McCarthy RINO GOP Silent After Biden Flew Alleged Rapist and Killer of 11-Year-Old Girl Into Interior of US


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
If the GOP wanted this could blow Biden out of the water. Instead crickets from McCarthy RINOS. Public viewing service for Maria will be held on Wednesday, August 23. #MariaGonzalez

The alleged rapist and killer of an 11-year-old girl in a suburb of Houston, who was captured in Louisiana over the weekend, is a beneficiary of Joe Biden’s “catch and release” open border policy, which releases illegal border crossers into the US freely. The policy flies unaccompanied minors under age 18 to any destination in the US where someone claims to be a “sponsor.” Biden’s policy also did away with background and criminal record checks.

But despite arguably the most horrific fallout of the Biden policies, GOP congressmen and senators have adopted a posture of silence.

The NY Post reports:

“He entered the United States through El Paso in January, self-surrendering to border officers before being handed papers and let loose into the country, Department of Homeland Security sources told NewsNation.”

The suspect was 17 at the time he crossed the border in January, and is now 18. Older unaccompanied minors may be of gang age or have serious criminal records.

By “self-surrendering,” older minor illegal border crossers avail themselves of food, shelter, and papers from HHS, with no investigation or background checks. They then are flown at US taxpayer expense to any destination in the country where they say they have a “sponsor.”

KHOU News Houston said:

“[Pasadena, Texas Police Chief Josh] Bruegger said Garcia-Rodriguez is Guatemalan who is in the U.S. illegally. Earlier this year, he was apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection before he was released to sponsors in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “

In April of 2023 HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas testified before the US House Judiciary Committee that current policy is for HHS to pay for by flight or bus tickets for unaccompanied minors into the interior of the country.

Much of the media has referred to the suspect as a “migrant,” neglecting to report that he is one of the wave of illegal border crossers who came after Biden announced “catch and release.”

Fox New reports:

“According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, the number of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) who arrive at the border has swelled from 33,239 in fiscal year 2020 to more than 146,000 in fiscal year 2021 and 152,000 in fiscal year 2022. So far in fiscal year 2023, there have been more than 70,000 encounters of UACs.”

KHOU News Houston reports that Pasadena, Texas Police Chief Josh Bruegger confirmed that the suspect, Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, illegally crossed the border from Guatemala in January 2023 and turned himself in to HHS, which then, as a matter of current policy, likely paid his way into the interior.

HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas said the Biden policy, which was implemented soon after Biden was sworn in, has resulted in the Biden administration becoming the “middleman” for a now thriving child sex trafficking and child labor industry. Biden, says Rodas, also did away with DNA tests to ensure people claiming to be the “sponsors” of unaccompanied minors were actually related. Such testing was routine under Trump.

The Tennessee Star reports Rodas said in an interview in December 2022:

““The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminalsWe fly that product directly to the trafficker.”

Rodas is a 19-year veteran of the federal government who was assigned to help HHS process unaccompanied migrant children at the Emergency Intake Site (EIS) in Pomona, California.
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Public viewing service for Maria will be held on Wednesday, August 23. #MariaGonzalez

The alleged rapist and killer of an 11-year-old girl in a suburb of Houston, who was captured in Louisiana over the weekend, is a beneficiary of Joe Biden’s “catch and release” open border policy, which releases illegal border crossers into the US freely. The policy flies unaccompanied minors under age 18 to any destination in the US where someone claims to be a “sponsor.” Biden’s policy also did away with background and criminal record checks.

But despite arguably the most horrific fallout of the Biden policies, GOP congressmen and senators have adopted a posture of silence.

The NY Post reports:

“He entered the United States through El Paso in January, self-surrendering to border officers before being handed papers and let loose into the country, Department of Homeland Security sources told NewsNation.”

The suspect was 17 at the time he crossed the border in January, and is now 18. Older unaccompanied minors may be of gang age or have serious criminal records.

By “self-surrendering,” older minor illegal border crossers avail themselves of food, shelter, and papers from HHS, with no investigation or background checks. They then are flown at US taxpayer expense to any destination in the country where they say they have a “sponsor.”

KHOU News Houston said:

“[Pasadena, Texas Police Chief Josh] Bruegger said Garcia-Rodriguez is Guatemalan who is in the U.S. illegally. Earlier this year, he was apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection before he was released to sponsors in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “

In April of 2023 HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas testified before the US House Judiciary Committee that current policy is for HHS to pay for by flight or bus tickets for unaccompanied minors into the interior of the country.

Much of the media has referred to the suspect as a “migrant,” neglecting to report that he is one of the wave of illegal border crossers who came after Biden announced “catch and release.”

Fox New reports:

“According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, the number of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) who arrive at the border has swelled from 33,239 in fiscal year 2020 to more than 146,000 in fiscal year 2021 and 152,000 in fiscal year 2022. So far in fiscal year 2023, there have been more than 70,000 encounters of UACs.”

KHOU News Houston reports that Pasadena, Texas Police Chief Josh Bruegger confirmed that the suspect, Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, illegally crossed the border from Guatemala in January 2023 and turned himself in to HHS, which then, as a matter of current policy, likely paid his way into the interior.

HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas said the Biden policy, which was implemented soon after Biden was sworn in, has resulted in the Biden administration becoming the “middleman” for a now thriving child sex trafficking and child labor industry. Biden, says Rodas, also did away with DNA tests to ensure people claiming to be the “sponsors” of unaccompanied minors were actually related. Such testing was routine under Trump.

The Tennessee Star reports Rodas said in an interview in December 2022:

““The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminalsWe fly that product directly to the trafficker.”

Rodas is a 19-year veteran of the federal government who was assigned to help HHS process unaccompanied migrant children at the Emergency Intake Site (EIS) in Pomona, California.
I have said it here many times before, if it was not for the border policy and immigration policy (if you can call it that) I would have no major problem with Biden or the Biden administration. That said, Joe Biden's border and immigration policy has sucked since day 2 of his administration, and if anything, has only gotten worse.

This is an example of worse.:(
"alleged rapist and killer of an 11-year-old girl"

Same age as Ashley when Briben was dragging her into the shower.

What a coincidence.

Ashley Biden.jpg
I have said it here many times before, if it was not for the border policy and immigration policy (if you can call it that) I would have no major problem with Biden or the Biden administration. That said, Joe Biden's border and immigration policy has sucked since day 2 of his administration, and if anything, has only gotten worse.

This is an example of worse.:(
Is there anyone in the hirearchy of the Board's brain trust--a historian or whatever--who can put together a master list of all of the crap Biden has been accused of doing? It would be cool to look at the laughable allegations all side by side.
What a horriible policy.. RIP Maria. If it were my daughter I would be suing the government.

I am sure that it is not the only such case, but here is a very clear case of an American life that was lost as a result of treason committed by Joe Biden.

Treason resulting in American deaths ought to be an automatic death penalty. Biden needs to be removed from office, tried for treason, and on conviction, he should be put to death.
I have said it here many times before, if it was not for the border policy and immigration policy (if you can call it that) I would have no major problem with Biden or the Biden administration. That said, Joe Biden's border and immigration policy has sucked since day 2 of his administration, and if anything, has only gotten worse.

This is an example of worse.:(

There is much else deeply wrong with Biden and his Administration than this, but this is really the mantlepiece of his corruption and criminal malfeasance.

As head of the Executive branch, he directly bears the responsibility for seeing to it that our country is defended against foreign invasion.

Not only has he absolutely refused to fulfill this responsibility; but he has actively aided and abetted the invaders, and he has actively obstructed the efforts of border states to defend themselves against this invasion; which makes him guilty of treason and malfeasance. American lives have been lost as a result of his crimes, which makes him guilty of murder.
Is there anyone in the hirearchy of the Board's brain trust--a historian or whatever--who can put together a master list of all of the crap Biden has been accused of doing? It would be cool to look at the laughable allegations all side by side.
I cannot or not interested in doing so. That said, bad immigration policy and accountability leading, to tragedy such as this little girl, is the responsibility of the President of the United States, and that is Joe Biden. No background checks even for criminal record, no documented links of family relationship in transferring minors across the country? Capture when they turn themselves in and released to the interior of the country without even a court date to hear their case? Why? Who does it benefit? This is no way to run immigration. The danger and potential for harm is easy to see.
Is there anyone in the hirearchy of the Board's brain trust--a historian or whatever--who can put together a master list of all of the crap Biden has been accused of doing? It would be cool to look at the laughable allegations all side by side.
Wait a minute. Why would his daughter lie? And are you claiming there is no catch and release policy being enacted?
There is much else deeply wrong with Biden and his Administration than this, but this is really the mantlepiece of his corruption and criminal malfeasance.

As head of the Executive branch, he directly bears the responsibility for seeing to it that our country is defended against foreign invasion.

Not only has he absolutely refused to fulfill this responsibility; but he has actively aided and abetted the invaders, and he has actively obstructed the efforts of border states to defend themselves against this invasion; which makes him guilty of treason and malfeasance. American lives have been lost as a result of his crimes, which makes him guilty of murder.

Biden may as well have paid for a taxi for the killer straight to the little girl's doorstep.
I have said it here many times before, if it was not for the border policy and immigration policy (if you can call it that) I would have no major problem with Biden or the Biden administration. That said, Joe Biden's border and immigration policy has sucked since day 2 of his administration, and if anything, has only gotten worse.

This is an example of worse.:(

You support the wall, or stay in Mexico?
Joe Biden's border and immigration policy has sucked since day 2 of his administration, and if anything, has only gotten worse.

That is putting it mildly. I think it is CRIMINAL. His policy is to authorize an assault on America. We've been through WARS which were less destructive to the USA than Biden's abandonment of the border and immigration control. Worse, many of them are coming from Nicuragua, where now, Russia is setting up camp within the country.
I cannot or not interested in doing so. That said, bad immigration policy and accountability leading, to tragedy such as this little girl, is the responsibility of the President of the United States, and that is Joe Biden. No background checks even for criminal record, no documented links of family relationship in transferring minors across the country? Capture when they turn themselves in and released to the interior of the country without even a court date to hear their case? Why? Who does it benefit? This is no way to run immigration. The danger and potential for harm is easy to see.
:salute: well said

It benefits the people who stand to gain from bankrupting America. The WEF/Devos crowd.
I cannot or not interested in doing so. That said, bad immigration policy and accountability leading, to tragedy such as this little girl, is the responsibility of the President of the United States, and that is Joe Biden. No background checks even for criminal record, no documented links of family relationship in transferring minors across the country? Capture when they turn themselves in and released to the interior of the country without even a court date to hear their case? Why? Who does it benefit? This is no way to run immigration. The danger and potential for harm is easy to see.

too late loon. You went for all of it. You stupid saps own it you weasel faced jackal.
There is much else deeply wrong with Biden and his Administration than this, but this is really the mantlepiece of his corruption and criminal malfeasance.

As head of the Executive branch, he directly bears the responsibility for seeing to it that our country is defended against foreign invasion.

Not only has he absolutely refused to fulfill this responsibility; but he has actively aided and abetted the invaders, and he has actively obstructed the efforts of border states to defend themselves against this invasion; which makes him guilty of treason and malfeasance. American lives have been lost as a result of his crimes, which makes him guilty of murder.
I have no evidence and know of no evidence, it is a criminal malfeasance, and I doubt you are a lawyer, but his policies as far as the border, border patrol, and immigration are as bad as it ever gets, downright dangerous lack of accountability, unfair to American Taxpayers, state governments across the lower 48 and all immigrants that have come here the right way.

You support the wall, or stay in Mexico?
I don't support the wall, but putting them back on the other side of the border until they have been processed and approved is definitely the right way to go.

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