Mcclatchy: leaking Ford's letter not illegal, doesn't break rules

McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.

It's not about her leaking it in the 11th hour. It's about her withholding supposed evidence for 3 months. Big difference.
You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.
Drinking beer isn't illegal for those of age.
And of course Kavanaugh wasn't legal.

When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
A. What "many high schoolers" were or were not is not the issue. The drinking age in Maryland at that time was 21. Kavanaugh was not 21 in high school nor most of his college years.

B.He claimed numerous times that his excessive and extensive drinking was legal. That was a lie. A stupid small lie. Clearly not what a prospective Supreme Court Justice should do
Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.

Oh, I'm a "partisan sheep"? Interesting...and you base that on what? Tell me what my "partisan" positions are on abortion and gun control, Gator? You don't know anything about me except that I called you on something that you stated as FACT and then had to admit was just your opinion based on nothing! So now you've got your panties in a wad and feel like you need to call me a "dumbfuck" to try and rescue your fragile ego? Just let it said something got called on it. Own that...
Drinking beer isn't illegal for those of age.
And of course Kavanaugh wasn't legal.

When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
A. What "many high schoolers" were or were not is not the issue. The drinking age in Maryland at that time was 21. Kavanaugh was not 21 in high school nor most of his college years.

B.He claimed numerous times that his excessive and extensive drinking was legal. That was a lie. A stupid small lie. Clearly not what a prospective Supreme Court Justice should do

Let's be honest here, Lesh. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982. That's after eight years of it being at 18. Throughout the country there was a major readjustment taking place. I know this because at the time I was managing a nightclub in a college town in Massachusetts. From the time that law was changed in 1974 there was one heck of a party going on in this country. College students were ALL legal to drink and many High School seniors were as well! For someone in Congress or the media to claim that a High School student drinking beer on the weekend was some sort of scandal in 1982 borders on farce. For a liberal member of Congress or the media to make that claim after supporting a President who admitted to drinking, smoking pot and taking cocaine in High School is laughable! Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his decades of exemplary service as an adult...not on his drinking beer in High School. This whole thing is grossly unfair and I think deep down you know it. What's more...I think a whole lot of moderates in this country know it and it's now affecting the upcoming midterm elections.
Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.

Oh, I'm a "partisan sheep"? Interesting...and you base that on what? Tell me what my "partisan" positions are on abortion and gun control, Gator? You don't know anything about me except that I called you on something that you stated as FACT and then had to admit was just your opinion based on nothing! So now you've got your panties in a wad and feel like you need to call me a "dumbfuck" to try and rescue your fragile ego? Just let it said something got called on it. Own that...

You are a dumbfuck, it has nothing to do with my choice of underwear.

I stated my opinion and that has not changed, no where did I claim it was a fact.

This is an opinion forum, the default post is an opinion unless otherwise stated.

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And of course Kavanaugh wasn't legal.

When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
A. What "many high schoolers" were or were not is not the issue. The drinking age in Maryland at that time was 21. Kavanaugh was not 21 in high school nor most of his college years.

B.He claimed numerous times that his excessive and extensive drinking was legal. That was a lie. A stupid small lie. Clearly not what a prospective Supreme Court Justice should do

Let's be honest here, Lesh. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982. That's after eight years of it being at 18. Throughout the country there was a major readjustment taking place. I know this because at the time I was managing a nightclub in a college town in Massachusetts. From the time that law was changed in 1974 there was one heck of a party going on in this country. College students were ALL legal to drink and many High School seniors were as well! For someone in Congress or the media to claim that a High School student drinking beer on the weekend was some sort of scandal in 1982 borders on farce. For a liberal member of Congress or the media to make that claim after supporting a President who admitted to drinking, smoking pot and taking cocaine in High School is laughable! Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his decades of exemplary service as an adult...not on his drinking beer in High School. This whole thing is grossly unfair and I think deep down you know it. What's more...I think a whole lot of moderates in this country know it and it's now affecting the upcoming midterm elections.

You are correct about drinking in the early 80s. I am one year older than Kavanaugh and the amount of alcohol being consumed by high schoolers was staggering. It was easily bought and nobody really cared.

(The above post is my opinion based upon my experiences as a teen in the 70s and 80s and should not be taken as anything but an opinion)

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.

Oh, I'm a "partisan sheep"? Interesting...and you base that on what? Tell me what my "partisan" positions are on abortion and gun control, Gator? You don't know anything about me except that I called you on something that you stated as FACT and then had to admit was just your opinion based on nothing! So now you've got your panties in a wad and feel like you need to call me a "dumbfuck" to try and rescue your fragile ego? Just let it said something got called on it. Own that...

You are a dumbfuck, it has nothing to do with my choice of underwear.

I stated my opinion and that has not changed, no where did I claim it was a fact.

This is an opinion forum, the default post is an opinion unless otherwise stated.

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The "default post" is an opinion unless otherwise stated? Did you really just claim that! You can't bring yourself to admit that you claimed something that was wrong...can you? Have you always been unable to admit something so obvious?
The "default post" is an opinion unless otherwise stated? Did you really just claim that! You can't bring yourself to admit that you claimed something that was wrong...can you? Have you always been unable to admit something so obvious?

I gave my opinion. If you would like to prove that my opinion is wrong, feel free. If you can do that then I will fully admit my opinion was mistaken.

I will be waiting!
Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.


Quit being a snowflake! Damn dude, man up or go to your safe space and draw some rainbows!

What the fuck even is profanity? Who decides which words are "profane" and which are ok? Such bullshit.

How embarrassing for you.
Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

Sent from my iPhone using

What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!

You are a dumbfuck because you are such a partisan sheep that you cannot even being to understand that a few of us have not sold our souls to one party or the other.

You are a dumbfuck because even after you have been told you were wrong you lack the honesty to own your mistake and instead have to double down on your lie and keep denying the truth, because the truth would shatter your little partisan world.

You are a dumbfuck because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp that not everyone is a (R) or (D), there are some of us that do not support either party and do not buy into the lies either party are selling.

Those are a few of the reasons you are a dumbfuck. I am glad you at least own it and do not try and deny it.


Quit being a snowflake! Damn dude, man up or go to your safe space and draw some rainbows!

What the fuck even is profanity? Who decides which words are "profane" and which are ok? Such bullshit.

How embarrassing for you.

Your reliance on 4 letter words reveals your lack of intelligence.
I must take issue with this -


Now, I generally curb myself when in the presence of children and sensitive women, but overall I've always found the character of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman to be a great inspiration in spinning long, graceful gossamer strings of razor-edged profanity to toss at the idiots in his vicinity. Harlan Ellison, in my signature, was also a famed maestro of the art.

A useful lesson to be well-learned. Amaze your friends! Impress at parties!

Remember, there are no "bad words". Only words badly used.
McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.
That's like the guy who got convicted of murdering his parents begging the court for mercy on the grounds he's an orphan.
McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.

It may have been unethical, but I agree, nothing illegal took place.
L.Lin Wood, the foremost defamation attorney in the country probably doesn't agree with the OP. He has defended quite a few famous people and corporations winning hundreds of millions. He thinks Ford has a case against Diane Finkelstein and the NYT. Also he said on Fox this evening that Kavanaugh should sue NBC, CNN and dozens and dozens of pundits who have defamed him.
Democrats, as always, want things both ways. The proper protocol for handling Ford's letter would have been to immediately hand it over to the FBI for an investigation. The rule of innocent until proven guilty would matter. And the alleged victim would have been protected from public scrutiny.

Feinstein chose to ignore protocol and turn this into a circus. Ford was put on display. Kavanaugh was tried in the court of liberal opinion. But, they insisted that it was okay because it was not a criminal investigation, it was a job interview and they were vetting Kavanaugh.

After the testimony didn't accomplish what they hoped, the Dems immediately demanded an FBI investigation. So, now, despite Ford's story falling apart as witnesses she named said they knew nothing, the left is suddenly treating this as a criminal investigation. Somehow, they want the public to believe that the FBI can hear the same exact testimony we all did and yet come to a different conclusion.

The Dems are upset now that things didn't go as they hoped so they have resorted to name calling and a threat that they will continue to go after Kavanaugh just like they continue to go after Trump.

Ford's long time friend just stated that she had felt pressured to change her story after stating that she knew nothing about any assault.

Ford claims to have left the party (leaving her good friend there) and calling another friend on her 1982 model cell phone. That friend did not support the story, either.

This should be over. Never should have become a public display but the desperate Dems had no other ideas on how to stop Kavanaugh so they resorted to this. No respect for rules or due process. They want what they want and will do anything to get it.

Meanwhile, Trump's approval went up and the slight lead Dems had for the upcoming election has disappeared. I guess most people watching this debacle are as sick of this crap as I am.

And of course Kavanaugh wasn't legal.

When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
A. What "many high schoolers" were or were not is not the issue. The drinking age in Maryland at that time was 21. Kavanaugh was not 21 in high school nor most of his college years.

B.He claimed numerous times that his excessive and extensive drinking was legal. That was a lie. A stupid small lie. Clearly not what a prospective Supreme Court Justice should do

Let's be honest here, Lesh. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982. That's after eight years of it being at 18. Throughout the country there was a major readjustment taking place. I know this because at the time I was managing a nightclub in a college town in Massachusetts. From the time that law was changed in 1974 there was one heck of a party going on in this country. College students were ALL legal to drink and many High School seniors were as well! For someone in Congress or the media to claim that a High School student drinking beer on the weekend was some sort of scandal in 1982 borders on farce. For a liberal member of Congress or the media to make that claim after supporting a President who admitted to drinking, smoking pot and taking cocaine in High School is laughable! Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his decades of exemplary service as an adult...not on his drinking beer in High School. This whole thing is grossly unfair and I think deep down you know it. What's more...I think a whole lot of moderates in this country know it and it's now affecting the upcoming midterm elections.
Oddly you miss the point. The drinking age was raised to 21 when he was 17.BEFORE he was legal even at 18. The fact that he drank illegally is not the issue. The issue is that a prospective Supreme Court Justice LIED about that. A stupid lie...a lie that was obvious.

That's concerning
When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
A. What "many high schoolers" were or were not is not the issue. The drinking age in Maryland at that time was 21. Kavanaugh was not 21 in high school nor most of his college years.

B.He claimed numerous times that his excessive and extensive drinking was legal. That was a lie. A stupid small lie. Clearly not what a prospective Supreme Court Justice should do

Let's be honest here, Lesh. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982. That's after eight years of it being at 18. Throughout the country there was a major readjustment taking place. I know this because at the time I was managing a nightclub in a college town in Massachusetts. From the time that law was changed in 1974 there was one heck of a party going on in this country. College students were ALL legal to drink and many High School seniors were as well! For someone in Congress or the media to claim that a High School student drinking beer on the weekend was some sort of scandal in 1982 borders on farce. For a liberal member of Congress or the media to make that claim after supporting a President who admitted to drinking, smoking pot and taking cocaine in High School is laughable! Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his decades of exemplary service as an adult...not on his drinking beer in High School. This whole thing is grossly unfair and I think deep down you know it. What's more...I think a whole lot of moderates in this country know it and it's now affecting the upcoming midterm elections.
Oddly you miss the point. The drinking age was raised to 21 when he was 17.BEFORE he was legal even at 18. The fact that he drank illegally is not the issue. The issue is that a prospective Supreme Court Justice LIED about that. A stupid lie...a lie that was obvious.

That's concerning

The point that I was making, Lesh is that Kavanaugh's high school experience was different from what someone who was in high school in the 1950's or in 2018 experienced because of the drinking age being lowered to 18 in 1974. It was a time when drinking by high school students was common. Furthermore...for the same people who DIDN'T have a problem with Barack Obama's drinking, smoking pot and taking hard drugs in high school to suddenly have an issue with a conservative having beer in high school borders on farce! This man was eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court and attempts to disqualify him on what he was doing in high school 36 years ago are RIDICULOUS!
The "default post" is an opinion unless otherwise stated? Did you really just claim that! You can't bring yourself to admit that you claimed something that was wrong...can you? Have you always been unable to admit something so obvious?

I gave my opinion. If you would like to prove that my opinion is wrong, feel free. If you can do that then I will fully admit my opinion was mistaken.

I will be waiting!

You stated that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations prior to their being leaked by Democratic members at the 11th hour. I asked you to back up that claim. Have you? No...what you did was declare that what you said was an "opinion" and therefore for some unknown reason you don't have to back up what you claimed.

It's obvious that your opinion...or whatever you wish to label your claim...was incorrect. If it WASN' would assume you would have provided proof that a Republican member of that committee DID know about Ford's allegations!

So once again...admit that you WERE wrong...apologize for the claim...AND MOVE ON!

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