Mcclatchy: leaking Ford's letter not illegal, doesn't break rules

Now what if Ford goes MORE bananas and kills herself. She is obviously a deeply troubled omwan whom the DiMMS exploited for political expediency.


#METOO.....right Dimms?
Now what if Ford goes MORE bananas and kills herself. She is obviously a deeply troubled omwan whom the DiMMS exploited for political expediency.


#METOO.....right Dimms?

If Ford killed herself now Democrats would blame Republicans for 'exposing her lies, embarrassing her in front of the whole country'...
Now what if Ford goes MORE bananas and kills herself. She is obviously a deeply troubled omwan whom the DiMMS exploited for political expediency.


#METOO.....right Dimms?

If Ford killed herself now Democrats would blame Republicans for 'exposing her lies, embarrassing her in front of the whole country'...

What they are really trying to do is to get Kavanaugh to remove himself from consideration.

That DOG WHISTLE (Dimms love that term) went out EARLY.

THey went back to it yesterday.

Wishful thinking on their part.

The DIMMS do NOT want to go on record as voting NO.....especially RED STATE DIMMS.
Now what if Ford goes MORE bananas and kills herself. She is obviously a deeply troubled omwan whom the DiMMS exploited for political expediency.


#METOO.....right Dimms?

If Ford killed herself now Democrats would blame Republicans for 'exposing her lies, embarrassing her in front of the whole country'...

What they are really trying to do is to get Kavanaugh to remove himself from consideration.

That DOG WHISTLE (Dimms love that term) went out EARLY.

THey went back to it yesterday.

Wishful thinking on their part.

The DIMMS do NOT want to go on record as voting NO.....especially RED STATE DIMMS.

Tester and McCaskill are done, they should withdraw from their Senate races
The moment the Democrats abandoned the BS claims of sexual misconduct and began focusing on / brought up the fact that Kavanaugh DRANK BEER IN HIGH SCHOOL / COLLEGE everyone knew the entire campaign against Kavanaugh was BULLSHIT!

These are the same liberal assholes who declared Obama admitting to using / experimenting with pot and cocaine in high school / college was not an issue / problem / disqualifier for him running for President!
The interesting thing is that the Repubs on the committee knew about it prior to the "leak" and did nothing but get people lined up to support Kav.

That's because they knew it was an UNSUBSTANTIATED RUMOR BASED ON ZERO EVIDENCE.

They knew 6 FBI investigations had already been conducted, nothing was found, and a 7th investigation - as proven - was not needed.

The GOP did not want the 7th investigation, so it was no more THEIR responsibility to ask for one than it was Kavanaugh's responsibility to ask for one!

The Democrats, who held on to the unsubstantiated rumor for 6 weeks and then went public with it without evidence are the ones who finally demanded it when they could have done so 6 weeks earlier.

Stop the BULLSHIT of trying to spin this around and try to make it as if the GOP shares any partial blame for the despicable 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh the Democrats have been caught perpetrating!

Chill out dick brain. I have been supportive of Kavanaugh since before Trump choose him. All I am pointing out is that the GOP new about the letter/accusation before it was made public.
Chill out dick brain. I have been supportive of Kavanaugh since before Trump choose him. All I am pointing out is that the GOP new about the letter/accusation before it was made public.

You SOUND like Feinstein after the hearing, in which it became OBVIOUS to anyone who had a brain that Ford was lying and that FEINSTEIN was the mastermind behind the leak of an unsubstantiated rumor that led to the Democrats' full-scale 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh:

"I never believed all of Ford's accusation, either, and it was NOT ME who publicly exposed all of this!"

...but I will admit you have stayed pretty objective in all of this, not piling on the Dem's 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh.
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Chill out dick brain. I have been supportive of Kavanaugh since before Trump choose him. All I am pointing out is that the GOP new about the letter/accusation before it was made public.

You sound like Feinstein after the hearing, in which it became OBVIOUS to anyone who had a brain that Ford was lying and that FEINSTEIN was the mastermind behind the leak of an unsubstantiated rumor that led to the Democrats' full-scale 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh:

"I never believed all of Ford's accusation, either, and it was NOT ME who publicly exposed all of this!"


Look dick breath, way long time ago in the thread asking for predictions of who would be the choice for Trump, I said it would be someone else but wished it would be Kavanaugh. Then the day he announced it I made multiple post complimenting Trump on his choice. I have been 100% on his side though all this bullshit.

Your head is so far up Trump's ass that you have no grasp on reality.
Chill out dick brain. I have been supportive of Kavanaugh since before Trump choose him. All I am pointing out is that the GOP new about the letter/accusation before it was made public.

You sound like Feinstein after the hearing, in which it became OBVIOUS to anyone who had a brain that Ford was lying and that FEINSTEIN was the mastermind behind the leak of an unsubstantiated rumor that led to the Democrats' full-scale 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh:

"I never believed all of Ford's accusation, either, and it was NOT ME who publicly exposed all of this!"


Look dick breath, way long time ago in the thread asking for predictions of who would be the choice for Trump, I said it would be someone else but wished it would be Kavanaugh. Then the day he announced it I made multiple post complimenting Trump on his choice. I have been 100% on his side though all this bullshit.

Your head is so far up Trump's ass that you have no grasp on reality.
Hey GG, take a walk outside and get a clean breath of fresh air, requiring you to drop the DNC crack pipe, come back in, and read my post again.....before you have an unnecessary stroke.

The "big problem" would be for the Democrat on that commission who leaked the letter despite Ms. Ford's desire to be anonymous! Who cares if it was legal...that was never the issue! The issue is holding it back until the last moment and then using Ford like disposable tissue to try and stall the confirmation vote! Whoever it was that did that and then sat on that stage and praised Ford's bravery for coming forward is going to be revealed as one AMAZINGLY two faced poseur.

The interesting thing is that the Repubs on the committee knew about it prior to the "leak" and did nothing but get people lined up to support Kav.

Some fucked up politicking going on

Who on the GOP side knew about it prior to it being published and if they did...when was it that they learned of what the Democrats were going to hit Kavanaugh with?
The "big problem" would be for the Democrat on that commission who leaked the letter despite Ms. Ford's desire to be anonymous! Who cares if it was legal...that was never the issue! The issue is holding it back until the last moment and then using Ford like disposable tissue to try and stall the confirmation vote! Whoever it was that did that and then sat on that stage and praised Ford's bravery for coming forward is going to be revealed as one AMAZINGLY two faced poseur.

The interesting thing is that the Repubs on the committee knew about it prior to the "leak" and did nothing but get people lined up to support Kav.

Some fucked up politicking going on

Who on the GOP side knew about it prior to it being published and if they did...when was it that they learned of what the Democrats were going to hit Kavanaugh with?

I do not know which of them knew, but they had a list of 63 people ready to defend Kavanaugh with in less than 24 hours...
McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.
Making a false claim that she didn’t leak it; during official proceedings is surely a violation of some sort...
“A violation of some sort”. LOL
Senate ethics. Believe it or not; they supposedly do have expected codes of conduct. Being a leftist yourself; your shock is unsurprising...
Wrong. Cite the specific ethics rule.
McClatchy Newspapers has a reality check:
But there’s a big problem — regardless of who leaked the letter, it isn’t a crime, or even a violation of Senate rules.
Republicans calling for an investigalion are either dumb out doing it for show.

The letter isn’t classified information, which is a requirement for it to violate any ethics rule or law.

GOP calls for investigation of Feinstein over Ford letter. But there’s a big problem.
Making a false claim that she didn’t leak it; during official proceedings is surely a violation of some sort...
“A violation of some sort”. LOL
Senate ethics. Believe it or not; they supposedly do have expected codes of conduct. Being a leftist yourself; your shock is unsurprising...
Here are the ethics rules. Find one that says lying about leaking a letter is a violation of anything.
Ethics Rules - U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics
Don't say shit without doing research.
AS FAR AS SENTAE 'ETHICS' GOES, the President needs to demand the creation of / appointment of / needs to appoint an 'outside DC', objective Govt position that is responsible for creating / defining Government 'ETHICS', a position that has full prosecutorial powers - perhaps associated with the DOJ but who does not completely answer to / work for the DOJ / US AG.

If what Feinstein intentionally did does not constitute a breach in Senate 'Ethics' ... if John Conyers and Senate Democrats being exposed for sexual misconduct and creating a Senate Committee whose sole reason for existence was to pay for the silence of their victims over a period of 15 YEARS ... does not meet the 'definition / requirements for being in 'VIOLATION OF SENATE ETHICS RULES' then the entire Senate Ethics Committee should be fired, replaced, and the 'Ethics Rules' need to be updated / re-written!
You really expect Trump, the most unethical president in history, to demand the creation of a government entity with prosecutional powers over governmental ethics that isn't under presidential control?
AS FAR AS SENTAE 'ETHICS' GOES, the President needs to demand the creation of / appointment of / needs to appoint an 'outside DC', objective Govt position that is responsible for creating / defining Government 'ETHICS', a position that has full prosecutorial powers - perhaps associated with the DOJ but who does not completely answer to / work for the DOJ / US AG.

If what Feinstein intentionally did does not constitute a breach in Senate 'Ethics' ... if John Conyers and Senate Democrats being exposed for sexual misconduct and creating a Senate Committee whose sole reason for existence was to pay for the silence of their victims over a period of 15 YEARS ... does not meet the 'definition / requirements for being in 'VIOLATION OF SENATE ETHICS RULES' then the entire Senate Ethics Committee should be fired, replaced, and the 'Ethics Rules' need to be updated / re-written!
You really expect Trump, the most unethical president in history, to demand the creation of a government entity with prosecutional powers over governmental ethics that isn't under presidential control?
Funny you consider Trump to be the most Unethical when...

...The career-long sexual Predator Clinton was Impeached and stripped of his license to practice law ...

...Barry financed / supplied / armed / defended / protected / dragged the US into 2 illegal wars to help terrorists - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans / violated both Constitution and law / betrayed America several times...

...considering Kavanaugh drank alcohol in high school and college - which dems claim means he is a gang rapist ... while Obama admitted to doing pot and cocaine, which those same dems say means nothing and does not take away his qualification to be President. :p
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