McCarthyism and Trump’s Impeachment. Parallels.


May 23, 2014
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS

McCarthy was right. A tad indelicate, but right in the main.

Review our history since the 1950s and the makeup of our current government. There is no argument to be had.
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS

Nanzi pelosi is a shit-eating rodent that still needs handlers to remind her it's more hygienic to wipe front to back.

Trotting that incoherent, drunk shitstain out in front of the cameras only turns states red, so I suppose I have no complaints.
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS

McCarthy was right. A tad indelicate, but right in the main.

Review our history since the 1950s and the makeup of our current government. There is no argument to be had.
right on ! communists have infiltrated media hollywood and government .
This man studied the Communist Party, international failures of Communism, and his career as a Professor and author of books about communism (it takes an hour, sorry)
Fears, feelings of guilt, Hollywood's take, errors and strengths stateside for and against communism, fanaticism, bizarre social studies decisions and instructions:

An important point he makes is "facts do matter."​
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The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.
You're the lunatic. Now change your soiled diaper and go back to bed, you old dirtbag.
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS

It only shows how deranged you are. There are no parallels. It is very clear that Trump pressured a foreign country into investigating a political rival. Trump is the danger to our country and ignores the Constitution. You are a moron who needs a nice padded cell.
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.

Trump supporters are the national joke and a threat to our republic. You are lunatics who refuse to accept the realities of 2018 and 2020.
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.

Trump supporters are the national joke and a threat to our republic. You are lunatics who refuse to accept the realities of 2018 and 2020.

Actually that would be the far left, removing the far left from all politics will allow the world to actually progress forward!

Making sure the far left is not in charge of anything would be the best thing for this world!
JONATHAN TURLEY: Democratic impeachment case collapses under weight of time.

The witness was Charles Kupperman, a deputy to former national security adviser John Bolton. Other than Bolton himself, Kupperman is one of the officials most likely to have direct knowledge of an alleged quid pro quo on aid to Ukraine. After subpoenaing him last fall, the House withdrew its request before the court could rule on compelling his testimony for the record. The House also decided not to subpoena Bolton or any other key witnesses in the administration. Judge Richard Leon dismissed the case before New Years Eve with a hint of frustration, if not bewilderment, that the House did not seem interested in hearing from a possible eyewitness. Historically, that lack of attention in not only witnesses but also a triable case will remain one of the most baffling blunders of this impeachment.​

When I testified in the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing, I cited this case in my criticism of the pledge by Democrats to impeach Trump by Christmas despite a very incomplete record. While I opposed some of the proposed articles of impeachment that were subsequently dropped by the panel, I said Trump could be legitimately impeached on abuse of power and obstruction of justice if the House could establish such violations. But the House refused to wait just a couple months to build a much stronger case to remove Trump. In the mad rush to push impeachment, Democrats could not have made it easier for his team.​

I’m convinced Democrats rushed it because

A) They could not indeed make a legitimate impeachment on abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and
B) they needed out of the headlines ASAP.​
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.

Trump supporters are the national joke and a threat to our republic. You are lunatics who refuse to accept the realities of 2018 and 2020.

What realities of 2020? I must have missed that election??
JONATHAN TURLEY: Democratic impeachment case collapses under weight of time.

The witness was Charles Kupperman, a deputy to former national security adviser John Bolton. Other than Bolton himself, Kupperman is one of the officials most likely to have direct knowledge of an alleged quid pro quo on aid to Ukraine. After subpoenaing him last fall, the House withdrew its request before the court could rule on compelling his testimony for the record. The House also decided not to subpoena Bolton or any other key witnesses in the administration. Judge Richard Leon dismissed the case before New Years Eve with a hint of frustration, if not bewilderment, that the House did not seem interested in hearing from a possible eyewitness. Historically, that lack of attention in not only witnesses but also a triable case will remain one of the most baffling blunders of this impeachment.​

When I testified in the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing, I cited this case in my criticism of the pledge by Democrats to impeach Trump by Christmas despite a very incomplete record. While I opposed some of the proposed articles of impeachment that were subsequently dropped by the panel, I said Trump could be legitimately impeached on abuse of power and obstruction of justice if the House could establish such violations. But the House refused to wait just a couple months to build a much stronger case to remove Trump. In the mad rush to push impeachment, Democrats could not have made it easier for his team.​

I’m convinced Democrats rushed it because

A) They could not indeed make a legitimate impeachment on abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and
B) they needed out of the headlines ASAP.​

Dershowitz says that the Articles are unconstitutional, and he should know:
Alan Dershowitz on Efforts to Impeach President Trump |

Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment
PBS American Experience ran an episode on Joe McCarthy. How ironic that House Democrats used the same tactics against a constitutional, democratic, elected President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run our nation and wasn’t elected to do so. Democrats have proven themselves a danger to our nation and our Constitution.
McCarthy | American Experience | PBS
How interesting that Trump trained at the knee of McCarthy mastermind Roy Cohn

Moscow Mitch has proven to be the single most disruptive force of our democracy. He has empowered an array of unethical, immoral and highly questionable changes to normal Congressional procedures. THIS behavior has enabled, assisted, encouraged, abled and abetted ALL of Trump's corrupt activity.
It only shows how deranged you are. There are no parallels. It is very clear that Trump pressured a foreign country into investigating a political rival. Trump is the danger to our country and ignores the Constitution. You are a moron who needs a nice padded cell.
Yet you Democrats used McCarthy tactics in an unfair trial against Trump. And you still have zero evidence there was quid pro quo.
The democrats are trying for 1-party rule, right out of Stalin's playbook. Nancy wants to tell the senate what to do as well as use "oversight" to tell Trump what to do. The little shits have no clue how the Federal government works, they're afraid to have the courts settle their squabbles.
It’s becoming more than a national joke, but a threat to our Republic. Even liberals on this board have shown themselves to be lunatics over the 2016 election of Trump.

Trump supporters are the national joke and a threat to our republic. You are lunatics who refuse to accept the realities of 2018 and 2020.
What happened in 2020?


Democrats Are Starting To Defect From Tehran Nancy's Impeachment Charade: Tehran Nancy got the idea to hold up the articles of impeachment from Fake News CNN. I don’t think Jeff Zucker’s Fake News network is a good place to find winning broadcast strategies, much less political ones.

Time Magazine is reporting that Tehran Nancy is holding up the articles of impeachment because she heard convicted Watergate criminal suggest it on TV.

On Dec. 17, the night before the full House would debate and vote on Trump’s impeachment, Tehran Nancy met behind closed doors with top caucus members on the Democrat Steering and Policy Committee. She hinted, for the first time, that she was contemplating a curveball: declining to immediately transmit the impeachment articles to the Senate after the House passed them. “The rule empowers the Speaker to be able to decide how to send the articles and when to send the articles over to the Senate,” she said, according to an aide who was in the room. “My view is we don’t know enough about what they are going to do. We want to see what [is] their level of fairness and openness and the rest.”​

Tehran Nancy, according to an aide, had been mulling the tactic since she heard former Nixon White House counsel John Dean float the idea on CNN on Dec. 5. In the committee meeting, she added that she believed McConnell would be motivated to move. “Somebody said to me today that he may not even take up what we send. [But] then [Trump] will never be vindicated,” she said, according to the aide in the room. “He will be impeached forever. Forever. No matter what the Senate does.”​

America would be much better off if she watched “Lost in Space,” got into a rocket ship and blasted off into space with a robot named robot.

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