McConnell Offers 3-Stage ’Last Choice’ Debt Option

The recession clearly started because of both parties. BUT this debt ceiling issue in my mind rests clearly on the dems. 2 years worth of insane reckless spending with no budgets and not a concern ever uttered about the rising debt or the ceiling until after november

Odd, I didn't see the Republicans uttering a damn thing about the debt ceiling either for the past 11 years. Looks like to me that both parties avoided the issue until after the election.
The recession clearly started because of both parties. BUT this debt ceiling issue in my mind rests clearly on the dems. 2 years worth of insane reckless spending with no budgets and not a concern ever uttered about the rising debt or the ceiling until after november

Odd, I didn't see the Republicans uttering a damn thing about the debt ceiling either for the past 11 years. Looks like to me that both parties avoided the issue until after the election.

Odd, I didnt realize we've been on the edge of this cliff for the last 11 years. Not only that pointing to what Bush did really isnt an excuse for failing just as he did. It just points out that some people never learn.

And if they pushed it they would probably have Constitution grounds to reverse rules keeping them from Unionizing.

They did, they lost. Which is another reason liberals should be against government takeovers of industry, but no one ever said liberals were capable of thinking about consequences.

Supreme Court and labor law

QW, you realize he had not the slightest idea that 90% of the information in that link ever took place right? what does that tell you....?;)

That I am wasting my time.

On the other hand, the horse just might learn to sing.
Odd, I didnt realize we've been on the edge of this cliff for the last 11 years. Not only that pointing to what Bush did really isnt an excuse for failing just as he did. It just points out that some people never learn.

Again, both parties avoided the issue until after the election. If it's one thing they're bipartisan about, it's saving their own ass.

Though it's not like the freshmen who were voted in last election to help bring about 'change' to Congress have been any better.
I see it as ingenious.

It is allowing Obama to do what he wants and FORCING him to keep his promise to cut spending.

Let us not forget...Obama PROMISED to scheck each bill with a scapel and eliminate any unecessary spedning.

He broke that promise.

So McConnell is basically saying..."you lost our trust so we must deal with you so you cant lie to us get what you want but you lose your career if you lie to us"




Exactly what legislator can you name that does not scheme for political expediency?

You could have just summed up your post as:

"I think it's great McConnell is doing this, but if it were Harry Reid I'd would surely criticize it. I have no problem with the GOP weaseling it's way out of the crisis it helped created. I also have no problem with McConnell and Cantor playing politics while the Democrats have put entitlements on the table."

Would have been a lot less to read.

I believe many would agree that I will attack a GOPer as often as I would a DEM.

thats not what I asked.

I know what you asked. As for what the Democrats did or did not know, I don't know entirely. By debt increase do you mean raising the debt ceiling?
Odd, I didnt realize we've been on the edge of this cliff for the last 11 years. Not only that pointing to what Bush did really isnt an excuse for failing just as he did. It just points out that some people never learn.

Again, both parties avoided the issue until after the election. If it's one thing they're bipartisan about, it's saving their own ass.

Though it's not like the freshmen who were voted in last election to help bring about 'change' to Congress have been any better.

If they weren't actually changing things we would not be worried about the debt ceiling because it would have been raised after a few token spending cuts and a token tax hike. I am not sure how their insistence that we not raise the ceiling again is the same as them not changing anything, but I would love to see you try to justify that statement.
I believe many would agree that I will attack a GOPer as often as I would a DEM.

I really don't care if your friends would. I'm going by your talk in this thread. McConnell is trying to weasel his way out of dealing with the debt ceiling crisis he helped to create because he rather play politics rather than solve this country's deficit problem.

What has McConnell put on the table to be cut that the GOP usually favor? Name one thing.

McConnel is playing the game for political expediency....and it is ingenious
Obama gamed the game with healthcare....and it was legal and the only way he could get it done
The democrats during the lame duck session played the game with the budget....and it was ingenious

You may think that politicians will do the right thing for the country first and do what THEY THINK is best last.

You are wrong...they will do what they want if they can get away with it.......all of them.

And then they have folks like you and I fight their battles for them.

They not only have cushy jobs....great benefits...unbelievable pensions....but they have tools like you and I sweating out every dam move they make.
McConnell Offers 3-Stage ’Last Choice’ Debt Option

And in related news, McConnell joins the Democrat Party.


I see it that he made them put their money where their mouths are.

I think he put them back on their heels.

He is a party man.....not a country man.

Much like Obama, Pelosi, Boehner and Reid.....Frank and Bush and McCain and the rest of them.

And we continue to vote them into their cushy ass jobs term after term after term.

And then they have US fight their battles for them.

We are all tools.....ruled by the government that is supposed to be for the people and by the people.
yes, thats what I mean.

so, you're not sure...?or?

Well I'm not a fly on the wall so I don't know what exactly the Democrats thought. If I had to guess, I'm sure they knew they were going to have to raise the debt ceiling back in 2010.
yes, thats what I mean.

so, you're not sure...?or?

Well I'm not a fly on the wall so I don't know what exactly the Democrats thought. If I had to guess, I'm sure they knew they were going to have to raise the debt ceiling back in 2010.

No offense...

But I find it interesting.

You are more in tuned to the democrats than you are to the republicans as you obviously lean more to the left than the right.


By your own admittance, You dont seem to know exactly what the democrats thought....but you are always 100% sure of the intentions of the republicans.

You dont see a pattern there that should concern you?
yes, thats what I mean.

so, you're not sure...?or?

Well I'm not a fly on the wall so I don't know what exactly the Democrats thought. If I had to guess, I'm sure they knew they were going to have to raise the debt ceiling back in 2010.

you are wise.they all knew it.

now, why then, when they had the house and a reconciliation majority in the senate ( which they still have) did they to raise the debt ceiling?

Hell, I don't recall that coming up in the lame duck session either, just 'social issues ala dadt doma and dream act...?
No offense...

But I find it interesting.

You are more in tuned to the democrats than you are to the republicans as you obviously lean more to the left than the right.


By your own admittance, You dont seem to know exactly what the democrats thought....but you are always 100% sure of the intentions of the republicans.

You dont see a pattern there that should concern you?

Where did I say that? That's you putting words in my mouth and selectively picking what I say about both parties.

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