McDonald's drive-thru: Let us play with FAMILY-GUN!? 12yr-old DEAD by own hands! Thanks, Again, NRA!

You were arguing about accidental shootings the article clearly states that less the 6 percent are accidental or unknown. The rest were murder or suicide, get you talking points straight then stick to them dumb ass.
That is a lot compared to other countries.
I seriously doubt the teenaged shooter or the victim were members of the NRA

Just saying....... :cool:

The NRA got a new law signed by the Great Douche in 2017.
That Mentally Defective peoples can have guns! All NRA Doing.
All NRA leaders and members and supporters are Mentally Deflective
Sub-Human Moron Gun Nutters. It's just that simple.

These LOSERS are fully responsible for 99% of the dead people in America by guns.

You're one of the most brainwashed people I'm aware of.

Ever read anything but headlines, and left wing blogs?

I did read the full story.
Explain your assumptions?
I'm for rational gun ownership by the public.
And I've posted many times, I make RW'ers look
like the weak-minded Confederation state type
morons, as they be, but more exposed..
on most issues.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
I got to hear this..

So what's your solution for a fix ?


These things don’t happen where there is strong gun control.

Name the place like the United States with its ethnic diversity, heritage/history, constitution and population?

I can name several places which are similarly politically and economically stable that don’t have these problems. Look at Germany.



The place where you could get thrown in jail for saying the word Nazi?

UK? Australia? France?
All have accidental firearms deaths and yet they banned most firearms.
Again for the SLOW and STUPID 500 deaths a year is NOTHING except to the families that lost their loved one, there are LITERALLY hundreds of things that cause more deaths a year that this retard is ignoring in an attempt to ban fire arms.
What I've been saying all along. It doesn't mean anything unless you are personally involved. Who. cares?

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
No one cares about school shootings unless it's their kids. No one.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

I had a cousin who died in a traffic accident. Damn Chevrolet!!! Damn them to hell!!!

Car accidents happen everywhere, gun accidents however happen a lot here only.

That doesn't bring my cousin back. I won't be satisfied until we get cars off the road. They are death machines.

WEAK! And why was the moron playing in the road?
Cars are not made for killing.
Guns are made for killing.
It's just that simple.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
You argued that strict laws effects firearm usage I pointed out your argument is basically a lie. The percentage of firearms used in Great Britain goes UP every year even though firearms were banned.You can not even defend your ignorant claims and want me to argue a non point?
I seriously doubt the teenaged shooter or the victim were members of the NRA

Just saying....... :cool:

The NRA got a new law signed by the Great Douche in 2017.
That Mentally Defective peoples can have guns! All NRA Doing.
All NRA leaders and members and supporters are Mentally Deflective
Sub-Human Moron Gun Nutters. It's just that simple.

These LOSERS are fully responsible for 99% of the dead people in America by guns.

You're one of the most brainwashed people I'm aware of.

Ever read anything but headlines, and left wing blogs?

I did read the full story.
Explain your assumptions?
I'm for rational gun ownership by the public.
And I've posted many times, I make RW'ers look
like the weak-minded Confederation state type
morons, as they be, but more exposed..
on most issues.

And I've posted many times, I make RW'ers look
like the weak-minded Confederation state type
morons, as they be, but more exposed..
on most issues.

No, you make RWers look like Harvard graduates.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
No one cares about school shootings unless it's their kids. No one.
Actually DUMBASS no one wants to give up a right for such a small problem almost exclusively tied to criminal activity.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

I had a cousin who died in a traffic accident. Damn Chevrolet!!! Damn them to hell!!!

Car accidents happen everywhere, gun accidents however happen a lot here only.

That doesn't bring my cousin back. I won't be satisfied until we get cars off the road. They are death machines.

WEAK! And why was the moron playing in the road?
Cars are not made for killing.
Guns are made for killing.
It's just that simple.

I've owned, over about 50 years, possibly 100 firearms.

and not one of them, while I owned it, was the cause of death for anything larger than a groundhog.

Less than 1% of the firearms in the United States have been the cause of death of a human.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!
Blaming the NRA just shows how stupid you really are.
I got to hear this..

So what's your solution for a fix ?


These things don’t happen where there is strong gun control.

Name the place like the United States with its ethnic diversity, heritage/history, constitution and population?

I can name several places which are similarly politically and economically stable that don’t have these problems. Look at Germany.



The place where you could get thrown in jail for saying the word Nazi?

UK? Australia? France?

All piss ass country's that once again don't have our population, ethic diversity , heritage/history or constitution.

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