McConnell: Impeachment Distracted Government From Wuhan Virus

I think the spectacle of Nanzi passing out $15,000 worth of fake impeachment pens while President Trump was initiating a travel ban from China conveys the proper context to the electorate. I'd show it in every swing state for the next 7 months.


You mean the impeachment over Trump's withholding authorized aid in an attempt to coerce a foreign leader into manufacturing political dirt on his personal political rival? That one?

How hard is it to institute a travel ban?

And how about that Republican Massie holding up the bill at the last minute? That sure sends the right message.

Yup: Republican Platform under Trump: Deceit, Corruption, Alternative Facts.

I haven't heard about that impeachment. I was referring to the Fake Impeachment, which was an effort to overturn the results of a federal election because of severe TDS by a handful of marxist shitstains, and was subsequently nullified through an acquittal.

Fucking around with a fake impeachment with the results already known and foregone will be one of the factors in the upcoming election. Trump's approval numbers continue to climb as #walkaway and #runthefuckaway take hold.

Next, you're going to tell me Plugs is worthy candidate and will beat the orange man's ass..... yeah, sure.....
This is more reflective of the democrats and the MSM. Americans are all under enough stress with this lock-down, then add the MSM and PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists fear mongering and panic trying to gin-up more anger and fear. This may not end well for these people. When the lock-down first started, I expected riots in the inner cities by the end of the first week. The fact it has gone on this long without violence is probably only due to fear. Eventually, that fear is going to turn to anger against those fanning the flames.
There's no doubt that Nancy fiddled (with impeachment) while Wuhan virus burned. Trump imposed China travel restrictions in the middle of the impeachment scam, and blunted at least some of the spread - and was accused of being a China-phobic racist.
It sounds like you are hoping for violence.
Violence is not the best way of settling differences. It is the best way of having differences settled for you.

Enemy democrats have gotten away with their garbage for far too long. They are deluded and have no idea how much they are loathed and by how many. A lesson is long over due.

The right (miketx) wants to place machine gun installations to shot Louisianans that cross the border into Texas.

It is China’s goal to weaken the US and they paid Democrats a lot of money to get the job done. Ask Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, and Nadler how much China and Russia and Mexico has given then over the years and why are the Millionaires just because they hold office.
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​
What a load of bull crock and excuse mongering. Clinton was impeached but still managed to do his job. Are you finally admitting Trump is incompetent?

More bullshit from an ignorant Dim. Travel ban on China put in immediately answer idiots like you yelled RACIST. And then Dims rescinded it. Bull crock? Yeah, that’s everything you say. Pisslosi the drunk happily wants Americans to suffer and Senile Joe Biden embarrasses himself daily and you say Trump is incompetent? Look in a a mirror to see incompetence.
I think the spectacle of Nanzi passing out $15,000 worth of fake impeachment pens while President Trump was initiating a travel ban from China conveys the proper context to the electorate. I'd show it in every swing state for the next 7 months.


You mean the impeachment over Trump's withholding authorized aid in an attempt to coerce a foreign leader into manufacturing political dirt on his personal political rival? That one?

How hard is it to institute a travel ban?

And how about that Republican Massie holding up the bill at the last minute? That sure sends the right message.

Yup: Republican Platform under Trump: Deceit, Corruption, Alternative Facts.

I haven't heard about that impeachment. I was referring to the Fake Impeachment, which was an effort to overturn the results of a federal election because of severe TDS by a handful of marxist shitstains, and was subsequently nullified through an acquittal.

Fucking around with a fake impeachment with the results already known and foregone will be one of the factors in the upcoming election. Trump's approval numbers continue to climb as #walkaway and #runthefuckaway take hold.

Next, you're going to tell me Plugs is worthy candidate and will beat the orange man's ass..... yeah, sure.....
Hmmm....sounds like the Clinton impeachment.
What a load of bull crock and excuse mongering. Clinton was impeached but still managed to do his job. Are you finally admitting Trump is incompetent?

More bullshit from an ignorant Dim. Travel ban on China put in immediately answer idiots like you yelled RACIST. And then Dims rescinded it. Bull crock? Yeah, that’s everything you say. Pisslosi the drunk happily wants Americans to suffer and Senile Joe Biden embarrasses himself daily and you say Trump is incompetent? Look in a a mirror to see incompetence.
Look at him. His entire presidency. It’s been blame the libs, the Dems, the media, the Mexicans.....everyone but him. That is incompetency.

Can you name a single instance where he stood up and took full responsibility?

who called the travel ban racist?
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​
They are unaware if they were replaced? So they might have been? a portion of them?

You do realize a 100 million masks would not be one for every third American?

The stockpile was meant for a localized event not a nationwide pandemic.

This is why Trump fiddling until mid March was a disaster. He should have fired up the PPE manufacturers then.
What a load of bull crock and excuse mongering. Clinton was impeached but still managed to do his job. Are you finally admitting Trump is incompetent?

I don't think it has shit to do with Trump. It's more trying to shift blame around and that is 100% pointless at this time. Blame Trump, blame Pelosi... We continue with our self serving emotional interests while ignoring this isn't Trump. This isn't Pelosi. Thus is global and seeing it in any less of a light is going for emotional validation.

If that's the case.... Why the following by Pelosi and her fellow Democrats:

Nancy Pelosi Says House Democrats Will Vote To Block Trump ...
Jan 27, 2020 · “House Democrats continue to stand opposed to President Trump’s cruel, un-American travel ban in all of its iterations. In the coming weeks, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up and bring to the Floor the NO BAN Act to prohibit religious discrimination in our immigration system and limit the President’s ability to impose such biased and bigoted restrictions,” Pelosi said Monday.

Was this just to oppose anything that the president does or was it actually a dagger held to th e throats of ALL Americans?

You do realize, don’t you, that you are talking about a completely different travel ban in that article? Not the one for corona virus?
This is more reflective of the democrats and the MSM. Americans are all under enough stress with this lock-down, then add the MSM and PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists fear mongering and panic trying to gin-up more anger and fear. This may not end well for these people. When the lock-down first started, I expected riots in the inner cities by the end of the first week. The fact it has gone on this long without violence is probably only due to fear. Eventually, that fear is going to turn to anger against those fanning the flames.
There's no doubt that Nancy fiddled (with impeachment) while Wuhan virus burned. Trump imposed China travel restrictions in the middle of the impeachment scam, and blunted at least some of the spread - and was accused of being a China-phobic racist.
It sounds like you are hoping for violence.
Violence is not the best way of settling differences. It is the best way of having differences settled for you.

Enemy democrats have gotten away with their garbage for far too long. They are deluded and have no idea how much they are loathed and by how many. A lesson is long over due.
Bring it on
If the fat assed piece of shit Trump had not tried to bribe the leader of the Ukraine for political dirt, there would not have beern an impeachment.

If trhe Republicans hads any balls, the Trump would be out of office.
I think the spectacle of Nanzi passing out $15,000 worth of fake impeachment pens while President Trump was initiating a travel ban from China conveys the proper context to the electorate. I'd show it in every swing state for the next 7 months.


You mean the impeachment over Trump's withholding authorized aid in an attempt to coerce a foreign leader into manufacturing political dirt on his personal political rival? That one?

How hard is it to institute a travel ban?

And how about that Republican Massie holding up the bill at the last minute? That sure sends the right message.

Yup: Republican Platform under Trump: Deceit, Corruption, Alternative Facts.

I haven't heard about that impeachment. I was referring to the Fake Impeachment, which was an effort to overturn the results of a federal election because of severe TDS by a handful of marxist shitstains, and was subsequently nullified through an acquittal.

Fucking around with a fake impeachment with the results already known and foregone will be one of the factors in the upcoming election. Trump's approval numbers continue to climb as #walkaway and #runthefuckaway take hold.

Next, you're going to tell me Plugs is worthy candidate and will beat the orange man's ass..... yeah, sure.....
Hmmm....sounds like the Clinton impeachment.

Not a bad point....
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​

Yeah, Pence has joined in on floating that. But that dog ain't gonna hunt. Trump didn't participate in impeachment. He campaigned, tweeted, and dismissed and downplayed the virus. And he will ultimately be judged on that lack of action.
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​

Yeah, Pence has joined in on floating that. But that dog ain't gonna hunt. Trump didn't participate in impeachment. He campaigned, tweeted, and dismissed and downplayed the virus. And he will ultimately be judged on that lack of action.
What about Italy? Who's going to judge them for a 10% death rate? Why are LA and NYC so unprepared? (Trump, right?)

It's, asanine to look for reasons to blame Trump but the terminally obsessed will do just that.
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​

Yeah, Pence has joined in on floating that. But that dog ain't gonna hunt. Trump didn't participate in impeachment. He campaigned, tweeted, and dismissed and downplayed the virus. And he will ultimately be judged on that lack of action.
What about Italy? Who's going to judge them for a 10% death rate? Why are LA and NYC so unprepared? (Trump, right?)

It's, asanine to look for reasons to blame Trump but the terminally obsessed will do just that.

Again, why do you care what other countries do? When has this country ever waited for another country to do something before we did? Like it or not, Trump had his opportunity to take action. Put in place the kind of steps that weren't even considered until after March 13th. Take these actions at the end of January/beginning of February and maybe, just maybe, the country doesn't have to come to a screeching halt. Difference between someone who is capable of leadership and someone who will be nothing more than a perpetual candidate. In other words..Trump.

I'm sorry, were the governors and mayors of of these states and cities let in on or made aware of classified briefings on this virus back in December and January? So maybe they might be able to take some precautions? Or did they watch a feckless President deny, dismiss, and downplay it?

Honestly, I don't blame Trump for the virus. I blame him for his incompetence and his complete lack of urgency in responding to it so that the states and cities could gear up for it.
Yes. Trump. He gets the majority of the blame.
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​

Yeah, Pence has joined in on floating that. But that dog ain't gonna hunt. Trump didn't participate in impeachment. He campaigned, tweeted, and dismissed and downplayed the virus. And he will ultimately be judged on that lack of action.
What about Italy? Who's going to judge them for a 10% death rate? Why are LA and NYC so unprepared? (Trump, right?)

It's, asanine to look for reasons to blame Trump but the terminally obsessed will do just that.

Again, why do you care what other countries do? When has this country ever waited for another country to do something before we did? Like it or not, Trump had his opportunity to take action. Put in place the kind of steps that weren't even considered until after March 13th. Take these actions at the end of January/beginning of February and maybe, just maybe, the country doesn't have to come to a screeching halt. Difference between someone who is capable of leadership and someone who will be nothing more than a perpetual candidate. In other words..Trump.

I'm sorry, were the governors and mayors of of these states and cities let in on or made aware of classified briefings on this virus back in December and January? So maybe they might be able to take some precautions? Or did they watch a feckless President deny, dismiss, and downplay it?

Honestly, I don't blame Trump for the virus. I blame him for his incompetence and his complete lack of urgency in responding to it so that the states and cities could gear up for it.
Yes. Trump. He gets the majority of the blame.
I don't care what other countries do. All I'm saying is I wonder if there's a dick schlobber in Italy focused on blaming a politician and not on the virus.

It just doesn't matter what Trump does, you are on a bitch about it. Ergo, you are worthless.
April 1, 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged the Democrats’ recent impeachment coup that stretched into the beginning of February with distracting the administration from the Wuhan coronavirus threat as the outbreak worsened in China.
“It came up while we were tied down in the impeachment trial, and I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything every day was all about impeachment,” McConnell said Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
While China was implementing large-scale lockdowns across the country at the start of the new year to contain the virus, the White House was focused on fending off a partisan impeachment effort to keep President Donald Trump in office. As January rolled around, Congress was in the midst of bitter battle over whether the Senate trial would include new witnesses who had not testified in the House prior to Democrats rubber-stamping the articles in a rushed process.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi withheld the articles from moving forward unless Senate Republicans offered concessions on how the trial would be conducted. After four weeks of keeping the nation’s legislature at a standstill, Pelosi gave in on the issue where she had no leverage and released the articles for a trial to begin in the upper chamber, all while the Wuhan virus continued to spread across Asia.
Democrats have been quick to cast the Trump administration as radically unprepared to handle the current pandemic tanking the global economy and threatening to kill hundreds of thousands with it, including those who never even come in contact with the virus but who fall victim to suicide over circumstances presented through financial devastation and social isolation.
At the same time, Democrats sought to focus the nation on its grand impeachment efforts with a Senate trial that did nothing but further polarize an already divided nation and divert the administration’s attention away from real threats abroad. Had the White House been able to more closely monitor the ongoing crisis in China rather than fending off a sham impeachment, the federal government likely would have been more prepared to confront the virus with adequate testing made more readily available and a proper advance on replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile.
Instead, the United States was caught off-guard by the pandemic, with current medical supplies in storage found both expired and in short supply. According to ABC News, government officials say the national stockpile had not been restocked with fresh supplies since the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Meanwhile, as Trump takes fire for failing to meet New York’s request for 30,000 ventilators from the federal government, less than 20,000 were available in the national stockpile. Of the 4,000 that were shipped up to New York this week, Business Insider reported that many were found to be damaged.
A closer examination of federal supplies in anticipation of the virus arriving on U.S. shores rather than a fixation on the Democrats’ latest impeachment attempt could have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, Democrats attacked the early effective measures that the Trump administration did take to stop the virus. In January, the White House implemented a travel ban on China that provoked condemnation from woke liberals as racist. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the likely Democratic nominee, condemned the move as “hysterical xenophobia.”
~~ Snip ~~
The Democrats’ three-year failed impeachment effort is one of the nation’s greatest national security blunders in American history by keeping the administration focused more on staying in office than keeping a close watch on global challenges. Now the United States is confronted with a pandemic of epic proportions that has already claimed more American lives than the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
This year’s impeachment proceedings in January and February might not have prevented the Wuhan virus from spreading across the U.S., but they no doubt distracted the White House from getting a head start on adequate preparations.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist hatred for President Trump and Conservatism is so great that they've put the entire country in danger. This should be a wake-up to every American to vote Republican in November. Thank you Senator McConnell for taking the time to expose Nancy Pelosi and the PMS/DSA Democratic Left.
When this virus was emerging internationally Democrats played the impeachment game while their leading presidential candidates all accused the president of racism for doing the smart thing and restricting travel, especially from China the source of the pandemic. When it became obvious this was becoming a full blown pandemic Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deliberately delayed action in order to demand pet programs unrelated to the crisis filling the proposed crucial aide with their pet wish list. When the country demanded leadership President Trump answered the call and gave them what they wanted and needed and Democrats did all they could to derail and delay this action. Shame on the anti-liberal and anti-American progressive Socialist democratic Party.
Indeed, while President Trump began assembling the Wuhan Covid-19 task force and banning travel from China, that same day, January 20th, 2020 Nancy Pelosi was finally signing the impeachment papers and handing out pens at the signing.
Needless to say, the first CDC pandemic warning occurred in late February nearly a month after Trump stopped flights from China. In addition the fault with this entire warning system, action taken and poor response is on the CDC, is the same CDC that Obama decreased funding and squandered their resources and preparedness.
"The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.​
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.​
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that draw down,” he said.​

Yeah, Pence has joined in on floating that. But that dog ain't gonna hunt. Trump didn't participate in impeachment. He campaigned, tweeted, and dismissed and downplayed the virus. And he will ultimately be judged on that lack of action.
What about Italy? Who's going to judge them for a 10% death rate? Why are LA and NYC so unprepared? (Trump, right?)

It's, asanine to look for reasons to blame Trump but the terminally obsessed will do just that.

Again, why do you care what other countries do? When has this country ever waited for another country to do something before we did? Like it or not, Trump had his opportunity to take action. Put in place the kind of steps that weren't even considered until after March 13th. Take these actions at the end of January/beginning of February and maybe, just maybe, the country doesn't have to come to a screeching halt. Difference between someone who is capable of leadership and someone who will be nothing more than a perpetual candidate. In other words..Trump.

I'm sorry, were the governors and mayors of of these states and cities let in on or made aware of classified briefings on this virus back in December and January? So maybe they might be able to take some precautions? Or did they watch a feckless President deny, dismiss, and downplay it?

Honestly, I don't blame Trump for the virus. I blame him for his incompetence and his complete lack of urgency in responding to it so that the states and cities could gear up for it.
Yes. Trump. He gets the majority of the blame.
I don't care what other countries do. All I'm saying is I wonder if there's a dick schlobber in Italy focused on blaming a politician and not on the virus.

It just doesn't matter what Trump does, you are on a bitch about it. Ergo, you are worthless.

I'm sure the people and politicians of Italy will go looking for answers once they extract themselves from their current nightmare. Someone in Italy isn't my president or any political leader that makes decisions that affect me. I don't give a shit what they do.
I care what the supposed leader of the free world does since he is our President (whether we voted for him or not).

I do care that Trump didn't act from January 22nd to March 13th (save for a restriction on travel from China on January 31st). I do care that his supporters and enablers (don't really care if you are one of them or not) give him a pass and seek to deflect blame. Just re-enforces that he isn't fit to sit in the chair. If you think leadership qualities are worthless, that's your problem.
A president unfit for a pandemic

Much of the suffering and death coming was preventable. The president has blood on his hands.

I totally agree!

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