McCarthy elected Speaker.

We already know where the evidence leads thanks to Matt Taibbi and the Twitter Files. It is overwhelmingly evident several federal agencies and politicians were working diligently and persistently to censor Americans and effect the outcome of a presidential election. This is obviously illegal under the tenants of the highest laws of the land.

Fuck investigations! It’s time for heads to roll, but we all know nothing will change.


Still need an AG worth a sht either way.
What we need is to terminate this government and start over.

The AG was referring to concerned parents at a school board meeting as domestic terrorists.

What do you think they're gonna label anyone talking about terminating government?

Really, the only way to start over is to start in your local and state level communities.

But good luck getting anyone to give two craps. The elite hustlers are already infiltrating localities. And nobody's really doing anythign about it.
The AG was referring to concerned parents at a school board meeting as domestic terrorists.

What do you think they're gonna label anyone talking about terminating government?

Really, the only way to start over is to start in your local and state level communities.

But good luck getting anyone to give two craps. The elite hustlers are already infiltrating localities. And nobody's really doing anythign about it.
I recognize my desires are untenable. However I also suspect believing this government is capable of policing itself, is a pipe dream.
Well, you could always walk into congress if you were part of an official tour, and if you tried to without pernission, it was always illegal. Especially if you tried to bring guns into the building sreaming that you want to murder the Vice-presdient.

Luckily that never happened
Most of it is just common sense.

We shouldn't be passing 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus bills that no one has read...that's idiocy.

There shouldn't be earmark spending in appropriations bills.

We should be closing the border.

Term limits I'm not a big proponent of. We have term limits... they're called elections. But that's just me... others have different opinions.

Of course.
But when all your info comes from the Democrat Media Bubble Cult one is no longer able to recognize common sense.
Great letter:

Yeah. Pretty much. It's why it's so important to guard the fort at the local level.

Work bottom up instead of just going along with top down.
I can’t agree. Americans need to get in streets in huge numbers demanding their government abide by our laws. Massive demonstrations I suspect are the only way things will change. Much like the Vietnam War and civil rights demonstrations worked.

Unfortunately I don’t think Americans are capable of this.
What we need is to terminate this government and start over.
We have this guy, I forget his member name, he is always pushing propaganda and idea about re-writing the constitution, and his ideas about how there is a "fundamental flaw," in the constitution, and I have repeatedly told him, if there were another Constitutional convention, the folks that would have the most input, would be the billionaires, the corporations, and the interlocking directorate I have a terrible memory, I can't remember the name of him now, but he has a weird cartoon avatar, and some homemade cartoon memes he posts sometimes. No one I ever see, takes his ideas seriously.

Unfortunately, "starting over," is precisely, what the global oligarchs want Americans and global citizens to do. I remember reading in a thirty-third degree Mason document, for the, "new world order," that is over a century old, about pitting different identity groups against each other, i.e. Jews and Muslims, various nation states, destroying all faith and religions, and all trust in civil institutions, churches, the press, the police, schools, the government, even our very families, and promoting, "atheists and anarchists," then, and only then, folks would clamor for a world government.

And, here you are, a self-described, "anarchist," which, really, was part of this plan, laid out, proposing, to. . . "start over."
Of course, I am not saying you are "in on it," but. . . we must guard against unintentionally being a useful idiot.

The AG was referring to concerned parents at a school board meeting as domestic terrorists.

What do you think they're gonna label anyone talking about terminating government?

Agreed. As terrible as it is, the current Constitution, because it was made before the advent of advanced technology, economics of scale, and financialization of the entire planet, this leaves power, the structure of the bureaucracy and judicial system to reform, still best for the local people. An entire overhaul will hand the entire system right into the hands of the technocracy and global oligarchs, which is precisely what they desire.
I can’t agree. Americans need to get in streets in huge numbers demanding their government abide by our laws. Massive demonstrations I suspect are the only way things will change. Much like the Vietnam War and civil rights demonstrations worked.

Unfortunately I don’t think Americans are capable of this.
You don't know much about the Vietnam War, do you?

1. JFK sent the first advisors and made a commitment to oppose the takeover of the South by the Communists.

2. LBJ escalated the hell out of the war. I was one of the troops sent to RVN as part of Johnson's escalation.

3. RMN withdrew American combat forces and took the war to the North causing them to sign the Paris Peace Accords, which was a guarantee that the South would be free. Mission accomplished. During this time RMN was re-elected by one of the greatest landslides in American history. I was one of the troops that were sent home because of Nixon's withdrawal of ground troops.

The protest by the fucking idiots in the streets had no effect on that outcome.

Then the shithead Democrats, with the help of a few stupid weak RINOs, undid that victory with a political decisions of defunding all military aid to RVN.

By the way, fuck the Civil Rights protest. Look where that has got us. A friggin bloated debt ridden welfare state with tens of millions welfare queens and rampant crime from the uppity Negroes.

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