McConnell Refuses Vote On Ethics Reform

Of course he did. Republicans don't need no stinking ethics.
it's called negotiate, and dems don't do that. funny, when you dems want something you scream, kick and cry, but you never come to the table to compromise on any legislation. you all still don't get how to do this. you want a vote on something, give up something. Like wall funding maybe? Or healthcare maybe? me, me, me, me, me legislation is boring.
GOP Politics as usual...yea
how so? what did the dems give into to get them this vote on the floor? Kavanaugh? all but one said no, healthcare? all dems voted no. border wall? nope all dems told the pres to shove it. now you think because of those graceful compromises we should give them what they want? are you truly that fking stupid?
Just more thread distraction. It's all they do
Of course he did. Republicans don't need no stinking ethics.

Ha, after the Smollett fiasco I'm amazed that the dems even mention the words "ethics" or "Law" without their tongues turning to fire. The dems call "vote harvesting" voting rights.
Ballot harvesting bounty: How Dems apparently used election law change to rout California Republicans

How many people have you seen defending Smollett since the facts came out, dumb ass?
obammies, senate candidates for president!!! I don't know, Kim Foxx? quite a few high profile people. dude, the stupid is amazing.
HOW DARE YOU! Accuse tRumpsters to have no ethics.
They do, when it comes to taking away rights and safety of those that cannot defend themselves in the manner that the ultra rich can.; well to bad for them. Their ethics, tRumpsters, have their ethics to give liberties and freedoms to only "those" they choose to.

Of course he did. Republicans don't need no stinking ethics.
GOP Politics as usual...yea
What a hack..... The GOP pulled their New Green Deal stunt because they (and the Dems) knew it wouldn't fly as is. To get back the DNC tosses this back in their face even though they knew it wouldn't fly if brought up for a vote as is........ At minimum 80% of politics in both houses comprises this back and forth bull shit and the voting base falls for it every time....... :lol:
GOP Politics as usual...yea
What a hack..... The GOP pulled their New Green Deal stunt because they (and the Dems) knew it wouldn't fly as is. To get back the DNC tosses this back in their face even though they knew it wouldn't fly if brought up for a vote as is........ At minimum 80% of politics in both houses comprises this back and forth bull shit and the voting base falls for it every time....... :lol:
got to give to get.
GOP Politics as usual...yea
What a hack..... The GOP pulled their New Green Deal stunt because they (and the Dems) knew it wouldn't fly as is. To get back the DNC tosses this back in their face even though they knew it wouldn't fly if brought up for a vote as is........ At minimum 80% of politics in both houses comprises this back and forth bull shit and the voting base falls for it every time....... :lol:
got to give to get.
It's politics as usual and all it does is to show how uninformed, gullible and stupid the voting public is in general because we keep voting for the same people over and over based on political games both the GOP and the DNC utilize for just that reason.
GOP Politics as usual...yea
What a hack..... The GOP pulled their New Green Deal stunt because they (and the Dems) knew it wouldn't fly as is. To get back the DNC tosses this back in their face even though they knew it wouldn't fly if brought up for a vote as is........ At minimum 80% of politics in both houses comprises this back and forth bull shit and the voting base falls for it every time....... :lol:
got to give to get.
It's politics as usual and all it does is to show how uninformed, gullible and stupid the voting public is in general because we keep voting for the same people over and over based on political games both the GOP and the DNC utilize for just that reason.
dude, it's to the point, I don't think people are actually voting. I mean, really? we had two seats pure republican counties, lose to dems. now, me, i'm not always the brightest man around, but saying, when the head count ain't there to win, and they win, i'm just saying, I don't think there is an actual vote count.
Because...who needs ethics in government
Unethical behavior, dishonesty, incompetency, lack of accountability and stupidity are the pillars that hold the entire Federal Government together.

Remove any one of those and the whole system will implode.

Besides what degree of ignorance does it take to believe that the members of Crime Family-D are going to be the ones to inject ethics into government? They along with the members of Crime Family-R have been doing everything within their power to keep them out for decades.
Wait. So Trumpers are on record saying that ethics are just not something they care about in government?

I can’t say I am surprised
Wait. So Trumpers are on record saying that ethics are just not something they care about in government?

I can’t say I am surprised
so do you vote for any of the members of congress?
Of course he did. Republicans don't need no stinking ethics.

Ha, after the Smollett fiasco I'm amazed that the dems even mention the words "ethics" or "Law" without their tongues turning to fire. The dems call "vote harvesting" voting rights.
Ballot harvesting bounty: How Dems apparently used election law change to rout California Republicans

How many people have you seen defending Smollett since the facts came out, dumb ass?

Duh, his record is "spotless", all charges were dropped, he's not in jail when anyone else would be. Here's hoping the Fed charges stick, and Kim Foxx gets indicted too. The Chicago cops are really pissed at the dems. Not a good example of "ethics", huh? Smollett doesn't need defending, he's free...for a little while anyway.
Chicago cops smell political rat in wake of Jussie Smollett case dismissal

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