McConnell Reinstates Senate Option to Dismiss Impeachment

Today is a beautiful day, a glorious and happy day for you and Putin and Mother Russia. I congratulate you on your joy and your success for helping to thrust a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Imperialist Dogs.

Putin’s Joy is your joy.

The Kremlin thanks you for your service and we drink to your success.

1st President to ever be impeached in his 1st term, and 2nd President without 3% GDP growth
Hey Russian plant, sorry your Donald is an idiot.
Still, he beat your old hag in the election, didn't he?

Hillary won the Popular Vote!!!

( Ohhh, I know better )

Yes, Trump beat Hillary because she failed to realize that after a few decades of her being in the spotlight America Red and Purple regions did not want her...
In 1999, all 100 senators agreed on a simple pre-trial resolution that set up a briefing, opening arguments, senators’ questions, and a vote on a motion to dismiss. Senators reserved all other questions, such as witnesses, until the trial was underway. That was the unanimous bipartisan precedent from 1999. Put first things first, lay the bipartisan groundwork, and leave mid-trial questions to the middle of the trial.

I have hoped, and still hope, that the Democratic Leader and I can sit down and reproduce that unanimous bipartisan agreement this time. His decision to try to angrily negotiate through the press is unfortunate. But no amount of bluster will change the simple fact that we already have a unanimous… bipartisan… precedent. [emphasis in original]

If 100 senators thought this approach was good enough for President Clinton, it ought to be good enough for President Trump.

It’s a clever move in two ways. First, it leaves open the witness issue for a later negotiation, but more importantly, this allows McConnell to claim the mantle of tradition and non-partisanship. It will be tough for Schumer to object to using rules that every Democrat supported in the previous impeachment trial, not without making it even more clear that House Democrats didn’t produce a case for removal before rushing it to the Senate.

It’s not just Schumer who will be stuck in a vise. Voters will likely see this re-use of previously unanimous rules as a reasonable and fair approach. Any Democrats who vote against this set of rules will have to explain why they suited Bill Clinton’s impeachment but aren’t sufficient for Donald Trump’s. The only substantial difference between them is that Clinton’s impeachment clearly established a statutory crime (perjury), while House Democrats have established nothing of the sort, and are relying solely on hearsay and conjecture for both articles of impeachment.

Furthermore, McConnell’s likely to get at least 51 votes from his own caucus, plus perhaps a couple of Democrats for such a rules package. Mitt Romney made clear yesterday that he was leaving this negotiation to leadership, and he’d likely be loathe to oppose this proposal given its historic continuity. The same goes for Susan Collins, who has to worry about re-election, but the unanimous 1999 vote for adoption will provide plenty of political cover. Joe Manchin will likely come along, and Doug Jones might as well too, although it won’t do him much good in the end.
McConnell fires back: Let's adopt the 1999 rules -- with the option for dismissal

Works for me. Let's get this stupid shit over with, the Dems do not have proof of wrong-doing, just a bunch of interpretation, opinion, presumption, and personal guesses.
Whatever is done, The House and The Dems should not be allowed to be given a single inch of ground.

When you deny someone Due Process and refuse to await the Court’s Arbitration, you are railroading a man unjustly and that is THE ONLY way this should be looked at.

Good move by McConnel.

Start thinking of the next bogus accusation to impeach Trump with, Leftards.

McConnell fires back: Let's adopt the 1999 rules -- with the option for dismissal's McConnell. Double "L". Not Russian.
Start thinking of the next bogus accusation to impeach Trump with, Leftards.

McConnell fires back: Let's adopt the 1999 rules -- with the option for dismissal
Of course...if they have a trial, America would actually get to hear the witnesses and see the documents that fat donnie was withholding. Definitely the actions of an innocent man. :71: Did I say "man"? :71:

What makes you think "fat Donnie" would have to cough up documents for a republican controlled senate? Just like the democrats had absolute control in the house, me thinks you need to learn that the republicans have absolute control in the senate. We can see your side is already crying about it and like one republican in the house said laughing, "Welcome to our world!"

You do realize that the senate is the "jury" in this trial? The senate isn't just a continuation of the house. The senates job is to take what the house sends them and decide to convict or not. You don't just keep calling witnesses and issuing subpoenas in the senate. The senate decides guilt or innocence based on the case the "prosecutor" (the house) laid out.
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Did you dance today, like The Russians Danced on The Frozen bodies of dead Nazis?

Did you laugh today, like The Romans Laughed at Jesus as They Crucified Him, Not knowing He was God in The Flesh, come to die for the sins of The World, be resurrected and is to return again?

Did you cheer when you saw a German U-Boat sink a passenger ship full of women and children?

Were you Stricken with Fits of laughter when you learned of The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor?

Did you praise the Jihadists who gleefully flew planes in to The World Trade Center?

Today is a Joyful Day for You! A day of treachery! It is a Glorious Day! A day of celebration for you and the enemies of America.

Will you not laugh with Satan as he was cast from Heaven when he took 1/3 The Angels of God with Him?

And today, you prance and preen, and admire yourself and smile as you think about the treachery you joyfully engaged in and the dagger of your harsh words you used to cut American Democracy down to your size, more diminished as that is the only way pretty small men and tyrants like you can ever compete with freedom and prosperity is to hate it and destroy it.

Congratulations on your joyful Happy Day.

Putin Smiles with you, and is proud of you.

Well done comrade.

Your Joyous & Happy Day has arrived. You have done your good work to plunge a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Colonialists Pigs.

Putin Laughs with you, as his Joy and yours cannot be contained, will you not laugh with him as he is please with you, as his Comrade.

Today is a beautiful day, a glorious and happy day for you and Putin and Mother Russia. I congratulate you on your joy and your success for helping to thrust a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Imperialist Dogs.

Putin’s Joy is your joy.

The Kremlin thanks you for your service and we drink to your success.

1st President to ever be impeached in his 1st term, and 2nd President without 3% GDP growth
Hey Russian plant, sorry your Donald is an idiot.
Will you grant your Donald asylum, or sacrifice him for his failure?
What are you worried about? The Senate repugs will just whitewash the whole thing anyway.
You and Putin really hope that doesn’t happen right?

You and Putin want Trump removed from office.

Why do you carry Putin’s water and wear his jockstrap like a face mask?

Did you dance today, like The Russians Danced on The Frozen bodies of dead Nazis?

Did you laugh today, like The Romans Laughed at Jesus as They Crucified Him, Not knowing He was God in The Flesh, come to die for the sins of The World, be resurrected and is to return again?

Did you cheer when you saw a German U-Boat sink a passenger ship full of women and children?

Were you Stricken with Fits of laughter when you learned of The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor?

Did you praise the Jihadists who gleefully flew planes in to The World Trade Center?

Today is a Joyful Day for You! A day of treachery! It is a Glorious Day! A day of celebration for you and the enemies of America.

Will you not laugh with Satan as he was cast from Heaven when he took 1/3 The Angels of God with Him?

And today, you prance and preen, and admire yourself and smile as you think about the treachery you joyfully engaged in and the dagger of your harsh words you used to cut American Democracy down to your size, more diminished as that is the only way pretty small men and tyrants like you can ever compete with freedom and prosperity is to hate it and destroy it.

Congratulations on your joyful Happy Day.

Putin Smiles with you, and is proud of you.

Well done comrade.

Your Joyous & Happy Day has arrived. You have done your good work to plunge a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Colonialists Pigs.

Putin Laughs with you, as his Joy and yours cannot be contained, will you not laugh with him as he is please with you, as his Comrade.

Today is a beautiful day, a glorious and happy day for you and Putin and Mother Russia. I congratulate you on your joy and your success for helping to thrust a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Imperialist Dogs.

Putin’s Joy is your joy.

The Kremlin thanks you for your service and we drink to your success.
Hey Russian plant, sorry your Donald is an idiot.
Will you grant your Donald asylum, or sacrifice him for his failure?
What are you worried about? The Senate repugs will just whitewash the whole thing anyway.
"At 9:30am tomorrow morning, on the Senate floor, I will speak about House Democrats’ precedent-breaking impeachment of the President of the United States." - Cocaine Mitch
First president that had an impeachment target on his back from the day he took office.
Poor little victim crybaby. Everybody picks on him.
He has never had a harsh word for anyone and yet they still pick on him!
1st President to ever be impeached in his 1st term, and 2nd President without 3% GDP growth
Who was the 1st president without 3% GDP growth?
A president who didn't campaign on 4, 5, even 6% GDP growth.
Would that be the guy who campaigned on transparency
fiscal responsibility and changing the way Washington does business?

Would that be the guy who needed billions of dollars
for shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready?

Would that be the guy who promised $75 million dollars
set aside to save 6-8 million people from losing their homes
and less than $4 million was spent helping less than 1 million people?

Would that be the guy who said you could keep your insurance
and premiums would decrease and people lost their insurance
and premiums skyrocketed?

That guy
Watching this Klown Show, I don't know whether to laugh or sigh.

However, in one way, I'm glad the Dims have forced this. It will give the president and every GOP candidate for office the ammunition to show just how little Dims care about solving the problems this country faces. It can only help to turn 2020 into a GOP rout.

What it will do is help nationalize the elections. The new campaign will explain that every democrat is a threat to the country.
New York will always send Democrats. And California.

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