McDonnell backs push for investigation of Russia probe


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
McConnell Backs Push for Investigation of Russia Probe Missteps

The democrats want more investigations....well let us get to it...let the games begin.

"I think Senator (Lindsey) Graham has raised a legitimate question," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters. "I think it's not inappropriate for the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, with jurisdiction over the Justice Department, to investigate possible misbehaviors."
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Investigation inschemstigation...A grand jury needs to be convened post haste.
McConnell Backs Push for Investigation of Russia Probe Missteps

The democrats want more investigations....well let us get to it...let the games begin.

"I think Senator (Lindsey) Graham has raised a legitimate question," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters. "I think it's not inappropriate for the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, with jurisdiction over the Justice Department, to investigate possible misbehaviors."
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McConnell Backs Push for Investigation of Russia Probe Missteps

The democrats want more investigations....well let us get to it...let the games begin.

"I think Senator (Lindsey) Graham has raised a legitimate question," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters. "I think it's not inappropriate for the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, with jurisdiction over the Justice Department, to investigate possible misbehaviors."
[Full Story]

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I agree. Let the Dem House spend all of 2019 with unneeded investigations. Voters are watching and 2020 is right around the corner.

Let them waste their time and tax dollars on unneeded investigations. They will show voters how ineffectual and idiotic they are. I'd be willing to bet they lose the House in 2020.

Go Dems
And when this investigation finds nothing they should initiate an investigation of the investigation of the investigation.
We paid Mueller and his goons $25M to look at rooskie interference and he ignored the real the DNC, FBI, and DOJ. I think we should sue to get our money back.
What if the Ken Starr report had been given the Mueller treatment? Starr would give AG Janet Reno the report and she would type a 4 page letter stating her conclusion that no crimes were committed. Why is McConnell blocking a resolution to release the whole report?

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