McCarthy: 'I earned this job', Boebert when he finished: "that's Bullsh*t": GOP explodes in meeting before speaker vote, which you can watch live here


I didn't say the Constitution didn't require compromise ... I said compromise should be guided by your Principles and not simply the desire to compromise ...
And not necessarily simply to Empower the Government so it can do whatever it can ... There are limits, and compromise is not an excuse to get rid of them.

Historically ... That's what they were actually fighting over.
Duh ... You Nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

The Constitution was written with PRINCIPLED compromise. Good governance requires PRINCIPLED compromise.

Duh ... You Nitwit ...

You are dang right Representative Boebert is threatening Democracy ... Democracy is mob rule.
"Two wolves and a sheep figuring out what is for dinner" ... :auiqs.jpg:

It's a good thing we live in a Representative Republic ...
It isn't always easy, but you may come up with a better result ... Especially if you are the sheep.

One way or the other ... Representative Boebert was democratically elected in her District ...
The People she represents do have a vote ... They gave her theirs in Congress.

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You are dang right Representative Boebert is threatening Democracy ... Democracy is mob rule.
"Two wolves and a sheep figuring out what is for dinner" ... :auiqs.jpg:

It's a good thing we live in a Representative Republic ...
It isn't always easy, but you may come up with better result ... Especially if you are the sheep.

One way or the other ... Representative Boebert was democratically elected in her District ...
The People she represents do have a vote ... They gave her theirs in Congress.

The problem with her and people like her in Congress is they are too dumb to understand the consequences of their actions. In a nutshell, they are level 1 thinkers fit only to clean toilets for a living.
The problem with her and people like her in Congress is they are too dumb to understand the consequences of their actions.

They are not dumb just because you disagree with them ... You have a vote, use it whatever way you desire.
Sure ... There can be consequences ... And some you may not like ...
And it is about time people stop pretending they can sideline the people who object ... They have a vote too.

When they were storming the beach at Normandy ...
Don't think they didn't understand some people were going to die ... And it just might suck for a lot of folks.
Stand up if you believe in something ... Use the tools you have.

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If the majority should rule, how can 20 Republicans hold 228 Republicans hostage?

From what I have watched ... Representative McCarty aided by the Establishment, the Media, and folks like you ...
Hasn't quite got the message he is not listening to the people he needs ... Or doing anything he needs to do to be a Leader.

It will only drive it home harder ... If he has to beg some Democrats to support him ... :auiqs.jpg:

The Constitution was written with PRINCIPLED compromise. Good governance requires PRINCIPLED compromise.

Duh ... You Nitwit ...
All dat printing of fiat currency the last two years with wasted spending legislation and politicians going over to Ukraine to genuflect with tens of billions of dollars and war weapons was just good old fashion compromise.

They are not dumb just because you disagree with them ... You have a vote, use it whatever way you desire.
Sure ... There can be consequences ... And some you may not like ...
And it is about time people stop pretending they can sideline the people who object ... They have a vote too.

When they were storming the beach at Normandy ...
Don't think they didn't understand some people were going to die ... And it just might suck for a lot of folks.
Stand up if you believe in something ... Use the tools you have.

You're one of them. I in no way even insinuated she is dumb because I disagree with her. Learn how to think and argue correctly. It's obvious she is out of her depth. Even she doesnt know why she is making the decisions she is making.
You're one of them. I in no way even insinuated she is dumb because I disagree with her. Learn how to think are argue correctly.

Why don't you try to argue correctly ... That damn sure wasn't one ... :auiqs.jpg:

Try to add something that means something ... Your opinion is nothing more than one vote ...
Representative Boebert got more than that.


You are dang right Representative Boebert is threatening Democracy ... Democracy is mob rule.
"Two wolves and a sheep figuring out what is for dinner" ... :auiqs.jpg:

It's a good thing we live in a Representative Republic ...
It isn't always easy, but you may come up with better result ... Especially if you are the sheep.

One way or the other ... Representative Boebert was democratically elected in her District ...
The People she represents do have a vote ... They gave her theirs in Congress.

Every elected representative cannot get everything , those who elected them, want. They must weigh the needs of their constituents and the nation. Through PRINCIPLED compromise you can maximize what you get for your constituents and the country.
"A lot less garbage comes out of Congress when it is gridlocked"
If congress is gridlocked you cannot do anything for your constituents or the country. Those who think gridlock is preferrable are not advocates of our Constitutional Democratic Union.
Every elected representative cannot get everything , those who elected them, want. They must weigh the needs of their constituents and the nation. Through PRINCIPLED compromise you can maximize what you get for your constituents and the country.
"A lot less garbage comes out of Congress when it is gridlocked"
If congress is gridlocked you cannot do anything for your constituents or the country. Those who think gridlock is preferrable are not advocates of our Constitutional Democratic Union.
What else would you expect from a group of traitors?
Every elected representative cannot get everything , those who elected them, want. They must weigh the needs of their constituents and the nation. Through PRINCIPLED compromise you can maximize what you get for your constituents and the country.
"A lot less garbage comes out of Congress when it is gridlocked"
If congress is gridlocked you cannot do anything for your constituents or the country. Those who think gridlock is preferrable are not advocates of our Constitutional Democratic Union.

Yeah ... There's Consequences for standing up for what you believe in ...
It may suck and no one may get anything they want or could possibly need.

Still, that is never an excuse ... That's how bad policy becomes the norm ...
And expecting people to simply play along is a very pervasive ideology in our Nation ...
It's how the rot spreads ... Festers in the crevasses ... Infects our Federal Agencies ... And provides us with the shitshow we have now.

You want more ... :auiqs.jpg:


From what I have watched ... Representative McCarty aided by the Establishment, the Media, and folks like you ...
Hasn't quite got the message he is not listening to the people he needs ... Or doing anything he needs to do to be a Leader.

It will only drive it home harder ... If he has to beg some Democrats to support him ... :auiqs.jpg:

First, I am not advocating for McCarthy. But your statement indicates whatever my viewpoint should not be listened to by our government. You do not understand our government. Our politicians should listen to every citizen. Not just the citizens who agree with you. You can disagree with me but to say I should not have a voice is un-American.

Yeah ... There's Consequences for standing up for what you believe in ...
It may suck and no one may get anything they want or could possibly need.

Still, that is never an excuse ... That's how bad policy becomes the norm ...
And expecting people to simply play along is a very pervasive ideology in our Nation ...
It's how the rot spreads ... Festers in the crevasses ... Infects our Federal Agencies ... And provides us with the shitshow we have now.

You want more ... :auiqs.jpg:

The rot is "people" like Boebert. Anti-intellectuals who are in it for themselves and hate America.
The rot is "people" like Boebert. Anti-intellectuals who are in it for themselves and hate America.

Look silly ... I understand your opinion ...
If you want to actually have an argument or debate ... You are going to have to say something meaningful.

An original idea would help ... Or are you just following along ... :auiqs.jpg:
Damn ... You want me to row your boat too?

the GOP is on a ride to nowhere, in complete disarray. watch the fireworks here, starting 35 minutes from now. McCarthy will be the 1st Speaker-to-be to not get through on the 1st ballot in 100 years. God bless our messy democracy, and God help us all!

This is what happens when the establishment Republicans align with a faction of people who want to burn the government down to the ground.

I'm still curious, when these radical anti-government wackos burn it down, who is in charge? What policies are in place for a scorched earth? You folks are insane, and you have no policies.

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