Mcclatchy: leaking Ford's letter not illegal, doesn't break rules

On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.
On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!
On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!
On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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On what exactly did you base your "opinion" that GOP members of the Judiciary Committee knew about Ford's allegations before they were leaked by the Democrats?

The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...
McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.
what the fk are you talking about? this is about who leaked a document from the person who submitted it and wanted to stay anonymous.
The speed at which the 63 defenders of Kav were found, contacted and responded.

You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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You don't think that "defenders" of Kavanaugh were lined up LONG before that leak took place? Aren't you the naïve one!

Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)
Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known?

I believe you are the naive one, you put way too much faith and trust in your elected party officials. I will always assume the worst when it comes to politicians, and rarely am I disappointed.
You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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You've answered your own question, Gator! Why would you need to defend against something that was not yet known? Because it was apparent early on that Democrats on the Judiciary Committee would stoop to any level to keep whoever Trump nominated from being seated on the Supreme Court! You liberals were attacking Kavanaugh before he was even named! You had the signs made up for your protesters with a blank space where the name would go.

As usual...your based on what you'd like the world to be like...not what it actually IS like!

You are more liberal than I am, that has been proven.

As for Kav, I supported him before Trump named him. On this forum I said he was my first choice on the Trump list.

And I have defended him against all of these false claims.

You are too stupid to even know what you are talking about.

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Oh, now you're a Kavanaugh "defender"? Really...

Have been from day one you moron. My post in this thread was about the Repub leadership, not Kavanaugh.

There are a 100 or more post of me defending him against all these allegations.

You stupidity just hurts sometimes

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Oh, it's the GOP "leadership" you're against...not Kavanaugh? Did that happen when the smears perpetrated by the Democratic leadership didn't work or before? (eye roll)

I am against the leadership of both parties and their sheep like you. You fucking partisans put party before country.

I supported Kav before he was announced you dumbfuck. In the days leading up to the announcement there was a thread asking for predictions of who it would be. I said I did not think it would be Kav, but I wanted it to be.

Trump’s two SCOTUS picks are one of the few things I have given him praise for.

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What is it that makes me a "dumbfuck"? Making YOU look stupid? Such a sensitive little flower!
So they're not even denying that they're a bunch of skunks....Just that their skunkery isn't illegal.

Methinks we're getting close to discovering the perp.
So says a pathetic treasonous trumpkin
You liberals are so cute with all the "Trumpkin" digs! This whole confirmation thing has got you frazzled...hasn't it, Jillian? I hate to break this to you but I think the Democrat's sleazy behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings has spilled over into the mid term elections coming up in a month. Races you were leading in just a few weeks ago you're now behind in. I think moderates are disgusted with the way that you on the left attempted to smear a good man.
Drinking beer isn't illegal for those of age.
And of course Kavanaugh wasn't legal.

When was that? And so what?
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court
Got proof? In 1982 many high school seniors were of legal drinking age. Also, did he ever state under oath that he never had a drink before age 18? if he did, I missed it.
Chill out dick brain. I have been supportive of Kavanaugh since before Trump choose him. All I am pointing out is that the GOP new about the letter/accusation before it was made public.

Thank you. Please provide us with your reliable source and link proving your allegation.
So what?

He LIED about it multiple times under oath while asking to be put on the Supreme Court


My opinions are based on things I know to be true. Your opinions appear to be based on things you don't know at all. So which of us is the smart person and which is the stupid one?

Fuck, you really are this stupid! I'll be damned! I thought it was an act.

If you know something is true, it is no longer an opinion, it is now a fact.

You're a joke. Here is your original claim...

"The interesting thing is that the Repubs on the committee knew about it prior to the "leak" and did nothing but get people lined up to support Kav."

You didn't present that as an "opinion" stated it as fact! You only back pedaled to claiming it was an "opinion" when I called you on that fact and asked you to tell us which Republicans on the committee it was that knew about Ford's allegations prior to the leak!

This is an opinion forum, what we offer is opinion unless supported by some sort of link or such. If there is no support offered I take everything as an opinion.

I am glad it seems you have finally figured out the difference between a fact and an opinion. I am happy to have imparted just a small bit of education onto you.

No charge this time.

Not surprised. Democrats and Progressives are so accustomed to lying that they don't even think about it when they do lie. When they do lie, they try all sorts of machinations to dodge the truth.

The "education" you provided only proves that nothing you post can be taken seriously. I am shocked...SHOCKED I SAY! :D
I don't care if it was legal or illegal, ethical or unethical.

At the very least, if there is anything legitimate about Dr. Ford, I believe she is entitled who USED her, who promised her anonymity and then used and deceived her. I believe the country is entitled to know who it was that used this woman for their own political advancement.

I am certain even the far left Progressives want to see this happen and happen soon.

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