McConnell Offers 3-Stage ’Last Choice’ Debt Option

They'd be heroes if they ran away to Canada to AVOID the vote. Right?

Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

As long as there are still checks in the check book we can spend as much as we feel like, right? The balance does not really matter???
If we run out of checks, we can just print up more? That is what you are arguing. If a Business spent that way, or you and I, we would soon be in Federal Prison.

Why should the Government be allowed to do what is a crime for the rest of us???

You seem to demonize any attempt to correct course, which seems silly considering that the proposals at best reduce the rate of Government Growth, and do little or nothing to pay off Interest or Principle. It seems more every effort does more to compound the problem and lead us closer to destruction, almost deliberate, the way I see it. What is the offense??? Liberty, Independence, Choice, Private Property, Individual Conscience, Witness and Voice, For which of these do you want to bring us all down with you?

And this is coming from the same guy, that a few short months ago, was complaining about his street not being plowed..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I hope they either cut medicade for the poor or raise taxes on the wealthy so they do not have to cut my veterans benefits. I served and deserve to be first in line for entitlements
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the debt limit in installments.

McConnell’s plan would let the president raise the limit in three stages unless Congress disapproves by a two-thirds majority, while Obama would also be required to propose offsetting spending cuts. The spending reductions would be advisory, and the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether lawmakers enact the cuts, McConnell said.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for McConnell, said the plan would allow Obama to raise the debt limit while putting the onus on him and congressional Democrats to cut spending.

At the same time, Republicans wouldn’t have to agree to tax increases. The proposal would force Democrats to cast multiple votes to raise the debt ceiling before the next election, while giving Republicans the chance to vote against it without risking a default.

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

LMAO!! so its wrong to force the left to come out of hiding and actually vote for that which they want rather then doing what they should?

Seems to me the only ones playing games right now is the left the right is simply forcing the left to show the American people their true intentions.

At this point all the left has to do is find the spending cut's necessary to keep this Nation out of default...why is that so hard? is.

It's protected under the first amendment.

Do Federal Workers exercise in collective bargaining?
Are employees at the Capital Building even allowed to Unionize?


And if they pushed it they would probably have Constitution grounds to reverse rules keeping them from Unionizing.

humm, then why doesn't obama push for collective bargaining for fed. workers in the DC bureaucracies?
Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

As long as there are still checks in the check book we can spend as much as we feel like, right? The balance does not really matter???
If we run out of checks, we can just print up more? That is what you are arguing. If a Business spent that way, or you and I, we would soon be in Federal Prison.

Why should the Government be allowed to do what is a crime for the rest of us???

You seem to demonize any attempt to correct course, which seems silly considering that the proposals at best reduce the rate of Government Growth, and do little or nothing to pay off Interest or Principle. It seems more every effort does more to compound the problem and lead us closer to destruction, almost deliberate, the way I see it. What is the offense??? Liberty, Independence, Choice, Private Property, Individual Conscience, Witness and Voice, For which of these do you want to bring us all down with you?

And this is coming from the same guy, that a few short months ago, was complaining about his street not being plowed..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are about as serious as the investigation that couldn't even spot plow trucks parked in front of donut shops and 7-Elevens, bet you were not to good on hide and seek huh, or Monopoly either. I live a block away from a Major NYC Hospital, on a road used every day by Emergency Vehicles. From Saturday till Early Wednesday we waited. No salt (which should be applied after the first 1 & 1/2" of snow), the worst response in a very long time. While Bloomberg's jet was parked in the Virgin Islands was it? The City suffered from a planned and coordinated effort by Sanitation to pressure him. Even the Investigation was a farce, being political. Ask your friends. The only thing there proven was the corruption of Sanitation, the Investigators, the Mayor's office, and the Press. Well done. Nobody can claim that you don't know how to work together. :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let me see now, paying for Snow Plowing Services through multiple taxes, surcharges, and fee's, does not allow me to have a complaint, when the service is denied or obstructed in your eyes. Government is not the source of creation Sallow, neither is it the end all. Playing Winston Smith with the truth may gain you the votes of gullible Idiot's, for now. Maybe Charter Schools will effect that by limiting your pool of the brain dead in the future to come. :) :) :) is.

It's protected under the first amendment.

Do Federal Workers exercise in collective bargaining?
Are employees at the Capital Building even allowed to Unionize?


And if they pushed it they would probably have Constitution grounds to reverse rules keeping them from Unionizing.

Like in "We The Living", right???

That's where the Party and Government Workers throw Everybody out of their homes, steal their property, and displace them, leaving them jobless and homeless. Yeah, I get that Comrade. Make sure that we have plenty of Vodka to drown our sorrows in Bro. ;)

Not the kind of world I want to live in. How about we start with All Federal Workers going back to a 40 work week as a general rule with rare exception. Suffering from dreams of Grandeur, buy a Lottery Ticket. ;) Why is Government into gambling again? :D Is it about predatory exploitation or protection?
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the debt limit in installments.

McConnell’s plan would let the president raise the limit in three stages unless Congress disapproves by a two-thirds majority, while Obama would also be required to propose offsetting spending cuts. The spending reductions would be advisory, and the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether lawmakers enact the cuts, McConnell said.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for McConnell, said the plan would allow Obama to raise the debt limit while putting the onus on him and congressional Democrats to cut spending.

At the same time, Republicans wouldn’t have to agree to tax increases. The proposal would force Democrats to cast multiple votes to raise the debt ceiling before the next election, while giving Republicans the chance to vote against it without risking a default.

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

Ok Q-bert I read your link. Let me highlight the first paragraph:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the nation’s debt limit in installments.

Isnt that the very thing Obama floated, as well as half of you on this board discussing him doing not more than a week ago? I dont get the rub, other than your upset that the republicans were smart enough to craft the idea in a way that give them political cover? The very thing the democrats would do were the rolls reversed.

The way I see it is:

Obama is insisting on tax increases despit the fact that he has them built into the healthcare bill already to the tune of 770 billion.

Republicans are insisting no new taxes as they feel they we told by voters in November to REDUCE spending.

Were clearly at an impasse

Mc offers a way out to avoid a debt crisis because the democrats weren't smart enough to do it themselves.

If the democrats had crafted a plan like this to give themselves political cover you would be slapping your knee and laughing at the dismay of the republicans.
Your pretentious moral reaction is completely transparent.:lol:


I see q-bert was left at a loss and completely ignored my response after telling me to read and address his op rather than play party politics. I give you a straight forward analysis of what you posted and what do you say?
Your too busy playing party politics in other threads. The very thing you told me to stop doing in your thread.
Ok Q-bert I read your link. Let me highlight the first paragraph:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the nation’s debt limit in installments.

Isnt that the very thing Obama floated, as well as half of you on this board discussing him doing not more than a week ago? I dont get the rub, other than your upset that the republicans were smart enough to craft the idea in a way that give them political cover? The very thing the democrats would do were the rolls reversed.

The way I see it is:

Obama is insisting on tax increases despit the fact that he has them built into the healthcare bill already to the tune of 770 billion.

Republicans are insisting no new taxes as they feel they we told by voters in November to REDUCE spending.

Were clearly at an impasse

Mc offers a way out to avoid a debt crisis because the democrats weren't smart enough to do it themselves.

If the democrats had crafted a plan like this to give themselves political cover you would be slapping your knee and laughing at the dismay of the republicans.
Your pretentious moral reaction is completely transparent.:lol:


When did I or Obama talk about allowing the President to raise the debt ceiling that way? Going to have to give me a link on that one.

Link to the $770 billion in taxes from the Healthcare bill.

Republicans were told to cut spending. Yet they walked away from a $4 trillion bill and want to go for $2 trillion.

McConnell is offering a way for the Republicans to help try to escape the crisis they created because he doesn't want to suffer the political implications. There's a reason why Conservative bloggers rightly roasted him over this. But you'll selectively ignore that.
I see q-bert was left at a loss and completely ignored my response after telling me to read and address his op rather than play party politics. I give you a straight forward analysis of what you posted and what do you say?
Your too busy playing party politics in other threads. The very thing you told me to stop doing in your thread.

Or maybe, just maybe, I didn't see your post. You're exhibiting what most would call a high amount of arrogance. Your straight forward analysis is nothing but trying to defend the GOP from when people within your own party are criticizing this move.

You make me laugh if you want my honest opinion. In my almost three years here, I've never backed down from an argument and someone like yourself isn't going to change that. I was here long before you and I'll likely be here long after you burn yourself out of this site due to trying to keep up your perpetual anger up.
They'd be heroes if they ran away to Canada to AVOID the vote. Right?

Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

that's fuckin funny,, when the demonRats fled Wisonsin to avoid the vote they were fraking heroes..

Isn't there a word for that? Hypocrisy maybe.
I've only expressed anger once. Yesterday. Because something had a direct impact on me. Anger is not my personality.

You are right however, you probably will far outlast me on here. Usually I'm very busy but Obamas economy has given me extra free time as I can no longer run multiple crews. When the economy picks up or this tool is beaten in an election ill move on. Or I might just get bored seeing the same party line fights day in and day out. Either way I don't consider it a competition.

And my analysis isn't an attempt to defend anything. My analysis exposed your fake outrage. As long as the problems we face are fixed I could care less how we get there. We can ride from point a to b in a caddy or a gremlin. It matters not as long as the end result is a good one.

And your claim that I'm full of myself are quite amusing. I'm not the one decrying party politics in one thread while eggin them on in another.

Anyways thanks for playing....
I've only expressed anger once. Yesterday. Because something had a direct impact on me. Anger is not my personality.

You are right however, you probably will far outlast me on here. Usually I'm very busy but Obamas economy has given me extra free time as I can no longer run multiple crews. When the economy picks up or this tool is beaten in an election ill move on. Or I might just get bored seeing the same party line fights day in and day out. Either way I don't consider it a competition.

And my analysis isn't an attempt to defend anything. My analysis exposed your fake outrage. As long as the problems we face are fixed I could care less how we get there. We can ride from point a to b in a caddy or a gremlin. It matters not as long as the end result is a good one.

And your claim that I'm full of myself are quite amusing. I'm not the one decrying party politics in one thread while eggin them on in another.

Anyways thanks for playing....


Do comment on how Conservatives across the internet are criticizing McConnell's plan. Heritage Foundation included. Are they wrong then?
I've only expressed anger once. Yesterday. Because something had a direct impact on me. Anger is not my personality.

You are right however, you probably will far outlast me on here. Usually I'm very busy but Obamas economy has given me extra free time as I can no longer run multiple crews. When the economy picks up or this tool is beaten in an election ill move on. Or I might just get bored seeing the same party line fights day in and day out. Either way I don't consider it a competition.

And my analysis isn't an attempt to defend anything. My analysis exposed your fake outrage. As long as the problems we face are fixed I could care less how we get there. We can ride from point a to b in a caddy or a gremlin. It matters not as long as the end result is a good one.

And your claim that I'm full of myself are quite amusing. I'm not the one decrying party politics in one thread while eggin them on in another.

Anyways thanks for playing....


Do comment on how Conservatives across the internet are criticizing McConnell's plan. Heritage Foundation included. Are they wrong then?

They may very well be right. I heard both sides arguments last night. But I'm not some sheep that just falls in line with a party position. I have not decided exactly how I feel about it. Bottom line is it is an option to keep us going forward. Right or not will be determined by the outcome.

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