McCarthy called on his lie

McCarthy is an establishment, crybaby-jive turkey. The neocons actually picked him before Ryan until some of his questionable past popped up. There never was much question that he would be another piss poor, establishment ass kisser.
Biden wanted democrats to vote against it if it didn't have funding for Ukraine, then the dumbass pulled the fire alarm and Biden gave the okay for dems to vote for funding.
Biden just spoke about the funding and complained about no Ukraine funding for the majority of his comments, not one word on the boarder crisis, nor 1 question asking about the boarder.
McCarthy spoke on Fox after Biden and didn't call Biden out for not addressing the boarder in his speech, so yeah McCarthy sucks.
Gaetz is right in his outrage, but his focus is wrong. He needs to focus on calling out the republicans in the house who are putting spending for Ukraine above securing the boarder along with not holding McCarthy to his word on individual spending bills. He's not going to accomplish anything by going after McCarthy when he doesn't have the support of the republicans in the house.
Sounds like a physical threat.
Quick call your Fed friends, snitch bitch, you never know, maybe this time you can save the world from the conservative menace.

On a more on topic note, something you clearly don't understand, McCarthy did what everyone knew he would do, sold out conservatives and the American people. Time to replace him. I'd suggest tar and feathers, but no doubt you'll have the feds and PETA knocking down my door if I did that.
Somebody named Alan Rupar said it was a lie? Isn't there enough to worry about in the democrat party besides the House Speaker?

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