McDonald's reportedly temporarily shuts its U.S. offices and prepares layoff notices -- Thanks Joe!

We need another stimulus...or at least right wing loons do. Here's a wild idea; work more and post less.

Again, you have it completely backwards. Do you think it is coincidental that it is Democrats pushing for higher taxes on the “rich”? Here is a hint, it doesn’t affect most of them. Democrats are the financial drain on our country. Before you post the ignorant lunacy about blue states vs red states, it has been proven over and over that it is very poor Democrats in red states coupled with lesser ultra-rich in these states to accomadate for them that results in some of those states taking in more than they give. Remove the Democrats from these states and they are well into the black.
How is encouraging the indigent to stop posting and get better life skills a "government handout"?
Maybe we can agree on something here

Rather than giving street bums free food, drug needles and tents make them earn the food they eat by getting a job

Dont coddle “indigents”

Give them tough love instead

And we have you to thank for leading the way
demafasict regime will fall and this dark chapter of american history will come to an end.
Have you set a date for that, good poster 'struth'?
We all could make plans and re-arrange our dance-cards for when your End-Times Rapture Day comes.

For me and mine, well, we will go to the lake house and await the coming.

Thanx in advance.
Have you set a date for that, good poster 'struth'?
We all could make plans and re-arrange our dance-cards for when your End-Times Rapture Day comes.

For me and mine, well, we will go to the lake house and await the coming.

Thanx in advance.
I am not surprised you feel the end of the Demafascist regime is the "End -Times Rapture" - a lot of the enslaved folks of the Soviet Union didn't know what to do with their new found freedom either. Trust me it's not.

But the date this dark chapter of American history will end is Jan 20, 2025.
Except that it is a well known fact that the poorest of the poor are staunch Democrats.
Democrats are a coalition of all the scum of this country.

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check.

Environmental Wackos

Anti gun nuts

Welfare queens



Greedy union bosses

Moon Bats

Stupid confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
Maybe we can agree on something here

Rather than giving street bums free food, drug needles and tents make them earn the food they eat by getting a job

Dont coddle “indigents”

Give them tough love instead

And we have you to thank for leading the way
Couldn't agree more. struth needs to take responsibility for his life instead of blaming Joe Biden. Perhaps he can start a new trend...a conservative who stops pretending he's a victim. You should try it too.
Couldn't agree more. struth needs to take responsibility for his life instead of blaming Joe Biden. Perhaps he can start a new trend...a conservative who stops pretending he's a victim. You should try it too.
If you limit your tough love policy to one person you are just a typical lib hater

Apply it to everyone living on the street to be credible
If you limit your tough love policy to one person you are just a typical lib hater
All conservatives should stop pretending they are the victims (that goes for the few liberals who do as well by the way). You are the captain of your own ship.
Apply it to everyone living on the street to be credible
Coming from you that is particularly hilarious.
Couldn't agree more. struth needs to take responsibility for his life instead of blaming Joe Biden. Perhaps he can start a new trend...a conservative who stops pretending he's a victim. You should try it too.
I, like many Americans, are taking responsibility, and cutting spending on things like McDonalds, we are forced to do this due to Xiden's horrible policies that have caused the great xidenflation.
Duly noted.
But why that date?
And what leads you to believe such?

Thanx in advance.
that's when the new President gets sworn.

I believe it because the vast majority of Americans believe the Demafasicst regime has taken our country in the wrong direction

All conservatives should stop pretending they are the victims (that goes for the few liberals who do as well by the way). You are the captain of your own ship.

Coming from you that is particularly hilarious.
You are in deep denial

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