McConnell Faces New Pressure For Big Stimulus After Grim Unemployment Report; 'Political Games Costing Lives'


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.
Damn..that was a lot of words just to say, 'Let them eat cake!"
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.

So the government, ie. Trump presidency, Republican Senate, Republican Supreme Court, purposely destroyed small business to purposely redistribute wealth to 20 million people who are still struggling, because of a hoax that is now responsible for the deaths of 270,000 people?

No brain damage there.
I feel bad for people, and I could sure use some extra cash, but I feel kind of iffy about just handing out money. The vast majority of the country is not in lockdown and unemployment actually went down .2% from last month. So while I agree the economy needs help, I'm not sure that sending everyone a second check is the answer. Why not send that money to states where it can be distributed to individuals who need it and then use the rest to keep municipal services and programs afloat?
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

It does look as though Direct payment to taxpayers is off the table..a lot of programs....and a lot of money--but no cash.
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.

So the government, ie. Trump presidency, Republican Senate, Republican Supreme Court, purposely destroyed small business to purposely redistribute wealth to 20 million people who are still struggling, because of a hoax that is now responsible for the deaths of 270,000 people?

No brain damage there.

It was not Trump, it was not the Senate, it was not the supreme court that shut down businesses. It was governors and mayors, largely democrat, who shut everything down to hurt Trump and small businesses.

60 million people got Swine Flu under Obama and not a single democrat mayor shut down a single business. Over 12 thousand people died of swine flu, but under a democrat president, so that's ok.

Former Biden chief of staff says that they got lucky that more people didn't die from swine flu, because it wasn't anything Obama or his cronies did. He said they did everything WRONG. "Thank God swine flu wasn't more deadly" he says.

"It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck.

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Damn..that was a lot of words just to say, 'Let them eat cake!"

Don't look at me.

Look at the Democrooks such as Nanthy Pewothi, Gavin Newsom, and others, who are continuing to live high on the hog, while they enact and support policies that destroy their economies and impose greater poverty on all us “little people”.

Do you think any of them are worried about their own paychecks, about their own ability to keep roofs over their heads, food on their tables, and otherwise to make their livings?

Do you think any of them give a shit what their policies are doing to the very people that they were elected to serve and represent?
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The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

It does look as though Direct payment to taxpayers is off the table..a lot of programs....and a lot of money--but no cash.

Exactly. That way you can redistribute the rest of that dwindling wealth to the airlines and other Fortune 500's, so the exec's can get more bonuses to layoff more workers.

And what they don't pay out, can go into the fund that Mnuchin put the other $500 billion, so that only be redistributed again by the same people who received most of it, during the last redistribution. Like McConnels wifes Chinese shipping company.
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.
Damn..that was a lot of words just to say, 'Let them eat cake!"
Ya have no idea how much damage has been done and even if ya hit the trillion or hell 2'll be gone so fast and wont make one bit of diff in the big picture,
I have yet to hear of airlines being tied to a 'superspreader" event since they upped their body count. They were just getting rdy to resume full planes when the new panic omg hit
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.
Its just a bandaid

the shutdown is whats driving Americans into poverty
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

McConnell isn't facing any new pressure. It is only pressure if you feel pressure. He doesn't have to give a damn, because present administration doesn't give a damn and 73 million voters supporting the administration probably don't. He will blame it on the Democrat for wanting too much and will not heed the bipartisan bill recommendations. If people really do start starving and getting kicked out of the apartments they are renting the day after Christmas, he will suffer no price to pay. If it tanks the economy, it will be Joe Biden's problem to deal with. His job is secure for one more term at the end of which he will be 82, ready to retire (especially if he loses control of Senate) and the Senate never suffers with the people, especially not a republican Senate. I do not think he is in any favor doing mood, for the country, it's people or the incoming president. By stonewalling, he keeps the outgoing president happy, doing his part as a Republican trump enabler.
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

McConnell isn't facing any new pressure. It is only pressure if you feel pressure. He doesn't have to give a damn, because present administration doesn't give a damn and 73 million voters supporting the administration probably don't. He will blame it on the Democrat for wanting too much and will not heed the bipartisan bill recommendations. If people really do start starving and getting kicked out of the apartments they are renting the day after Christmas, he will suffer no price to pay. If it tanks the economy, it will be Joe Biden's problem to deal with. His job is secure for one more term at the end of which he will be 82, ready to retire (especially if he loses control of Senate) and the Senate never suffers with the people, especially not a republican Senate. I do not think he is in any favor doing mood, for the country, it's people or the incoming president. By stonewalling, he keeps the outgoing president happy, doing his part as a Republican trump enabler.

Interesting synopsis.
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.
Fukin' whine, bitch and moan. Oh yeah, & blame the right as well. For U intellectually impaired lefties. the preponderance of which are clueless as to what may very well transpire tomorrow by law. Stupidity has its own special rewards. Watch Bill Maher Two Years Ago Say We Want To Crash the Economy | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
Again, this is like the cliché about government breaking your leg, and giving you a crutch, and you're supposed to be grateful for the crutch.

This crisis was directly caused by corrupt, destructive, and malicious acts on the part of government, deliberately sabotaging the economy under the pretext of a fake “pandemic”.

Having government redistribute the dwindling supply of wealth being generated by the few who are still allowed to work to produce it, to those who are not, is no solution at all.

The only solution has to be based on putting an end to the outrageous abuses of government power that have stifled the economy and destroyed small business, and to hold those who caused this criminally responsible for their acts of fraud and malfeasance and abuses of power.
Fukin' whine, bitch and moan. Oh yeah, & blame the right as well. For U intellectually impaired lefties. the preponderance of which are clueless as to what may very well transpire tomorrow by law. Stupidity has its own special rewards. Watch Bill Maher Two Years Ago Say We Want To Crash the Economy | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
Would not be new. Republicans crashed the economy at the end of last time a Republican held the white house, then tried every way they could imagine to keep Obama from rebuilding, but he did anyway, just slower. Then they bitched about it being a slow recovery. Go figure.
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

McConnell isn't facing any new pressure. It is only pressure if you feel pressure. He doesn't have to give a damn, because present administration doesn't give a damn and 73 million voters supporting the administration probably don't. He will blame it on the Democrat for wanting too much and will not heed the bipartisan bill recommendations. If people really do start starving and getting kicked out of the apartments they are renting the day after Christmas, he will suffer no price to pay. If it tanks the economy, it will be Joe Biden's problem to deal with. His job is secure for one more term at the end of which he will be 82, ready to retire (especially if he loses control of Senate) and the Senate never suffers with the people, especially not a republican Senate. I do not think he is in any favor doing mood, for the country, it's people or the incoming president. By stonewalling, he keeps the outgoing president happy, doing his part as a Republican trump enabler.
REALLY? That dumb RU? Most ghetto roaches don't even know what an "enabler" is unless there's a "rock' tied to the other end. U people r pathetic.
The Labor Department's grim unemployment report has placed new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take a larger stimulus deal so that Americans struggling to pay for food and rent can receive quick relief, as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

In November, the U.S. saw its slowest month of growth since spring, according to the department's Friday report. Employers added just 245,000 jobs last month, and while the unemployment rate decreased from 6.9 to 6.7 percent, it was largely due to a flood of people leaving the labor force.

"This is an ugly report," said Diane Swonk, chief economist for Grant Thornton. "It will go negative next month."

McConnell isn't facing any new pressure. It is only pressure if you feel pressure. He doesn't have to give a damn, because present administration doesn't give a damn and 73 million voters supporting the administration probably don't. He will blame it on the Democrat for wanting too much and will not heed the bipartisan bill recommendations. If people really do start starving and getting kicked out of the apartments they are renting the day after Christmas, he will suffer no price to pay. If it tanks the economy, it will be Joe Biden's problem to deal with. His job is secure for one more term at the end of which he will be 82, ready to retire (especially if he loses control of Senate) and the Senate never suffers with the people, especially not a republican Senate. I do not think he is in any favor doing mood, for the country, it's people or the incoming president. By stonewalling, he keeps the outgoing president happy, doing his part as a Republican trump enabler.
REALLY? That dumb RU? Most ghetto roaches don't even know what an "enabler" is unless there's a "rock' tied to the other end. U people r pathetic.
The only voters he could possibly be worried about are the 13-14% of the population of Georgia, as everybody else already voted. Doubt he is expecting the Republicans in that Senate runoff to get much of that segment of the vote, no matter what he does. Trump will be happy. The Russians do not even matter to Moscow Mitch at this point, because their Aluminum mill is already built in his state. I am telling you for right or wrong, he is not feeling any pressure. If you disagree, tell me why.
REALLY? That dumb RU? Most ghetto roaches don't even know what an "enabler" is unless there's a "rock' tied to the other end. U people r pathetic.

If you're going to cast aspersions anyone else's intelligence, it helps if you don't write like an illiterate retard while doing so.

Nothing is more dumb or more pathetic than someone who is too lazy or too stupid, or both, even to correctly write simple, common words like “you” and “are”.

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