McCarthy ups the ante. Swalwell and Schiff to be booted from committees too.

McCarthy vows to remove Swalwell, Schiff, Omar from House committees​

See the source image

Democrats shouldn't mind being on the outside looking in! They've been doing it to Republicans for YEARS holding entire committees, panels, investigations and committees with ZERO republicans welcome.

You know, the same people who keep talking about the need for bipartisanship.
Yes, he does. Nazi Piglosi set the standard by removing two Reps from their standing committees in this Congress.

Once again you demonstrate what a colossal moron you are.
I must have missed that one.....What happened?

If true then I guess that's a good thing "sauce for the goose" wise. ;)
I'm pretty sure it was Pissloser that removed Jim Jordan and that other republican from the Jan 6th committee. I could be wrong on this but I think I'm right.

Well it was not a standing committee so she could....Not defending the bitch but them be the rules.

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