McCarthy summons GOP factions to counter threat of a new conservative rebellion

Most Repubs from 40+ years ago would be considered liberal by today's standard. Of course that was before the party began to radicalize in response to the advent of right wing talk radio and Faux. Reagan's repeal of the Fairness Doctrine being one of the more damaging policy decisions he made for the country and for civil discourse.
The sorry state of those cucks explains why the pendulum has begun to swing towards a correction of the decades of their yielding to left/prog proscriptions.
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I agree that there is a lot of waste and duplication in the Federal government. The democrats protect their union turf at all costs, so its not as easy to cut things as you might think. That said:
1. I would have another Grace Commission to streamline government and save $billions, like the one in 1982, but this time follow their recommendations. I'm amazed that government NEVER gets studied to save money??????????????

2. The Department of Defense just had an audit and failed miserably. They can't find more than half the equipment they paid for???

3. Even if you fix the Federal government to eliminate "waste fraud and abuse" that is NOT a big dollar amount, say $50b-100b when the budget deficit is ~$2T. There is a massive budget deficit since they stole the SS surplus that needs to be covered by new taxes. They better get busy before the interest on the Debt consumes the Budget.

4. To get out of the fiscal mess we're in because the government stole the SS surplus, we need to raise taxes. My solution to get back to a surplus is:
1. Add a 4% Federal sales tax for 10-years. After 10-years it must be passed or it dies. (gains ~$1T a year)
2. Add a 0.5% transaction tax on all financial transactions for stocks, bonds, and derivatives, etc. (gains a lot)
3. Add a 1% Remittance Tax on all money transferred out of the US. (Gains ~$150b /yr)

The Republican controlled house seems to be trying to give themselves a pay raise.

The spending problem isn't going to be fixed until we stop electing people like Trump, McConnell, Pelosi and McCarthy. That's the solution. That's the ONLY solution. Vote out every incumbent who doesn't have at least a 95% liberty or New American score.

But that's impossible too. Because there's just too many party and political loyalist and "lesser of two evil" voters.

Everyone on this forum could come together and come up with better ways of running our government. But until the right people get voted in, nothing is going to change.
I've been preaching fiscal conservatism online sine the internet started. And have convinced maybe 10 people in all that time.
You think its a good thing to shut down the government because you can't even get your own act together? You think thats proper governance?

Shutting down the government comes when one side won't agree with the other side. And since party loyalist are all so divided, the government could care less.
We'll just argue with each other which party is right & wrong.
3 debt ceiling increases under Trump, and his supporters didn't say a word. One increase under Biden and they act like this is the first ever increase. That the debt went from $0 under Trump, to suddenly $32 trillion.
Biden has spent WAAAAAY too much money, but he's still not caught Trump yet.

The Fiscal Conservatives in DC are fighting for spending and budget cuts. And for the government to live within it's means, so we can stop the money printing machines. But they're challenging liberal Republicans like McCarthy who could care less if the debt goes to $40 trillion.
The only thing that will get spending and borrowing under control is the collapse of the country financially. When they have printed their last dollar and devalued the currency to worthless and it collapses in a smoldering heap then finally it will be under control.

Until then both parties who have RIGGED government to keep them in power will go right on borrowing and spending until the end.
The only thing that will get spending and borrowing under control is the collapse of the country financially. When they have printed their last dollar and devalued the currency to worthless and it collapses in a smoldering heap then finally it will be under control.

Until then both parties who have RIGGED government to keep them in power will go right on borrowing and spending until the end.
You think its a good thing to shut down the government because you can't even get your own act together? You think thats proper governance?

I don't think I used those words.

I believe what I said was that it was not the same problem to me as it seems to be for you.

I have never been affected by a government shutdown. It doesn't not bother me.

The GOP and the infighting is something that has been frustrating to me.....shutdown or no shutdown.

"Proper governance" is in the eyes of the beholder.
The Republican controlled house seems to be trying to give themselves a pay raise.
The spending problem isn't going to be fixed until we stop electing people like Trump, McConnell, Pelosi and McCarthy. That's the solution. That's the ONLY solution. Vote out every incumbent who doesn't have at least a 95% liberty or New American score. But that's impossible too. Because there's just too many party and political loyalist and "lesser of two evil" voters.
Everyone on this forum could come together and come up with better ways of running our government. But until the right people get voted in, nothing is going to change.
I've been preaching fiscal conservatism online sine the internet started. And have convinced maybe 10 people in all that time.
1. A pay raise for congress isn't the issue. Its the $2T budget deficit that is the problem.

2. NO ONE EVER CUTS SPENDING in DC. So stop whining about it. As McCarthy said, 89% of the Budget is MANDATORY SPENDING. That means that we need to raise taxes or the Debt interest will bury the Budget.

3. To get out of the fiscal mess we're in because the government stole the SS surplus, we need to raise taxes. My solution to get back to a surplus is:
1. Add a 4% Federal sales tax for 10-years. After 10-years it must be passed or it dies. (gains ~$1T a year)
2. Add a 0.5% transaction tax on all financial transactions for stocks, bonds, and derivatives, etc. (gains a lot)
3. Add a 1% Remittance Tax on all money transferred out of the US. (Gains ~$150b /yr)

4. I repeat. There is no fucking way to cut spending to fix the budget deficit. The DC coxuckers spent the SS surplus and put in IOUs...its time to pay the fuck up.
1. A pay raise for congress isn't the issue. Its the $2T budget deficit that is the problem.

It's all part of it. $1 is as important as $1 billion. Because it's the mindset of those congressional critters and the potus in a time were spending reduction have been on the back burner for so long.
2. NO ONE EVER CUTS SPENDING in DC. So stop whining about it. As McCarthy said, 89% of the Budget is MANDATORY SPENDING. That means that we need to raise taxes or the Debt interest will bury the Budget.

Yeah na. Not going to stop whining about it. One reason for the increase spending, is a direct result from an over inflated USD value created by borrowing that $32 trillion.
Because of all the borrowing, $20K per year is a poverty wage now here in the US. Mexico doesn't do this, so that same $20K per year is a middle class wage. So when congress spends (example) $1 million on gender studies, that same gender studies (40 years ago) would've only cost $100,000.

There's ALOT of cuts in that "mandatory spending" that can be made. McCarthy, and most of the others aren't saying that.
3. To get out of the fiscal mess we're in because the government stole the SS surplus, we need to raise taxes. My solution to get back to a surplus is:
1. Add a 4% Federal sales tax for 10-years. After 10-years it must be passed or it dies. (gains ~$1T a year)
2. Add a 0.5% transaction tax on all financial transactions for stocks, bonds, and derivatives, etc. (gains a lot)
3. Add a 1% Remittance Tax on all money transferred out of the US. (Gains ~$150b /yr)

4. I repeat. There is no fucking way to cut spending to fix the budget deficit. The DC coxuckers spent the SS surplus and put in IOUs...its time to pay the fuck up.

Stop the printing presses and inflation stops. If it doesn't stop, we'll end up like the USSR did.

Society (voters) reminds me of a methhead. We know what this (over borrowing) is doing to us. But we keep electing the dealers and continuing the addiction.

This is where you and I agree on. It's not going to stop. There's a way to do it. But it's impossible to do so because not enough are willing to do just a couple of things.
Stop voting for the lesser of two evils
Start voting for only fiscal conservatives.

But that means every voter is going to have to do the research.. Another impossible task.
Can you help me understand what a liberal republican looks like?

These terms are somewhat nebulous and I am not that good at keeping track.

What has he done to gain your ire?

Sure, no problem. The link under their pic goes to their liberty scores and why they are what they are. This Liberty Score page is a "quick & easy" way. I also use The New America Freedom Index. Their scoring system is more in-depth. Other wise, you'd have to go line by line through the voting records.

Kevin McCarthy. Liberal Republican

54% Liberty score.

Chip Roy. Fiscal Conservative

100% Liberty score

Politicians that vote to spend beyond our means. Supports things like debt ceiling increases without HUGE spending cuts. Politicians that are owned by lobbyist. Politicians who cave on important things. Politicians who vote yes on bills that are in direct violation of the US constitution. (Things like FISA 702 or the NDAA). Politicians that swear to uphold the US constitution and doesn't.
It's all part of it. $1 is as important as $1 billion. Because it's the mindset of those congressional critters and the potus in a time were spending reduction have been on the back burner for so long.
Yeah na. Not going to stop whining about it. One reason for the increase spending, is a direct result from an over inflated USD value created by borrowing that $32 trillion.
Because of all the borrowing, $20K per year is a poverty wage now here in the US. Mexico doesn't do this, so that same $20K per year is a middle class wage. So when congress spends (example) $1 million on gender studies, that same gender studies (40 years ago) would've only cost $100,000.

There's ALOT of cuts in that "mandatory spending" that can be made. McCarthy, and most of the others aren't saying that.

Stop the printing presses and inflation stops. If it doesn't stop, we'll end up like the USSR did.

Society (voters) reminds me of a methhead. We know what this (over borrowing) is doing to us. But we keep electing the dealers and continuing the addiction.

This is where you and I agree on. It's not going to stop. There's a way to do it. But it's impossible to do so because not enough are willing to do just a couple of things.
Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. Start voting for only fiscal conservatives.
But that means every voter is going to have to do the research.. Another impossible task.
1. I agree that some savings in wasteful spending can be made. I suggest that a new Grace Commission can be hired to streamilne the government, eliminate duplication, waste, fraud, and abuse. That was done in the 1980s and congress ignored all of the recommendations. Congress just wants to waste money. Its what they do.

2. Mandatory spending means it can't be cut. Here are the outlays. Please tell me which you want to cut. We have a $2T budget Deficit.

3. If we keep borrowing the interest on the Debt will crowd out all other spending unless the Fed cranks up the printing presses and then inflation skyrockets.
The future looks bleak because pols never do what is necessary, they only do what's easy.
1. I agree that some savings in wasteful spending can be made. I suggest that a new Grace Commission can be hired to streamilne the government, eliminate duplication, waste, fraud, and abuse. That was done in the 1980s and congress ignored all of the recommendations. Congress just wants to waste money. Its what they do.

2. Mandatory spending means it can't be cut. Here are the outlays. Please tell me which you want to cut. We have a $2T budget Deficit.
View attachment 804480

3. If we keep borrowing the interest on the Debt will crowd out all other spending unless the Fed cranks up the printing presses and then inflation skyrockets.
The future looks bleak because pols never do what is necessary, they only do what's easy.

Mandatory spending can be cut. Don't let the word mandatory fool you.

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