McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Swimming pools, movie stars
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.
the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups
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How did they get away with spending that money without us knowing? I find it to be horrible when they vote down help for others yet will spend it to get their own into the white house.
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

I am sure you knew this was coming, I do not see anyone making Bush / Cheney's lie's responsible
"There had always been discrepancies over the exact toll resulting from the war in Iraq, or something approximating an exact toll. Estimates had ranged wildly, from over 100,000 to more than 1 million"
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This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many

I know this is hard for you but try real hard and concentrate. We will help you through this difficulty you have with focusing.
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many
You have just said it is okay for political opponents in Congress to spend tens of millions of dollars to smear someone they don't like.

A new benchmark!

now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

I believe the 3 special team warriors who said they were told to stand down, before i believe Democrats known to be serial liars for decades

but that's just me
McCarthy is an idiot.

There is a Benghazi investigation still on-going because:
- Obama and his administration, after modifying the CIA's initial report by eliminating all references to 'terrorism', lied to the world about the attack being the result of a 'protest'

- Hillary promised to testify to Congress WITHOUT being under oath, then proving why she did so by LYING to Congress. After the CIA had already testified and reported how they had called Hillary directly within an hour of the attack beginning and how it was a terrorist attack Hillary then told Congress she had no idea what the event was, that it was a terrorist attack

- Hillary claimed she had released all documents to Congress, which has been proven to be a LIE, because the entire period from just before Benghazi to a month after is conveniently missing from her e-mails and the FBI now says they can retrieve e-mails/date from the server she initially said did not exist then claimed had been wiped clean.

There is an on-going investigation to this day because, like with most everything else, the majority of what the Obama administration claims about the whole thing has been proven to be a lie and a massive cover-up of an Obama FAILURE that cost 4 Americans, to include the 1st Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years, their lives!

Hillary and Obama claim not to have known there was a threat against Stevens; however:
- They knew a call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies had been called for on the anniversary of 9/11 - 0n 9/11/12.
- Multiple sources including the leader of Libya said he personally told Obama of a call from an Al Qaeida leader for the murder of Steven on 9/11/12 in retaliation for an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi being killed months earlier in a drone strike.

After claiming to have admitted this was a terrorist attack, Obama declared to the world in a speech before the UN, almost apologetically, that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' as he once again blamed a video for the attack!

There is SO MUCH more proven / reported evidence; yet to this day Obama and Hillary still continue to lie and cover up to protect their own arses!
McCarthy is an idiot.

There is a Benghazi investigation still on-going because:
- Obama and his administration, after modifying the CIA's initial report by eliminating all references to 'terrorism', lied to the world about the attack being the result of a 'protest'

- Hillary promised to testify to Congress WITHOUT being under oath, then proving why she did so by LYING to Congress. After the CIA had already testified and reported how they had called Hillary directly within an hour of the attack beginning and how it was a terrorist attack Hillary then told Congress she had no idea what the event was, that it was a terrorist attack

- Hillary claimed she had released all documents to Congress, which has been proven to be a LIE, because the entire period from just before Benghazi to a month after is conveniently missing from her e-mails and the FBI now says they can retrieve e-mails/date from the server she initially said did not exist then claimed had been wiped clean.

There is an on-going investigation to this day because, like with most everything else, the majority of what the Obama administration claims about the whole thing has been proven to be a lie and a massive cover-up of an Obama FAILURE that cost 4 Americans, to include the 1st Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years, their lives!

Hillary and Obama claim not to have known there was a threat against Stevens; however:
- They knew a call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies had been called for on the anniversary of 9/11 - 0n 9/11/12.
- Multiple sources including the leader of Libya said he personally told Obama of a call from an Al Qaeida leader for the murder of Steven on 9/11/12 in retaliation for an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi being killed months earlier in a drone strike.

After claiming to have admitted this was a terrorist attack, Obama declared to the world in a speech before the UN, almost apologetically, that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' as he once again blamed a video for the attack!

There is SO MUCH more proven / reported evidence; yet to this day Obama and Hillary still continue to lie and cover up to protect their own arses!

The number two man in the House of Representatives says the whole thing was designed to ruin Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency. The whole thing was a lie and you're still here talking conspiracy theory. The GOP was never concerned about National Security Nor did they care for the fallen, all they wanted to do was attack a legitimate candidate for office.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

So let me get this straight, a republicrat says the effects of a criminal investigation has resulted (correctly) in the decline of hitlary's poll numbers, and bed wetters are butthurt over it.

So when Dirty Hairy Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes, without any evidence and Romney's poll numbers dropped that was OK. Dirty even acknowledged that was his intention.

Is there any question why I truly loathe these stupid, petulant, servile parasites?

Abortions and going queer is not wiping them out fast enough. We desperately need a modern American Augusto Pinochet to "encourage" these pieces of fetid marxist shit to find new countries that already have moonbat policies in place.

Venezuela is nice this time of year, but I doubt they'd allow these pukes in. It's about time we had some illegal migration south.

The number two man in the House of Representatives says the whole thing was designed to ruin Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency.

The number ONE man in this whole country initially declared the whole thing to be the result of a simple protest before being forced to admit it was a terrorist attack. So what's your point?!

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