McConnell! Americans don't want "stinking" compromises! We want politicians to stick to PRINCIPLES!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
McConnell said the below yesterday at 2:20 p.m. EST January 12, 2015
As I traveled throughout Kentucky last year, the message from voters was clear: They want a government that works again. And they want it to focus on more jobs, more opportunity, and more flexibility for a middle class that feels squeezed.
I know it won't be easy for him. The president's supporters are pressing for militancy, not compromise.

McConnell Ready to work with Obama

WHY oh WHY do especially the GOP believe Americans WANT compromise?
Americans want politicians do do what is principled NOT compromise!
We want politicians to vote on legislation that follows these fundamental principles:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
--establish Justice,
--insure domestic Tranquility,
--provide for the common defence,
-- promote the general Welfare, and
--secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text
If every piece of legislation was passed not because of "compromise" but because the legislation met the
above principles..i.e. for example:
Does the Keystone pipeline promote the general welfare?
DAMN right when the alternative is spilling 1 million barrels on the open ocean in a tanker going one mile versus only 700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipeline! DAMN straight that promotes the general welfare!
Does cutting down the massive growth of government regulations i.e.
promote the General welfare?
Take a look at what was added to our cost of living due to government regulations!
Is this the principle politicians should compromise on? "promote the General welfare?"
How Much Do Government Regulations Really Cost You 8211 Information Station

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I guess that means he won't get all butthurt when the vetoes come.
Name two things President Eisenhower did?
1) Played a lot of golf.... great! Country needed after WWII/Korea to get back to work and get the government out of our lives!
2) Interstate Highway.
These two major actions on the part of IKE spawned the greatest growth the country had seen up to that time... getting government out of the way and
promote the common defense... i.e. that was what the Interstate was originally designed to do! Ever wonder why there are miles of straight interstate?
Because the original concept was in case of any foreign invasion the USA could use the highways for quick movement. IKE saw what the autobahn did for
Germany! Again "promote the common defense had tremendous side benefits... got the government out of the way of Americans wanted to get back to work after
That is the kind of president we need! We don't need no stinking massive transformation of America as we have seen the miserable failure Obama has done!
If it is slash, fuck and burn! Well, those are the wrong principles to have.

China is eating our fucking lunch and you assholes want to slice infrastructure, kill science and rape r&d. Don't you dare fucking bitch about the economy again as you're helping to fuck it straight in its ass!
I bet you love your regs on food standards and drinking water! Oh'yesss, you want us to become like MEXICO!
The only way gov't will really work again is for both parties to worry about what is best for the country and ignore what is best for either political party.

And I don't see that happening.
McConnell has never cared about what's best for the country or for Americans. Don't worry, he's not going to suddenly change now.

He vowed to work against the prez and so did the Republicans. That won't change either.
If it is slash, fuck and burn! Well, those are the wrong principles to have.

China is eating our fucking lunch and you assholes want to slice infrastructure, kill science and rape r&d. Don't you dare fucking bitch about the economy again as you're helping to fuck it straight in its ass!
What a fucking IDIOT ---------------

Could spew a bigger pile of BULL SHIT if you TRIED? I doubt it.
If it is slash, fuck and burn! Well, those are the wrong principles to have.

China is eating our fucking lunch and you assholes want to slice infrastructure, kill science and rape r&d. Don't you dare fucking bitch about the economy again as you're helping to fuck it straight in its ass!

The only reason China is "eating our lunch" is because they can pay their people a tenth of what we make. The only way our science will make up for that is by displacing our own workers with robots.

Not much of a plan.

I bet you love your regs on food standards and drinking water! Oh'yesss, you want us to become like MEXICO!
You just don't understand the difference between federal government intervention and state government intervention.
Getting the federal government out of our water does not mean the state government will let it become sewage you freaking "all or nothing" loser.
Whats the use. You are like a robot. Not worth trying to get you to see the light.
I bet you love your regs on food standards and drinking water! Oh'yesss, you want us to become like MEXICO!

Not even the King of England at the time of the American Revolution had the authority to suspend laws unilaterally, the Law Library expert wrote in a memorandum to the Senate committee tasked with responding to President Obama’s recent executive orders on the enforcement of immigration law.
What Not Even the King of England Could Do National Review Online

Understand that?
With Obama having more power then the King of England I would think you would be worried!

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