McConnell Reinstates Senate Option to Dismiss Impeachment

1st President to ever be impeached in his 1st term, and 2nd President without 3% GDP growth
Who was the 1st president without 3% GDP growth?
A president who didn't campaign on 4, 5, even 6% GDP growth.
Would that be the guy who campaigned on transparency
fiscal responsibility and changing the way Washington does business?

Would that be the guy who needed billions of dollars
for shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready?

Would that be the guy who promised $75 million dollars
set aside to save 6-8 million people from losing their homes
and less than $4 million was spent helping less than 1 million people?

Would that be the guy who said you could keep your insurance
and premiums would decrease and people lost their insurance
and premiums skyrocketed?

That guy
I like the dismissal option. Don't even let the coxuckers present their bullshit articles.

Me too. I wouldn't waste one minute of Pelousy's shit show. Kick it to curb where it belongs.

I see pros and cons for both options

A trial would not be as effective at outing the criminals as Durham's investigation.
I appreciate that grilling Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest of the deep state coup plotters would be riveting TV, and show the real motives of the coup plotters, but the senate doesn't have a batting average I would bet on. So the senate should just dismiss the articles as soon as they could and get on with their normal Senate business.

I would bet the ranch on Barr and Durham getting to the bottom of Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the biggest political scandal in US history.

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