McDonald's drive-thru: Let us play with FAMILY-GUN!? 12yr-old DEAD by own hands! Thanks, Again, NRA!

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

Yeah...cause the UK is such a peaceful safe place.....

Stabbing deaths among young people hit eight-year high
Thu 8 Feb 2018 08.35 EST

Police recorded 61 deaths in 16-24 group and a total of 215 fatal stabbings in England and Wales
Stabbing deaths among young people hit eight-year high

Oh. and lets not forget the Acid attacks so popular in England

Suck on THAT!
And yet the UK is so much safer than your third world shithole. Suck on that !
No it isn't UK has a highest incident of violent crime of any European Country and more then the US.
Remember, Progressives still have a body count in the hundred million. Once they get people unarmed, they're the biggest murderers. They don't give a SINGLE FUCK about any "victim" The victim is an excuse for the Progressive Fascist to push for disarming the People
Funny how Gun Nutters like human targets more, overall.

I shoot at these..


it has a human shape, does that piss you off?

(it's also black, does that make me a racist?)

also have some like this


Definitely a human looking target.

(does that make me sexist?)

your ridiculous video showing someone shooting at mannequins makes you look...



So you would buy these FFS!?..

You do realize those aren't a real product, right?
These are the objects of my 'mass shootings'


The same as 95% or more of other semi-auto owners.

Weapons used in mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2017 | Statistic

43 semi-auto rifles used in mass shootings between 1982-2017...

out of thousands of them being n the hands of civilians.

But, you keep beating your little drum...


(you're so cute)

Here are a few DEAD winners, from the NRA pimping guns.

What did the NRA have to do with it?

Was the shooter a member of the NRA?

Just a guess, but I think those people were killed by a maniac who killed his own mother to get his hands on her guns.

Many times, like here in this video and others.
Why does NOT the NRA say, "kids should not be using/ holding guns
under FFS say 10 years old? Or better 13.

They aren't in the business of saying they should not.

they are in the business of saying, "This is how to handle a firearm, safely"


That bird be a good target for bird hunting practice.


you get your talking points from comedians...

we noticed
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.

Hey, twit.....

Britain's gun crime rate is going up....after you banned are doing it wrong...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.

and you prove, again, you don't have a clue
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.

Hey, twit.....

Britain's gun crime rate is going up....after you banned are doing it wrong...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
Hey, twit.....

Britain's gun crime rate is going up....after you banned are doing it wrong...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

Did you even ready your link?

"In February 2017, Trump signed a bill that undid a regulation from Barack Obama’s presidency which said the Social Security Administration would have to report certain mentally ill recipients and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database,"

unable to handle their own financial affairs?

and that's cause to prevent them from owning a firearm to protect themselves?

You want some cubicle monkey at the SSA to decide what you can and can not do, what you can, and can not own?

That's a DOCTORS decision, not a CUBICLE MONKEYS.
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
Hey, twit.....

Britain's gun crime rate is going up....after you banned are doing it wrong...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

^^^^ According to you ALL people who own a gun are mentally ill? :uhoh3: If people want an example of actual mental illness they should read your OP.
And yet the UK is so much safer than your third world shithole. Suck on that !

UK has far fewer rapes for two very good reasons:

1. High incidence of homosexuality, particularly in Wales.

2. Incredibly high rate of impotence in males over the age of 17.

Maybe it's due to something you eat?

Or just like to suck?

I think they rape sheep or whatever :rolleyes-41:
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!
Has the NRA been arrested yet?
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

Did you even ready your link?

"In February 2017, Trump signed a bill that undid a regulation from Barack Obama’s presidency which said the Social Security Administration would have to report certain mentally ill recipients and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database,"

unable to handle their own financial affairs?

and that's cause to prevent them from owning a firearm to protect themselves?

You want some cubicle monkey at the SSA to decide what you can and can not do, what you can, and can not own?

That's a DOCTORS decision, not a CUBICLE MONKEYS.

"Did you even ready your link?"

Will darling Leftist Maniacs never read what they post, get with the programme already :smoke:
Funny how Gun Nutters like human targets more, overall.

I shoot at these..


it has a human shape, does that piss you off?

(it's also black, does that make me a racist?)

also have some like this


Definitely a human looking target.

(does that make me sexist?)

your ridiculous video showing someone shooting at mannequins makes you look...



So you would buy these FFS!?..

You do realize those aren't a real product, right?

Both sure are. The angel boards and the targets.
The NRA training is not free.

Plus you can buy these..

12 Gauge Flame Thrower - Dragons Breath - 3 Units Per Package

12 Gauge Flame Thrower - Dragons Breath - 3 Units Per Package - G12-013
Funny how Gun Nutters like human targets more, overall.

I shoot at these..


it has a human shape, does that piss you off?

(it's also black, does that make me a racist?)

also have some like this


Definitely a human looking target.

(does that make me sexist?)

your ridiculous video showing someone shooting at mannequins makes you look...



So you would buy these FFS!?..

You do realize those aren't a real product, right?

Both sure are. The angel boards and the targets.
The NRA training is not free.

Plus you can buy these..

12 Gauge Flame Thrower - Dragons Breath - 3 Units Per Package

12 Gauge Flame Thrower - Dragons Breath - 3 Units Per Package - G12-013

Both sure are. The angel boards and the targets.

proof you're a moron
No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

Did you even ready your link?

"In February 2017, Trump signed a bill that undid a regulation from Barack Obama’s presidency which said the Social Security Administration would have to report certain mentally ill recipients and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database,"

unable to handle their own financial affairs?

and that's cause to prevent them from owning a firearm to protect themselves?

You want some cubicle monkey at the SSA to decide what you can and can not do, what you can, and can not own?

That's a DOCTORS decision, not a CUBICLE MONKEYS.

"Did you even ready your link?"

Will darling Leftist Maniacs never read what they post, get with the programme already :smoke:

That was the Douche lies.. It did sign a new law.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness..
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person by the NRA, as the co-sponsors, and its members, and supporters!
Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

What does the NRA have to do with this?

How can he troll without mentioning the NRA?
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person by the NRA, as the co-sponsors, and its members, and supporters!
Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

What does the NRA have to do with this?

How can he troll without mentioning the NRA?
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!
Has the NRA been arrested yet?

Baz has babbled this idiocy before in other equally crazed OPs that the NRA are personally arming EVERY ONE who does a shooting spree, again illustrating that Leftism is a mental illness, nobody sane blames the NRA for people who lose the plot and kill people.

The NRA murders nobody. Guns kill nobody, guns do not kill people people kill people:


A gun is an inanimate object:


A gun is an inanimate object, a gun cannot kill another person, people kill people and if not with a gun then a knife or an auto or a chainsaw or a heavy wooden bat or a screwdriver or any heavy object at hand. So outlawing guns would mean nothing, reducing gun ownership would mean nothing, the only way to stop people killing people is to just ban PEOPLE....and also criminals will ALWAYS have guns. Period.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person by the NRA, as the co-sponsors, and its members, and supporters!
Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

What does the NRA have to do with this?

How can he troll without mentioning the NRA?

What so wrong pointing out the NRA?

Nations Radically Armed.
Nutters Radically Armed.
Numbskulls Radically Armed.

Take your choice.
All are bad before and after armed..

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