McConnell Hit With Ethics Complaint After Judd Controversy

Good, I hope he is thrown out of office.

For what, discussing publicly available information. Get a freaking life.

I know. Corn from Mother Jones even says she's a loon. Judd even compares herself to St Francis of Assisi in his article. No digging required. It's all on record.

Judd isn't just eccentric, according to Corn, but has a history of mental illness, including suicidal ideation while in the sixth grade and a 42-day hospitalization for clinical depression as an adult.

But the Corn exposé is bizarre in its own way.

For one thing, it doesn't actually reveal anything new about Judd. While the facts Corn presents about her may come as news to a low-information entertainment consumer such as this columnist, they were already on the record.

The quotes above come from a public speech, and the information about her medical history is from a memoir she published in 2011.

Best of the Web Today: Slinging Mud at Ashley Judd -
She's already on the record saying she believes that men and women shouldn't breed while children are starving in the world.

Ashley wanted to run her campaign from Tennessee to run for the seat in Kentucky. It's all out there.

McConnell's staff would only have to google and read her book. Judd's a loon. I wish she was running.

She has a long way to go to come anywhere close to all the crazy stupid shit you've said.

She's a fucken loon. Deal with it.

I thought that was rather funny when I read that.
Ethics violations that don't exist... Maybe this will help
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has been hit with an ethics complaint after a leaked tape revealed he was discussing with aides how to take on potential opponent Ashley Judd.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has asked the Senate ethics committee and the FBI to investigate whether McConnell was having a discussion about potential Judd weaknesses -- including her mental health and religion -- on government time.

“Using taxpayer-funded resources to pay staffers to dig up dirt on political opponents isn’t just an ethics violation, it’s a federal crime,” said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan. “As Sen. McConnell requested, the FBI is investigating the recording. A thorough and fair investigation necessitates the bureau also inquire into whether Sen. McConnell himself violated the law.”

Mother Jones first reported on the leaked tape, which was reportedly recorded at a Feb. 2 meeting. Shortly after the leak, the McConnell campaign said it was working with the FBI.

Mitch McConnell Hit With Ethics Complaint Over Leaked Ashley Judd Tape

Seriously? CREW Is wasting it's time on this?
Good, I hope he is thrown out of office.

Agreed. Because this is much more serious then, say, sending AK-47s to Mexican drug cartel members, losing track of them and then acting surprised when one shows up at the scene of a dead Border Patrol agent.

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