McCarthy elected Speaker.

Elected speaker as second biggest loser in American history.
No need to tread on me.jpg
Once again Americans can walk freely through the halls of Congress. Nancy and her merry Maoist/DSA Democrats deprived American citizens the access to the Peoples house for two years.
I couldn't help but notice that not one Maoist Democrat clapped or acknowledged any words spoken by Kevin McCarthy.
Well, you could always walk into congress if you were part of an official tour, and if you tried to without pernission, it was always illegal. Especially if you tried to bring guns into the building sreaming that you want to murder the Vice-presdient.
12:30 Eastern time. 1-7-2023

15 rounds of voting.

Big win for the Freedom Caucus.

Imagine these clowns, jokers and grifters having to actually SHOW UP to work and do work for 4 days in a row. Many, many of us have jobs that would wilt these hothouse flowers in a matter of a few hours.

Shame on ANY Americans who elevate these clowns--both parties--to idol status. I'd say they're barely worthy of respect, regardless of their "The Honorable blah blah blah" titles. Really? How about we give those titles to the really honorable people among us? It is not these folks.
Shame on ANY Americans who elevate these clowns--both parties--to idol status. I'd say they're barely worthy of respect, regardless of their "The Honorable blah blah blah" titles. Really? How about we give those titles to the really honorable people among us? It is not these folks.

Seriously. What's completely surreal to me is that (theoretically speaking) I wouldn't hire some of these clowns and crooks at the higher levels to work at McDonald's... yet they have the power to make decisions that affect all of us. This is why I've been saying for YEARS, that character matters when it comes to our elected officials. People mock that and think it's naive. On the contrary, if you elect crooks or slick politicians who might say the right things but have no integrity...then you're only shooting yourself in the foot, because those sold-out globalist traitors disguised as Democrats or Republicans are "at work" destroying our country from within.
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Seriously. What's completely surreal to me is that (theoretically speaking) I wouldn't hire some of these clowns and crooks at the higher levels to work at McDonald's... yet they have the power to make decisions that affect all of us. This is why I've been saying for YEARS, that character matters when it comes to our elected officials. People mock that and think it's naive. On the contrary, if you elect crooks or slick politicians who might say the right things but have no integrity...then you're only shooting yourself in the foot, because those sold-out globalist traitors disguised as Democrats or Republicans are "at work" destroying our country from within.
You're right...and it's been this way for quite a long time now. The Problem is that everyone hates Congress, yet loves their particular Congress-critter.
The system is designed to freeze out those with real know, the kind of integrity that will lead a person to vote AGAINST their party interests if it's in the best interests of the nation. On the infrequent occasions that happens, Cries of "Traitor" fill the air..and the individual's career is over. Because the public is the first to turn on the principled...led by their party stalwarts.
Party first, Country a distant second is the rule of the day.
An example, for the next two years we will get this continual clown show of faux impeachment, followed by kabuki investigations, followed by faux impeachment. Rinse and repeat until we, the people, are numb and nauseous.
I know, every idiot with a red hat will justify these actions, "They did it to us", they'll whine. The idea of rising above all of that is a non-starter..because..well...Party~
Meanwhile, the country gets held hostage, Judges remain unconfirmed, positions unfilled. Bills will languish because every one proposed will instantly have earmarks attached that are unacceptable to the other side. Besides, can't give a win away, right?

I hope McCarthy enjoys his Speakership..he only had to cut off his balls and hand them to his opposition to win..wonder if he really thinks it worth it?
12:30 Eastern time. 1-7-2023

15 rounds of voting.

Big win for the Freedom Caucus.
It was more of an important night for America and Democrats rather than Republicans

McCarthy obtaining the speakership overshadowed by days of a feckless, incompetent GOP and the second anniversary of 1/6 domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy, history being made as the first Black lawmaker to lead a party in Congress is sworn in, Hakeem Jeffries acknowledging Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi, and Jeffries’ brilliantly defiant speech putting Republicans on notice that Democrats will not be complicit in advancing the right’s failed, reckless, irresponsible, and wrongheaded agenda.
We all have to remember that Progressive Socialists are not in the Congress anymore as to them it is not the Politburo. They are not a Democratic Freedom Party. They have not had any of these scrums due to the fact they destroy anyone who interferes with their communist ending designs. The Dem Party was taken over many decades ago. America needs change to push the pendulum back a little. For today the whole system is based on a humongous Central government that is massively higher in taxation and the exponential growth of city, local and state governments. Of course, Euthanasia will be instituted to remove the aged, sickly, criminally inclined and undereducated unemployables at some point to reduce massive expenditures.
We all have to remember that Progressive Socialists are not in the Congress anymore as to them it is not the Politburo. They are not a Democratic Freedom Party. They have not had any of these scrums due to the fact they destroy anyone who interferes with their communist ending designs. The Dem Party was taken over many decades ago. America needs change to push the pendulum back a little. For today the whole system is based on a humongous Central government that is massively higher in taxation and the exponential growth of city, local and state governments. Of course, Euthanasia will be instituted to remove the aged, sickly, criminally inclined and undereducated unemployables at some point to reduce massive expenditures.
Damn..the crazy particularly strong this morning eh?

What I don't get, is, through this entire ordeal, I hadn't watched any TEE VEE, or listened to the radio at all.

I did read a few articles, but I got the sense, from members here on the forum, that left MSM media, was telling the left, that it was the MAGA crowed that was doing the division.

I sort of got the sense that it was the Ron Paul, hard libertarian types that had caused all this ruckus.

I have long sought to have the Tea Party sub-forum re-named the freedom caucus sub-forum, if it had been. . . a lot of threads would have been put there, and, we might have been seeing a lot of threads get put that way, if that change could be made.

Too bad we don't have a permanent admin on staff. Getting those types of changes are hard. We get a sub-forum title, it is with us for a decade. lol

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