McCarthy elected Speaker.

This article contains a pdf of the proposed new house rules package...

So the house has a chance to reject each of the rule changes, one by one, via a vote on them? Or is the vote the whole package, with no amendments allowed? The precise thing the 20 were all against?

What if some don't pass? Did McCarthy guarantee to the 20, that the other Republicans will all vote to pass them?

If not all passed, McCarthy still would be Speaker, right?
Luckily that never happened
They tried to. They were prevented from bringing weapons Area by The Secret service. Trump was upset that The Secret service was turning people away because they had weapons.

Some were able to sneak some weapons in low. One of them was arrested for trying to plant pipe bombs in the capital building.
Somebody is sure happy today!:mad:

The McCarthy thing is not a big deal to me. Was he the perfect conservative Speaker? Not likely. I rather would have had Jim Jordan or the black fellow that was down in Florida. But consider this:
  1. McCarthy is not as bad as McConnell.
  2. I never thought of McCarthy as "the problem" while Trump was in.
  3. Trump supported the guy!
  4. And now he has been served notice big time in one of the biggest speaker battles in a century that he wasn't exactly a shoe-in and will need to work with people to keep his position secure.
  5. Democracy was really served here. You'll never see this kind of independent thinking in the DNC where if Nancy told them all they were having eggs and ham for breakfast and had to wear green shoes, THAT IS WHAT THEY DID.
  6. 19 of the 20 hold-outs were all Trump Supporters. So whatever the left yabbers about, there is a significant Trump presence in the congress and they will control the bills and voting.
  7. And McCarthy knows he's walking on eggshells now. If he goes off too far on a tangent against conservative wishes, he knows his neck is in a sling.
  8. And consider where McCarthy's 20 detractors are:

They are spread across 12 states or 24% of all the states, with a heavy presence throughout the south, east coast and midwest. Even blue PA where the guy there actually controls the county seat of the state capitol!

This is a good thing. Maybe conservatives don't have carte blanche control of the House, but MAGA has now grown from a ballcap to having direct control over the country's legislation and spending, and this trend can only continue and we can all thank the whiny, boneheaded asses of Joe Biden and the democrat/RINOS for it! And Donald of course.

The battle has just begun. Just remember, not even a Jumbo 767 jet or the largest battleship can steer left if one of its ailerons is steering HARD RIGHT!
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They tried to. They were prevented from bringing weapons Area by The Secret service. Trump was upset that The Secret service was turning people away because they had weapons.

Some were able to sneak some weapons in low. One of them was arrested for trying to plant pipe bombs in the capital building.

Literally none of that is actually true.
They tried to.
WHO tried to! Give me names!

They were prevented from bringing weapons Area by The Secret service.
What was the DATE of THAT event!

Trump was upset that The Secret service was turning people away because they had weapons.
Link to that report!

Some were able to sneak some weapons in low.
What were the names! Where was this reported!

One of them was arrested for trying to plant pipe bombs in the capital building.
How would they be detonated! What was the trigger and plan! Was this tied to any organization! And what is their name! And what about the pipe bombs found outside that somehow got planted under full security camera and never used!

SURELY, you have all of the answers to all of this having followed TWO FUCKING YEARS of Cheney-Kinzinger-Led investigations!
Big win for the Freedom Caucus.
Oh, dear. The childish farce the nation was forced to witness may be only the ludicrous prelude.

After a grueling five-day, 15-ballot floor fight for speaker, House Republicans on Monday night will face what's expected to be the first of many tough legislative battles ahead: passing a package of rules that will govern how they run the House over the next two years.
A rules package at the start of a new Congress typically is not contentious, but because of the GOP’s fragile majority and concerns about Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s last-minute deal with the far-right Freedom Caucus, GOP vote counters are furiously working to hold the line.
One member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, Rep. Tony Gonzeles, R-Texas, has said that some of McCarthy’s concessions to conservative agitators went too far and reiterated Sunday he'll be voting no. Another self-described pragmatist, Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., said over the weekend that she's "on the fence."
"This is only the beginning. These are the easy part, the speaker vote and the rules vote," Gonzales said on Fox News on Monday. "But I guarantee you, nobody expected 15 rounds of voting. ... No one said it's going to be four days, 15 rounds of voting and your families are going to be run through the ringer...

"As bad as it was to watch it, it was even worse to be part of it," Gonzales continued. "Who wants to see this fiasco get played out over and over again?"

This could be very, very ugly - and embarrassing.

Screen Shot 2023-01-09 at 4.45.32 PM.png

‘You’ve got a gavel. Use it!’

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House Republicans on Monday night will face what's expected to be the first of many tough legislative battles ahead: passing a package of rules that will govern how they run the House over the next two years.
I'm all for it.

A Republican who votes against this package is just begging to be primaried.

I'll have my pen and checkbook at the ready.
Worthless POS has done nothing of value (but let Tucker do his video work). Country collapsig and this buffoon thinks this is priority one? Nice idea but? Is this all you got? Home O boy?

House Republicans are advancing legislation which would prevent biological males from competing in female sports as well as ensure parental rights in education.
Worthless POS has done nothing of value (but let Tucker do his video work). Country collapsig and this buffoon thinks this is priority one? Nice idea but? Is this all you got? Home O boy?

House Republicans are advancing legislation which would prevent biological males from competing in female sports as well as ensure parental rights in education.

This Is like not letting Jim Bowie wash dishes when laid off from his Software carreer. Bless his heart? Where is old Jimmy?
McCarthy is the weakest Speaker of the House in history.

He's on a short leash in which any nutjob Rep (like MTG or Gaetz) can call for a vote of no confidence at any time.

They OWN him
McCarthy is the weakest Speaker of the House in history. He's on a short leash

I had my doubts, but actually, SO FAR, I'm pretty happy with the guy. I just hope he remains a pleasant surprise. Certainly the best Speaker in a long while. Finally, some long overdue important things are getting addressed.
I had my doubts, but actually, SO FAR, I'm pretty happy with the guy. I just hope he remains a pleasant surprise. Certainly the best Speaker in a long while. Finally, some long overdue important things are getting addressed.

All the leftists keep saying how bad and weak he is.
That's gotta mean something.
I had my doubts, but actually, SO FAR, I'm pretty happy with the guy. I just hope he remains a pleasant surprise. Certainly the best Speaker in a long while. Finally, some long overdue important things are getting addressed.
You're pleased because he's MTGs puppy
McCarthy is the weakest Speaker of the House in history.
Has the left all twisted up cowering in defensive postures over his investigative committees.

Got a unanimous vote in house to declassify the covid intel.....that's an accomplishment.

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