McCarthy elected Speaker.

Back to normal...

"One point of contention had been the number of representatives it would take to trigger a “motion to vacate the chair” — essentially, a no-confidence vote in the speaker. Previously, it would have taken a majority of the Republican caucus to call that vote, but McCarthy has reportedly agreed to lower that threshold to just one member.

That sounds like a big change, but it’s really a reversion to how things used to be. Historically, one member has been the normal threshold to trigger a motion to vacate — it was that way until 2019, when Democrats raised it."

The bills McCarthy said will come to the floor are good ones, for the nation as a whole. We will see if the Dems help to pass any of them. With Jefferies as Minority Leader, one can doubt he would support anything after his disgusting performance when he was to hand over the gavel. The man has no ...class, only self centered thoughts.
Irony ^^^ so a "majority" you say, your math is off.
Yes. A majority. You’re I.Q. is off. As in low. Very low.

The Dims no longer hold the majority in the house. The GOP does. That’s why there was no chance of another Dim Party “speaker” of the House.

The one who just got the Speakership is, unsurprisingly, a Republican; the majority Party.

You’re welcome. 😎
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FFS math failure. There are 435 representatives in the House. 218 is a majority, McCarthy got 216. Now you are educated. :itsok:
You’re an idiot. I didn’t say a majority of members of the House.

I hope your tragic level of simple-mindedness isn’t contagious.

12:30 Eastern time. 1-7-2023

15 rounds of voting.

Big win for the Freedom Caucus.
Now that the Republicans have the house, they need to push for prosecution of the Capitol Police Officer that shot the unarmed female Air Force veteran.
I bitch slapped you, now you are butthurt. Go lick your wounds. :talk2hand:
You failed massively in your effort, in reality.

Consequently, I have nothing over which to feel butt hurt or any other kind of hurt. You do. And now you are merely projecting.

Go back to post #124. Read it. Get an intelligent adult to assist you. 👍
We have this guy, I forget his member name, he is always pushing propaganda and idea about re-writing the constitution, and his ideas about how there is a "fundamental flaw," in the constitution, and I have repeatedly told him, if there were another Constitutional convention, the folks that would have the most input, would be the billionaires, the corporations, and the interlocking directorate I have a terrible memory, I can't remember the name of him now, but he has a weird cartoon avatar, and some homemade cartoon memes he posts sometimes. No one I ever see, takes his ideas seriously.

Unfortunately, "starting over," is precisely, what the global oligarchs want Americans and global citizens to do. I remember reading in a thirty-third degree Mason document, for the, "new world order," that is over a century old, about pitting different identity groups against each other, i.e. Jews and Muslims, various nation states, destroying all faith and religions, and all trust in civil institutions, churches, the press, the police, schools, the government, even our very families, and promoting, "atheists and anarchists," then, and only then, folks would clamor for a world government.

And, here you are, a self-described, "anarchist," which, really, was part of this plan, laid out, proposing, to. . . "start over."
Of course, I am not saying you are "in on it," but. . . we must guard against unintentionally being a useful idiot.

Agreed. As terrible as it is, the current Constitution, because it was made before the advent of advanced technology, economics of scale, and financialization of the entire planet, this leaves power, the structure of the bureaucracy and judicial system to reform, still best for the local people. An entire overhaul will hand the entire system right into the hands of the technocracy and global oligarchs, which is precisely what they desire.
Yes that is the problem with starting over..the big corps and billionaires will control the outcome. Of course, they control everything now. So, what do we have to lose?

The people must unite against this criminal government, which of course they won’t. And here is where anarchy has it’s benefits. Government will always be controlled by special interests. So lets do away with government.

After all these years, you can’t really believe I’m a tool of the establishment or a useful idiot.
Mason document, for the, "new world order," that is over a century old, about pitting different identity groups against each other, i.e. Jews and Muslims, various nation states, destroying all faith and religions, and all trust in civil institutions, churches, the press, the police, schools, the government, even our very families, and promoting, "atheists and anarchists," then, and only then, folks would clamor for a world government
I worry about this too...not from reading per se, but by mentally following the dominoes that fall as a result of a given action.

Yes...I despise the propaganda pedalers that the biased MSM has become. I believe it is a societal good to undermine faith in a corrupt institution used solely to control narratives and manipulate opinion.

But ... it must be replaced with something that the population DOES have faith in.

If you can't trust any information source then we literally become a post-truth society where everyone believes in their own personal curated reality weighted more and more heavily by confirmation bias.

We are...IMO...already seeing the mid-stages of this effect currently.
You don't know much about the Vietnam War, do you?

1. JFK sent the first advisors and made a commitment to oppose the takeover of the South by the Communists.

2. LBJ escalated the hell out of the war. I was one of the troops sent to RVN as part of Johnson's escalation.

3. RMN withdrew American combat forces and took the war to the North causing them to sign the Paris Peace Accords, which was a guarantee that the South would be free. Mission accomplished. During this time RMN was re-elected by one of the greatest landslides in American history. I was one of the troops that were sent home because of Nixon's withdrawal of ground troops.

The protest by the fucking idiots in the streets had no effect on that outcome.

Then the shithead Democrats, with the help of a few stupid weak RINOs, undid that victory with a political decisions of defunding all military aid to RVN.

By the way, fuck the Civil Rights protest. Look where that has got us. A friggin bloated debt ridden welfare state with tens of millions welfare queens and rampant crime from the uppity Negroes.

Nothing happens in a vacuum.
The two ideas are not mutually exclusive.
There is some bleed over.
And here is where anarchy has it’s benefits.
Part of my study at University was physical anthropology. You can't do that, without a grounding in biology.

Anarchy is about as realistic as socialism, it does not exist in nature.

Humans, like our great ape ancestors, evolved in an hierarchical, integrated, group structure. Homo-Sapiens fear, real freedom and liberty, it is unnatural to the species, we are not biologically programmed to it, anymore than we are biologically programmed to share and share alike, with every stranger we meet, who is perfectly healthy, and able to take care of themselves.

Just like other great apes, we are a tribal species, which live in close nuclear families, and those families, organize into small knit groups, to make decisions about leadership.

If that is what you mean by, "spontaneous organization," and anarchy, I suppose, but most folks more properly understand that to mean, minarchy. . . what went on at that CHAZ, where there were no family groups, and young men with guns held the power, or Somalia pirates with AK's? That is what folks imagine, when you start going on about anarchism. . .

And those benefits don't really accrue, but to anyone holding the guns.

We have this guy, I forget his member name, he is always pushing propaganda and idea about re-writing the constitution, and his ideas about how there is a "fundamental flaw," in the constitution, and I have repeatedly told him, if there were another Constitutional convention, the folks that would have the most input, would be the billionaires, the corporations, and the interlocking directorate
We already see this understanding is held by many.

Missouri is a RED red state. Trump won here by 19 points. Every Statewide office is held by a Republican. There are two Republican US Senators, six of eight US Reps are Republican (KCMO and STL are dems) and a Supermajority of the state legislature is Republican.

Every twenty years we've have a Constitutional Convention Question automatically added to the ballot since 1962.

Reminder...we haven't always been a Red State. Missouri delegates went to JFK, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton...twice.

Yet the Constitutional Convention Question has failed in all four elections by roughly the same margins... the latest in 2022 garnering the second lowest approval vote...

1962 .... 63.7% No ... 36.3% Yes
1982......69.5% No ... 30.5% Yes
2002 .....65.5% No ... 34.5% Yes

2022 .....67.75% No ... 32.25% Yes


Those are remarkably consistently totals over 40 years despite changes in the political landscape.
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She has just gone from publicly influencing to influencing from behind the scenes. She will still have her hand in the Democratic party much like Hillary and Obama still do. Pelosi was a key figure in all of their evil and anti American ways, they won't abandon her entirely.
Anti-American ways? Stop swilling the Kool-Aid.
You failed massively in your effort, in reality.

Consequently, I have nothing over which to feel butt hurt or any other kind of hurt. You do. And now you are merely projecting.

Go back to post #124. Read it. Get an intelligent adult to assist you. 👍
This is for you triggered poster... :itsok:
Part of my study at University was physical anthropology. You can't do that, without a grounding in biology.

Anarchy is about as realistic as socialism, it does not exist in nature.

Humans, like our great ape ancestors, evolved in an hierarchical, integrated, group structure. Homo-Sapiens fear, real freedom and liberty, it is unnatural to the species, we are not biologically programmed to it, anymore than we are biologically programmed to share and share alike, with every stranger we meet, who is perfectly healthy, and able to take care of themselves.

Just like other great apes, we are a tribal species, which live in close nuclear families, and those families, organize into small knit groups, to make decisions about leadership.

If that is what you mean by, "spontaneous organization," and anarchy, I suppose, but most folks more properly understand that to mean, minarchy. . . what went on at that CHAZ, where there were no family groups, and young men with guns held the power, or Somalia pirates with AK's? That is what folks imagine, when you start going on about anarchism. . .

And those benefits don't really accrue, but to anyone holding the guns.

There is a general misunderstanding about the meaning of anarchy. It doesn’t mean people can’t organize to solve their community’s problems. In fact, it means exactly this.

I think we can all agree that a large centralized government as it’s practiced today, particularly in this country, isn’t effective for the vast majority of the people. It is now an enemy of the people.
The bills McCarthy said will come to the floor are good ones, for the nation as a whole.
If they are, the Crazies on the Rules Comm. will never let them come to the floor without changing the language. Not because they would purposely harm the nation, but because what they believe in heart and soul is so batshyte crazy.

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