McCarthy: 'I earned this job', Boebert when he finished: "that's Bullsh*t": GOP explodes in meeting before speaker vote, which you can watch live here

as long as Kevin stays firm, it's a matter of a battle of attrition. if he gives in here, they'll have an ungovernable majority. they'll have 5 or 6 people wagging the dog

This keeps getting better and better just about every hour. I figured it would be at least a few weeks before Republicans showed the country they were not capable of governing.

Damn...straight out of the gate and it's already a shit show. :auiqs.jpg:

Do I hear vote #5?...or shall we adjourn (again)? :)
as long as Kevin stays firm, it's a matter of a battle of attrition. if he gives in here, they'll have an ungovernable majority. they'll have 5 or 6 people wagging the dog

Sorry Mikey-a-hole. You Republicans look like the incompetent, incapable of governing hot mess you are.
No amount of spin or deflection will change that. :)
More whining by Conservatives

The reason “Democrats get everything” is because Republicans refuse to participate in the legislative process.
Republican “My way or the Highway” philosophy leaves them with nothing

I am a Classical Liberal ... Do not think that anyone is ever obligated to entertain your silly ideas ... Simply to favor compromise.

In fact ... If you think you can come to table with any damn idea you have ...
And expect me to assume I am in least bit required to compromise my Principles ... Sacrifice my Liberties and Freedoms just to make you happy ...
Wake the heck up fool ... That's precisely why the Founders afforded me the opportunity to shoot you in the face for trying ... :auiqs.jpg:

"Bad Times Make Strong Men.
Strong Men Make Good Times,
Good Times Make Weak Men,
Weak Men Make Bad Times"

You don't have to prove it every time you open your mouth ... It's a fact ... :thup:
And you are a prime example of how weak men make bad times.


I am a Classical Liberal ... Do not think that anyone is ever obligated to entertain your silly ideas ... Simply to favor compromise.

In fact ... If you think you can come to table with any damn idea you have ...
And expect me to assume I am in least bit required to compromise my Principles ... Sacrifice my Liberties and Freedoms just to make you happy ...
Wake the heck up fool ... That's precisely why the Founders afforded me the opportunity to shoot you in the face for trying ... :auiqs.jpg:

"Bad Times Make Strong Men.
Strong Men Make Good Times,
Good Times Make Weak Men,
Weak Men Make Bad Times"

You don't have to prove it every time you open your mouth ... It's a fact ... :thup:
And you are a prime example of how weak men make bad times.

Our Constitution was built on compromise
Our Nation was built on compromise

Conservatives consider it evil
Our Constitution was built on compromise
Our Nation was built on compromise

Conservatives consider it evil

Don't try to say something by saying nothing.
If that ambiguous weak mess is the most you can muster ... It means nothing of substance ... :thup:

Progs do not compromise. We just saw that in a glaring way the last two years. Progs do not have a left, center and right in their party anymore. It is left of left and anyone not there is coerced or ridiculed and even destroyed. And this happens while being a Democrat! Progs get their marching orders every day from outside somewhere from elites. We see the same spouts from their politicians and media shills. Almost identical.
The extreme left and the extreme right do not compromise. That does not work. The moderates compromise from both parties.
Our Constitution was written with by a group who had very different ideas. They all compromised. The result was the Constitution and our Country. Without compromise, there would be no USA.

Don't try to say something by saying nothing.
If that ambiguous weak mess is the most you can muster ... It means nothing of substance ... :thup:

If you do not understand our Constitution was written with compromise by all parties you do not know history.
Where do these uneducated people come from?
The extremists come from heavily Republican voter districts. Their voters want them to actual do what Republicans keep saying they will do but don't.

They owe loyalty to voters not party aparatchiks.
The extremists come from extremist districts. It is the same for both parties.
The extremists do not represent real world conservatives or real world liberals.
Extremists are spoiled children who want it all their way or not at all. That is not the real world.
Compromise is required.
If you do not understand our Constitution was written with compromise by all parties you do not know history.
Where do these uneducated people come from?

I didn't say the Constitution didn't require compromise ... I said compromise should be guided by your Principles and not simply the desire to compromise ...
And not necessarily simply to Empower the Government so it can do whatever it can ... There are limits, and compromise is not an excuse to get rid of them.

Historically ... That's what they were actually fighting over.
Duh ... You Nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Trump for Speaker. :p
Trump said McConnel should NOT be the minority leader of the Senate. The Republicans voted McConnell minority leader of the Senate.
Trump backed McCarthy for Speaker of the House. The Republican party did not vote McCarty in as the speaker.
Trump is losing power in the Republican party big time.

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