McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan

He might be the last one YOU want speaking.

Bernie Sanders speaking for the Left is the same as Sarah Palin speaking for the Right.


Not even close. Not even a nice try.

Full Congressional Record Transcript of Sanders Filibuster - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

[ame=]Sen Bernie Sanders Amazing Speech DEC 02 2010 .flv - YouTube[/ame]

A class warfare speech is your evidence of "not even close"?


Dems are perfectly willing to make cuts. President Obama has already offered up $1 trillion in cuts. Question is...What do Republicans want?

America wants to know?

The party of lower taxes has got some splain'n to do when their constituents ask why they didn't agree to saving the tax rates for 98% of Americans just to protect the 2%

Obama hasn't offered squat. His so-called cuts are stuff that's already in the pipeline, like reduction in spending in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He's a lying piece of crap.

Why should Obama show his hand now?

The tax increases are already on the table and Republicans are screaming they NEED spending cuts. Let them spell out what cuts they want and then negotiate from there

Best option to me is let the 10% accross the board cuts take effect and then negotiate on what to put back in

If Obama's insolent demands constitute "putting something on the table," then so are Republican requests for spending cuts.

You turds want to flip the coin but use the "heads I win, tails you lose" rule.

Raising taxes at this time on the people that create jobs is like shooting yourself in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun.

CUT THE GODDAMNED SPENDING. Don't let Michelle make any more trips overseas. That's a god start!

Cut out the graft and corruption in Medicare.

Cut out the graft and corruption in Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.

Cut out welfare payments to illegal aliens and send their asses home.
That is "revenue" they would love to get their hands on.
I'm not sure I know what to do with mine just yet, but I'll be damned if I lose that too!

Before such a law ever went into effect everyone would raid their 401Ks, and the result would be the worst financial panic of the last two centuries.

[ame=]Mark Levin interviews Dr Ghilarducci about nationalizing 401K's (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

"Knowing what the hard Right is thinking should be a priority for progressives. But sometimes, their ranting is so completely idiotic and insane, it’s hard to know how to deal with it. Mark Levin is the new lunatic loud mouth on the Right, and spends hours a day on his radio show shouting about gun hating homosexuals running over America. The man is literally off his rocker, and has perhaps the most annoying, nasally voice I’ve ever heard to go with it. This produces a bizarre combination of noise and rhetorical bile that only the most die hard wing nuts can handle. Levin always begins his rants slowly and softly, then builds into a Hitler-esque crescendo that has him literally hyperventillating at the mic, unable to control himself or his insane nihilistic view of Obama’s America."



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Not one dime should go into revenue unless there is spending cuts that take effect immediately. Too many times, conservatives have been fooled by spending cut promises that never happen.

Then why are they refusing to consider the off that has been on the table for weeks now?

As for McConnell - the poor old fart is still in shock. He really thought that if he said President Obama shouldn't be re-elected, the people would vote against their own best interest.


The voters aren't as stupid as McConnell and the other old farts thought.:lol::lol::lol:

Raising taxes at this time on the people that create jobs is like shooting yourself in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun. Even your rw's cannot possibly still believe that the 2% create jobs. They've had more than ten years to create jobs and they still have not. EXPLAIN THAT.

CUT THE GODDAMNED SPENDING. Don't let Michelle make any more trips overseas. That's a god start! STOOOPID.

Cut out the graft and corruption in Medicare.Medicare cost less than 2% in operating costs. Look it up.

Cut out the graft and corruption in Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. But, let's add even more to our already BLOATED military.

Cut out welfare payments to illegal aliens and send their asses home. Obama already did that.

Barb's graphic is right. Deal with it.
Not one dime should go into revenue unless there is spending cuts that take effect immediately. Too many times, conservatives have been fooled by spending cut promises that never happen.

Then why are they refusing to consider the off that has been on the table for weeks now?

As for McConnell - the poor old fart is still in shock. He really thought that if he said President Obama shouldn't be re-elected, the people would vote against their own best interest.


The voters aren't as stupid as McConnell and the other old farts thought.:lol::lol::lol:

McConnell has spent the last four years doing his best to ensure that Obama would fail

Now he faces an ironic predicament. If the tax raises go through...McConnell has failed
Everything he has done the last four years was built around protecting tax rates for the wealthy. Now that is gone

And Obama is the only one who can save him
obama is moving closer to the Morsi model of declaring dictatorship.

Obama's opening fiscal cliff bid seeks debt limit hike, stimulus | Reuters

The Obama administration's opening bid on Thursday in negotiations to avert a year-end fiscal crunch included a demand for new stimulus spending and authority to unilaterally raise the U.S. borrowing ceiling, a Republican congressional aide said.

Instead of one sweeping grab, obama is taking ultimate authority a bit at a time. End result is the same, ultimate authority.
WaPo: The Democrats’ refusal to address entitlements is getting kinda’ silly, isn’t it?

by Erika Johnsen
November 28, 2012

Over and over and over again, we’ve heard the president, the White House, and various Democrats intone that we need to find a “balanced” approach to solving the impending debt crisis, but Democrats have conveniently neglected to match their proposed ‘Clinton-era’ tax increases with Clinton-era levels of government spending, which would obviously require mega-cuts. The only serious cuts Democrats seem willing to address would come from the military’s budget, and more and more of them having been coming out and declaring their outright opposition to even considering entitlement reform.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid echoed that sentiment: “President Obama said that Social Security is not part of what . . . we’re going to do in this. And I agree with him.”

In prepared remarks earlier Tuesday, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin, went further: He said all entitlement programs — including Medicare and Medicaid — should be dealt with, but not in any fiscal cliff negotiations. …

Indeed, Democrats face increasing challenges from the left in that regard. On Nov. 15, a collection of liberal Democratic senators sent a letter to Reid, encouraging him not to cave to the opposition in fiscal cliff negotiations.

One provision in that letter urged, “Any deal must protect Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security from harmful cuts.” Despite claims to the contrary, the letter notes, “Medicare and Medicaid are already very efficient,” and it adds, “The projected rate of spending growth in Medicare and Medicaid continues to be much lower than the rate of growth in the private health insurance market.”​

Ohhh, you must mean the other entitlement programs, the ones that aren’t currently hurtling us toward $86 trillion in liabilities. Riiiight. Well, okay, but still… where’s this marvelously “balanced” approach we’ve been hearing so much about? The Democrats’ newfangled definition of compromise — ‘bipartisanship means you come to the table and then do exactly what we want’ — has shot way past ridiculous, and the Washington Post is even saying that it’s time for the president to step it the heck up already.

Democrats, meanwhile, are sounding more and more maximalist in resisting spending cuts. Many insist that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and education — pretty much everything except the Pentagon — are untouchable. …

Elections do have consequences, and Mr. Obama ran on a clear platform of increasing taxes on the wealthy. But he was clear on something else, too: Deficit reduction must be “balanced,” including spending cuts as well as tax increases. Since 60 percent of the federal budget goes to entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, there’s no way to achieve balance without slowing the rate of increase of those programs. …

That means spending cuts, it means entitlement reform, it means compromise, it means a balanced solution that will please neither House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) nor Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). Only one person is in a position to make it happen.​
But does that mean that it will happen? …I won’t hold my breath. Krauthammer had President Obama’s number on Fox last night (click the image to watch, via RCP):
Krauthammer: Obama "Not Trying To Fix Our Fiscal Issues And Problems; He's Trying To Destroy The Republicans" | RealClearPolitics


Read more:
WaPo: The Democrats’ refusal to address entitlements is getting kinda’ silly, isn’t it? « Hot Air
obama is moving closer to the Morsi model of declaring dictatorship.

Obama's opening fiscal cliff bid seeks debt limit hike, stimulus | Reuters

The Obama administration's opening bid on Thursday in negotiations to avert a year-end fiscal crunch included a demand for new stimulus spending and authority to unilaterally raise the U.S. borrowing ceiling, a Republican congressional aide said.

Instead of one sweeping grab, obama is taking ultimate authority a bit at a time. End result is the same, ultimate authority.

Can Hitler analogies be far behind?
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan

did he blow his nose in the president's general direction, too?

and why would you expect any more from the person who, instead of making this country his "number one priority", made the defeat of this president his priority?

and how's that working out for you guys....

please... keep it up! :thup:

It ensured that McConnell would remain the Minority leader

why yes... yes it did. :thup:
Geitner should be in jail for tax fraud, not the Treasury Secretary.

Putting him in that job shows the ignorance and corruption of Obamination.

Geitner with his tax problems probably can't get a security clearane without Obamination pulling some strings, but Geitner can be allowed to drive our national debt and economy into the dark hole.
Not one dime should go into revenue unless there is spending cuts that take effect immediately. Too many times, conservatives have been fooled by spending cut promises that never happen.

Exactly. I say fuck 'em.. they own the fiscal cliff and frankly, it might be a dose of reality to snap these leftist nitwits out of the spell they are under that keeps them believeing that not taxing the rich enough is our problem.
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Not one dime should go into revenue unless there is spending cuts that take effect immediately. Too many times, conservatives have been fooled by spending cut promises that never happen.

Exactly. I say fuck 'em.. they own the fiscal cliff and frankly, it might be a dose of reality to snap these leftist nitwits out of the spell they are under that keeps them believeing that not taxing the rich enough is our problem.

Problem is... That limp wristed crybaby Bhoener needs to submit some actual cuts.
He is just giving in like a typical politician.

I'm ready to start supporting Rand Paul for a run on 2016. :dunno:
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Not one dime should go into revenue unless there is spending cuts that take effect immediately. Too many times, conservatives have been fooled by spending cut promises that never happen.

Then why are they refusing to consider the off that has been on the table for weeks now?

Simple, doofus: it's all revenue and no cuts. Furthermore, Obama wants to eliminate the borrowing limit. That's a blank check for Democrats to spend like there's no tomorrow.

As for McConnell - the poor old fart is still in shock. He really thought that if he said President Obama shouldn't be re-elected, the people would vote against their own best interest.

Every taxpayer who voted for Obama voted against his own interests.

The voters aren't as stupid as McConnell and the other old farts thought.:lol::lol::lol:

Apparently they are dumber than McConnell imagined.

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