McCarthy elected Speaker.

Most of it is just common sense.

We shouldn't be passing 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus bills that no one has read...that's idiocy.

There shouldn't be earmark spending in appropriations bills.

We should be closing the border.

Term limits I'm not a big proponent of. We have term limits... they're called elections. But that's just me... others have different opinions.
I agree with a lot of that...

But really, they should spend their time on something big, for the American people... Concentrate on accomplishing one BIG thing...

Like immigration reform and the border...they go together and congress on both sides have run from it, and have tried just bandaids....

Republicans need a BIG accomplishment imo.
"Look ma, I gots me the gavel."


Maybe it's the angle of the photo, but it sorta looks like he's already hitting himself in the head with it. An act he will no doubt want to perform again and again in the future. And if he doesn't, I'm sure members of the Crazy will oblige.

Kevin is speaker in name only after giving away the store to the far right faction that now has more control over the goings on than he does. Notably, the nutters have been promised three seats on the Rules Committee. It controls what legislation reaches the floor and in what form. Also, spending bills would have to be considered under so-called open rules, allowing any member to put to a vote an unlimited number of changes that could gut the legislation altogether. Finally, in the ultimate act of self sabotage, he allowed for the ability of a single member of the House to call for a resolution to vote for a new Speaker.

So congrats Mr. McCarthy. You've lost all self respect, the respect of your colleagues, and the respect of America, all to "preside" over a body you have no chance of controlling. The anti-government trolls are in charge, determined to prove that government is something to be scorned. They're off to a flying start.
What he Left cannot grasp, and why they continue to say the Right is dysfunctional, is that unlike their side that is controlled by a single all powerful Corporate Cartel which allows no deviations, maybe the conservative side still uses a Democratic process that actually values and considers ALL sides.
Probably not going to happen until 2024 when Republicans take the Senate and the White House.

You and us are just too far apart on policy to get anything done together.

This may be more "Hopium" as Oddball calls it, at this point.

Have we already forgotten the "Impending Red Wave" in 2022 (that never materialized)?
This may be more "Hopium" as Oddball calls it, at this point.

Have we already forgotten the "Impending Red Wave" in 2022 (that never materialized)?
We have to hop on the ballot harvesting train...and it's going to be harder for us than Democrats...but we can do exactly what they do. Knock on doors and get mail in ballots filled states where it is legal...which is like 38 I believe.

But is a hopeful assessment.
We have to hop on the ballot harvesting train...and it's going to be harder for us than Democrats...but we can do exactly what they do. Knock on doors and get mail in ballots filled states where it is legal...which is like 38 I believe.
Knock on doors and get people to sign pre filled out ballots. Or, just sign for them. Just like democrats do.
We have to hop on the ballot harvesting train...and it's going to be harder for us than Democrats...but we can do exactly what they do. Knock on doors and get mail in ballots filled states where it is legal...which is like 38 I believe.

But is a hopeful assessment.
It's a shame we need to do as the evil do just to survive.
But such is the current state of affairs.

It's a shame we continue to be forced to choose from the Corporate Cartels select menu of "leaders"
You and I would have no chance of gaining a high position in politics.

Back in the 1700's men lined up in battle lines and faced each other eye to eye and fell as blows exchanged facing the opponents.
Then one side found it far more effective to ambush from hiding places and massacred the opponents still standing in brave lines.
Soon everyone adopted the new warfare battle methods because not doing so meant certain defeat.
Once again Americans can walk freely through the halls of Congress. Nancy and her merry Maoist/DSA Democrats deprived American citizens the access to the Peoples house for two years.
I couldn't help but notice that not one Maoist Democrat clapped or acknowledged any words spoken by Kevin McCarthy.
Next is canes....then guns. :spinner::spinner::spinner:
Of which no legislation will get done, wiithout the Senate.

The Do Nothing Congress.

A Church style committee on Intel agencies, is a good idea imo, when and if done in a bipartisan manner.

They better not blow up the government.... Which chances are HIGH that they will.... Which will hurt every American, poor and rich, white and black, native or immigrant. Business or individual etc etc :eek:
And yet you clapped and cheered like a trained seal for the Jan 6. Clown Show.

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