McCarthy elected Speaker.

It’s official: The batshit crazy witch Nazi Piglosi is fired!
It’s official: The batshit crazy witch Nazi Piglosi is fired!

She has just gone from publicly influencing to influencing from behind the scenes. She will still have her hand in the Democratic party much like Hillary and Obama still do. Pelosi was a key figure in all of their evil and anti American ways, they won't abandon her entirely.
Good article...

"The Speakership race exposed a long-simmering divide between establishment Republicans with a penchant for conceding to last-minute spending laws that have bloated the national debt from $6 trillion to $32 trillion over the last two decades and the more restless, rebellious members of the House Freedom Caucus forged in the fires of the Tea Party and MAGA movements and their take-no-hostages tactics.

The 20 Republicans who held out for more than a dozen votes to deprive McCarthy of the gavel forced sweeping concessions in the rules package that govern how Congress operates and votes. Those concessions substantially shifted the power to decide what issues will be voted upon and what will be spent from tax dollars to House majority leadership – where it has resided for more than two decades – to rank-and-file members."

excellent point!

just excellent.. I'm copying this..
Good article...

"The Speakership race exposed a long-simmering divide between establishment Republicans with a penchant for conceding to last-minute spending laws that have bloated the national debt from $6 trillion to $32 trillion over the last two decades and the more restless, rebellious members of the House Freedom Caucus forged in the fires of the Tea Party and MAGA movements and their take-no-hostages tactics.

The 20 Republicans who held out for more than a dozen votes to deprive McCarthy of the gavel forced sweeping concessions in the rules package that govern how Congress operates and votes. Those concessions substantially shifted the power to decide what issues will be voted upon and what will be spent from tax dollars to House majority leadership – where it has resided for more than two decades – to rank-and-file members."

It's awesome!

It's a delayed red wave kind of thing!

Boebert for president! (part of me wants to say)... Gaetz.. ditto? OK, I'm being a little premature but I am just so proud of them right now

She has just gone from publicly influencing to influencing from behind the scenes. She will still have her hand in the Democratic party much like Hillary and Obama still do. Pelosi was a key figure in all of their evil and anti American ways, they won't abandon her entirely.
Thanks Q. Keep Hate alive
I'm guessing that this guy is a true Republican right and not a RINO?
I agree with a lot of that...

But really, they should spend their time on something big, for the American people... Concentrate on accomplishing one BIG thing...

Like immigration reform and the border...they go together and congress on both sides have run from it, and have tried just bandaids....

Republicans need a BIG accomplishment imo.
I predict nothing but Hunter Biden dick pic investigations, and of course shutting down the government.
I predict nothing but Hunter Biden dick pic investigations, and of course shutting down the government.
That pretty much is the stated agenda. Endless 'investigations'--kabuki impeachments---finely crafted soundbites..and a huge dose of
'The party of No'. No competence. No governing. No compromise.

America will get tired of it, in the end. Every day...The Republicans lose voters..and the Democrats gain. No matter how hard the Republicans attempt to suppress voters..there is a limit. I think we've reached it.
He is Speaker a majority of the House.

Smarten up a little, BluesClueless.
Well..he's the Speaker for the Republicans. He's the silencer of Democrats. The man in charge of applying the gag to any wait..he gave that away, didn't he? That's the Rules ruled by the Q-faction.
Really, he's a walking, talking lame duck.
Well..he's the Speaker for the Republicans. He's the silencer of Democrats. The man in charge of applying the gag to any wait..he gave that away, didn't he? That's the Rules ruled by the Q-faction.
Really, he's a walking, talking lame duck.
He agreed, to a certain extent, to the restraints imposed on the power of the speakership in order to obtain his now diluted position. This shows that he doesn’t deserve to be Speaker.

But it also shows that the GOP has a little spine left.
Awesome article, thank you very much.


The one thing I wanted most, appeared to have failed in negotiations. This is the news I was looking for, thank you.

Now I know we are doomed. I knew they would come to an agreement as long Kevin and his puppet-masters got them to cave on that earmark issue.


We already know where the evidence leads thanks to Matt Taibbi and the Twitter Files. It is overwhelmingly evident several federal agencies and politicians were working diligently and persistently to censor Americans and effect the outcome of a presidential election. This is obviously illegal under the tenants of the highest laws of the land.

Fuck investigations! It’s time for heads to roll, but we all know nothing will change.


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