilty, but not charged.

McCain's family flew to the Carribean on Keating's private jet numerous times for vacations with his close friend Charles Keating. Then McCain along with several other Senators, met with regulators and tried to put pressure on them to lay off Keating's Saving and Loan. All the while Keating was stealing 20,000 pensioners life savings.

All the while a bipartisan panel stated that Mccain committed no wrongdoings and broke no senate ethics rules. You know this, you just like to continue to lie.
All the while a bipartisan panel stated that Mccain committed no wrongdoings and broke no senate ethics rules. You know this, you just like to continue to lie.

And OJ wasn't REALLY guilty, right?
The bipartisan panel said McCain was guilty of "poor judgement."
All the while a bipartisan panel stated that Mccain committed no wrongdoings and broke no senate ethics rules. You know this, you just like to continue to lie.
he received a TON of campaign monies from Keating, his wife went in to a $400k business venture with him, he took vacations with him, all the while keating was scamming americans out of $124 billion....

McCain and Keating had become personal friends following their initial contacts in 1981,[11] and McCain was the closest socially to Keating of the five senators.[27] Like DeConcini, McCain considered Keating a constituent as he lived in Arizona.[25] Between 1982 and 1987, McCain had received $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and his associates.[28] In addition, McCain's wife Cindy McCain and her father Jim Hensley had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. McCain, his family, and their baby-sitter had made nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard Keating's jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating's opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain did not pay Keating (in the amount of $13,433) for some of the trips until years after they were taken, when he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln.[7][29]

now granted, Mc cain could have been DUPED by the guy, just as these first time home owners were DUPED by banks...but shouldn't have mccain been a little bit smarter than the ignorant masses?

Yes, he and john glenn were cleared by the ethics committee....

Now tell me, has obama been charged with any crime for receiving donations from Fannie mae, along with all other senators and congressmen reciving campaign donations....


Soooo, why are you and others suggesting obama taking donations from fannie is an implicit quid pro quo when no such investigation or ethics complaint has been made or investigated, while you say or ignore the boocoos of money and trips maccain took from keating?

I hate it that you are making me defend Obama when i am still not over Hillary's loss yet....but some perspective has to be put in to place with this rhetoric....? :(

he received a TON of campaign monies from Keating, his wife went in to a $400k business venture with him, he took vacations with him, all the while keating was scamming americans out of $124 billion....

now granted, Mc cain could have been DUPED by the guy, just as these first time home owners were DUPED by banks...but shouldn't have mccain been a little bit smarter than the ignorant masses?

Yes, he and john glenn were cleared by the ethics committee....

Now tell me, has obama been charged with any crime for receiving donations from Fannie mae, along with all other senators and congressmen reciving campaign donations....


Soooo, why are you and others suggesting obama taking donations from fannie is an implicit quid pro quo when no such investigation or ethics complaint has been made or investigated, while you say or ignore the boocoos of money and trips maccain took from keating?

I hate it that you are making me defend Obama when i am still not over Hillary's loss yet....but some perspective has to be put in to place with this rhetoric....? :(


Exactly the point I was trying to make, we can go back and forth on this all day. Bottom line is Mccain was connected with a major savings and loan scandal. Whats funny is that after that he all the sudden became this maverick reformer against the evil doers. What a fricken joke.
Because he weaseled his way out of it politically and was reprimanded by congress for "Using poor judgment". If he used poor judgment then how could he be innocent?

you'd have to ask the prosecutor, Bill Bennett, prominent democratic attorney, who recommended to the committee that McCain not even be prosecuted, but was told McCain had to be part of it because he was the only Republican.

good try, though.
Guilty, but not charged.

McCain's family flew to the Carribean on Keating's private jet numerous times for vacations with his close friend Charles Keating. Then McCain along with several other Senators, met with regulators and tried to put pressure on them to lay off Keating's Saving and Loan. All the while Keating was stealing 20,000 pensioners life savings.

kirk/chrissie: stupid, but still breathing
he received a TON of campaign monies from Keating, his wife went in to a $400k business venture with him, he took vacations with him, all the while keating was scamming americans out of $124 billion....

now granted, Mc cain could have been DUPED by the guy, just as these first time home owners were DUPED by banks...but shouldn't have mccain been a little bit smarter than the ignorant masses?

Yes, he and john glenn were cleared by the ethics committee....

Now tell me, has obama been charged with any crime for receiving donations from Fannie mae, along with all other senators and congressmen reciving campaign donations....


Soooo, why are you and others suggesting obama taking donations from fannie is an implicit quid pro quo when no such investigation or ethics complaint has been made or investigated, while you say or ignore the boocoos of money and trips maccain took from keating?

I hate it that you are making me defend Obama when i am still not over Hillary's loss yet....but some perspective has to be put in to place with this rhetoric....? :(


20 years ago, Bennett the special investigator stated the only reason Mccain was included in the Keating 5 was due to the fact the investigation would have solely been about democrats. Obama not only accepted funds from fannie and freddie, he has them sitting advising him on economic policies. Jim Johnson helped pick Biden, before the vetting was done, Johnson was asked to leave because of a sweetheart loan deal from Countrywide. Now after the contraversy has been calmed down Johnson is working for the Obama campaign again. This is particularly interesting considering this....

[ame=]YouTube - David Axelrod Kicks Mark Penn When He's Down[/ame]
McCain's own campaign manager has been getting paid $15,000 a month for the last two years to lobby McCain for Freddie Mac.
McCain's own campaign manager has been getting paid $15,000 a month for the last two years to lobby McCain for Freddie Mac.
yeah, because a lobbyist is so intertwined with the actual running of the company
you are a CLOWN Chris/Kirk
yeah, because a lobbyist is so intertwined with the actual running of the company
you are a CLOWN Chris/Kirk

what do you think his company was lobbying congress for that fannie mae wanted?
what do you think his company was lobbying congress for that fannie mae wanted?
most likely the things the guy actually running Fannie mae and Freddie mac were asking him to do
a lobbyist is similar to a lawyer ya know
in fact, most ARE lawyers

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